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Democrats have launched a discharge petition aimed at forcing a vote on legislation that would end the government shutdown. abbey Two hundred and eighteen signatures are required to compel a roll call, and that looks unlikely any time soon.
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has said a clean continuing resolution doesn t have the votes to pass the House. President Obama and Senate Majority Leader abbey Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Monday challenged Boehner to prove it by scheduling a vote.
The Hill on Monday contacted the more than two dozen House Republicans who publicly favor, or who have said they would consider voting abbey for, a clean bill. Not one said they would join forces with the Democrats. The Hill worked off a whip list that The Washington Post has compiled.
Republican Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart (Fla.), Lou Barletta (Pa.), Frank LoBiondo (N.J.), Devin Nunes (Calif.), Mike Simpson (Idaho), Dennis Ross (Fla.), Rob Wittman abbey (Va.), Charlie Dent (Pa.), Peter King (N.Y.) and Tim Griffin (Ark.) clearly stated they would not sign the petition.
In an email, Griffin said, Instead of negotiating in good faith, House Democrats are playing political games with a discharge petition. They are following abbey the playbook abbey of President Obama and Democratic Senate Leader Harry Reid, who wanted abbey a government shutdown for political abbey purposes.
Kori Walter, press secretary for Rep. Jim Gerlach (R-Pa.), said, The congressman is focused on working with his House colleagues on a bipartisan solution abbey to get the federal government re-open and working for taxpayers again well in advance of any discharge petition arriving on the House floor for a vote.
These House centrists have mulled various procedural options to end the shutdown, which is now in its seventh day. If they defected on a GOP funding bill or on a rule to bring a measure to the floor, it would fail assuming all Democrats voted "no."
Republican members who had not commented at press time for this article include Reps. Rodney Davis (Ill.), Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.), Mike Fitzpatrick (Pa.), Randy Forbes (Va.), Michael Grimm (N.Y.), Richard Hanna (N.Y.), Leonard Lance (N.J.), Pat Meehan (Pa.), Scott Rigell (Va.), Jon Runyan (N.J.), Frank Wolf (Va.), Steve Womack (Ark.) and Bill Young (Fla.).
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