Friday, February 28, 2014

Τετράχρονο κοριτσάκι φτιάχνει φορέματα από χαρτί μαζί με τη μαμά του

Dian Fossey: No one loved gorillas more | Thats Life
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Τετράχρονο κοριτσάκι φτιάχνει φορέματα από χαρτί μαζί με τη μαμά του
To εντυπωσιακό doodle που μας περίμενε σήμερα το πρωί από την Google , ένα tribute στα 82α γενέθλια της Fossey που γεννήθηκε σαν σήμερα το 1932 στο Σαν Φρανσίσκο, μας θύμησε μία από τις πιο αυθεντικές μορφές αγάπης που έδειξε κανείς όχι μόνο σ αυτά τα ζώα της Αφρικής, αλλά σε οτιδήποτε έμψυχο. Μία ολοκληρωτική αφοσίωση που πέρασε τα σύνορα της Αφρικής και αφύπνισε τον υπόλοιπο překladač κόσμο για πρώτη φορά σε τέτοιο βαθμό, αποκαλύπτοντας τους κινδύνους που διατρέχει το φυσικό περιβάλλον της τόσο σημαντικής αυτής ηπείρου. Η αποστολή της να προστατέψει αυτά τα υπέροχα πλάσματα από τους λαθροθήρες, είχε τεράστιο αντίκτυπο στην παγκόσμια κοινή γνώμη, που με την ταινία Gorillas in the Mist του 1988, ήρθε και γιγαντώθηκε ακόμα περισσότερο.
Στο φιλμ του Michael Apted που προτάθηκε για πέντε βραβεία Όσκαρ, η Sigourney Weaver ξεδίπλωσε překladač με εντυπωσιακή překladač δύναμη την συγκινητική ιστορία της Fossey, της γυναίκας που τον Σεπτέμβριο του 1963 ξεκίνησε για το πρώτο της ταξίδι στην Αφρική . Θα της κόστιζε όλες τις οικονομίες που είχε κάνει μέχρι τότε, συν ένα δάνειο που πήρε από τράπεζα. Ωστόσο θα άλλαζε για πάντα τη ζωή της.
Στην αυτοβιογραφία της το 1983, το Gorillas in the Mist , όπου και βασίστηκε και η ταινία, θα γράψει πως ήταν η προσωπικότητά τους σε συνδυασμό με την ντροπαλότητα της συμπεριφοράς τους αυτό που παρέμενε η πιο σαγηνευτική εντύπωση από τη πρώτη της συνάντηση με το μεγαλύτερο είδος από τους πίθηκους. Ήξερε χωρίς αμφιβολία πως, με κάποιο τρόπο, θα επέστρεφε για να μάθει περισσότερο για τους γορίλες překladač σ αυτά τα ομιχλώδη βουνά. Και πράγματι επέστρεψε στο μέρος που την είχε αρχικά καλέσει ο αρχαιολόγος Louis Leakey -την συνάντησε σε μία διάλεξη στο Λούισβιλ το 1966- ζητώντας της να συμμετέχει σε μία μεγάλη έρευνα επάνω στους γορίλες που κινδύνευαν να εξαφανιστούν. Ο Leakey θα αποτελούσε τελικά και τον μελλοντικό της σύζυγο, με τον οποίο θα συνέθεταν ένα από τα πιο διάσημα ζευγάρια στην ιστορία της επιστήμης.
Η Fossey βρέθηκε δολοφονημένη το 1985 στην Αφρική και η υπόθεση παραμένει ανοιχτή, αφού οι υπεύθυνοι δεν βρέθηκαν ποτέ. Είχε προκαλέσει και ενοχλήσει τα συμφέροντα πολλών, κάτι που συμβαίνει με όλους όσους βγαίνουν από το comfort zone τους και κοιτάζουν την γενικότερη εικόνα. Η μάχη της όμως να προστατέψει αυτούς τους ευγενικούς γίγαντες από τους πάσης φύσεως překladač κινδύνους είχε πιάσει τόπο. Το Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International, συνεχίζει μέχρι σήμερα, ξεπερνώντας κάθε δυσκολία (ειδικά τον εμφύλιο πόλεμο στην Ρουάντα) να προσφέρει τις υπηρεσίες του σ αυτά τα υπέροχα ζώα.
Αυτά που η Fossey τα έβλεπε ως εξαιρετικά αξιοπρεπή, πολύ κοινωνικά πλάσματα με ξεχωριστές προσωπικότητες και πολύ δυνατούς οικογενειακούς δεσμούς. Κ

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Να sql server ειδοποιούμαι μέσω mail για σχόλια που θα ακολουθήσουν.

Η Dian Fossey, την οποία τιμά σήμερα η Google, γεννήθηκε στις 16 Ιανουαρίου του 1932 στο Σαν Φρανσίσκο. Μετά από προτροπή του μεγάλου ανθρωπολόγου Louis Leakey να ασχοληθεί με τους υπό εξαφάνιση γορίλες, η Fossey πέρασε 18 ολόκληρα χρόνια (1967-1985) σε ένα απομονωμένο βουνό της Ρουάντα, όπου μελέτησε όσο κανείς στο παρελθόν την κοινωνία των γοριλών και έδωσε μάχη για τη διάσωσή τους και την καταπολέμηση της λαθροθηρίας.
Στη διάρκεια της παραμονής της στη Ρουάντα, έγραψε το περίφημο βιβλίο της Gorillas in the Mist , που εκδόθηκε το 1983, παραμένει το μεγαλύτερο sql server best seller παγκοσμίως με θέμα τους γορίλες και μεταφέρθηκε sql server στη μεγάλη sql server οθόνη το 1988 με πρωταγωνίστρια τη Sigourney Weaver. Η Fossey sql server δεν επέστρεψε ποτέ στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες από την Αφρική. Βρέθηκε δολοφονημένη στην καλύβα sql server της στον καταυλισμό της Ρουάντα, στις 26 Δεκεμβρίου του 1985. Ο θάνατός της παραμένει ανεξιχνίαστος. Η τελευταία καταχώριση στο ημερολόγιο της έλεγε: Όταν συνειδητοποιήσεις την αξία όλων των ζωντανών πλασμάτων, μένεις λιγότερο προσκολλημένος στο παρελθόν και εστιάζεις περισσότερο στη φροντίδα για το μέλλον .
Related Posted in: Επετειακά Tagged: Animals , Dian Fossey , Google , google doodle , gorillas , Gorillas In the Mist , Ρουάντα , Σαν Φρανσίσκο , Louis Leakey , Stucano Closer Permalink Γράψτε ένα σχόλιο
Να sql server ειδοποιούμαι μέσω mail για σχόλια που θα ακολουθήσουν.
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I know that I need hope and the person must bend + past participle. What I saw is in doubt is what

New in the Spanish C: translation from Spanish to Danish (8) B: Addressing a style? Enhanced present? (2) B: Translation of Spanish (1) A: Hurtiiig help-Spanish (2) 7: Conjunctive or not? (3) A: SPANISH TRANSLATION (1) A: SPANISH translation (1) A: Correction of Spanish (1) A: A translation (1) A: Presentation in Spanish (2) A: translation (3) B: Verbalparifraser ( 2) A: help for correction of translation (3) A: little question latin (1) A: spaaansk .. small U.S. (1) C: Correction HELP PLEASE! (0) B: Spanish (1) A: Spanish - see or estar? (3) A: Spanish latin translation (1) A: Translation of sentence (3)
I know that I need hope and the person must bend + past participle. What I saw is in doubt is what I need to translate been to. I think umidlbart estar, but if it is true, what's it called so in the past participle? Am I completely wrong on that?

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Monday, February 24, 2014

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As another idea, I'd probably just translate sign the text next to it, or OCR'e text into the display, and a new translation of comfort there, instead of having to hold the phone up to the plate to read it.
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Sunday, February 23, 2014

New in Spanish donedeal A: Hurtiiig help-Spanish (1) 7: Conjunctive or not? (3) A: SPANISH TRANSLAT recommends: Translate phrase 1 (English grammar) Read by 10393 Translate expression 3 (English grammar) Read 2708 Translate expression 2 (English grammar) Read 3857 Translation Read by 151 Translations Read by 11 Translation donedeal Read by 117 Translation 1 (English translations) Read by 184 French translation reads of 88 Thanksgiving translation reads of 40
New in Spanish donedeal A: Hurtiiig help-Spanish (1) 7: Conjunctive or not? (3) A: SPANISH TRANSLATION (1) A: SPANISH translation (1) A: Correction of Spanish (1) A: A translation (1) A: Presentation in Spanish (2) A: translation (3) B: Verbalparifraser ( 2) A: help for correction donedeal of translation (3) A: little question donedeal (1) A: spaaansk .. small U.S. (1) C: Correction HELP PLEASE! (0) B: Spanish (1) A: Spanish - see or estar? (3) A: Spanish translation (1) A: Translation of sentence (3) A: SPANISH phrases hjææælp donedeal (1) V: Help for the training of Spanish required! - ... (0) A: Evaluation of delivery (1)
1) Gonzalo takes with Pedro, his neighbor Willy and Willy's daughter Silvana demonstrations where they sell small flags and cigarettes. 2) First, there is a demonstration against Allende, then there is a demonstration in support of Allende government. 3) Gonzalo visit Pedro's family in their modest house in slum settlements. 4) There he meets Pedro's mother Juana and his father Ismael, who is a drunkard. 5) The two boys are with Silvana, who flirts with them. 6) She kisses them and Gonzalo donedeal is fascinated by her. 7) Pedro also visit Gonzalo and is to a party which Isabel holder. (Dar una fiesta) 8) Gonzalos mother, María Luisa, taking him often with the rich Ochagavías occasion. 9) Gonzalo does not like to be there. 10) He knows that the mother had a relationship with the older man.
Gonzalo see va con Pedro, su vecino Willy y la Hija de Willy Silvana a la demostraciónes donde reversal banderas pequeñas y cigarrillos. Primero hay una Manifestación contra Allende y después que hay una manifesteción apoya al gobierno de Allende.
Gonzalo visita a la familia de Pedro is a su casa modesta the la barrida. Aquí Encontro a la madre de pedro Juana y al padre de él Ishmael tiene que es un borrachín. Los dos chicos están con Silvana también, que los flirts Ella los stu y Gonzalo está fascinado de ella. Pedro visita también donedeal a Gonzalo y va a la fiesta que hace Isabel La madre de Gonzalo Maria Luisa lleva él muchas veces afuera a el rico el piso de Ochagavía. Gonzalo no le gusta está. Sabe, que la madre tiene un relaciones a el hombre vieje.
1 Gonzalo see va junto con Pedro, su vecino Willy y la Hija de Willy Silvana a la s demostraciónes? / Manifestaciones (political demonstrations) donde reversal banderas pequeñas y cigarrillos. 2 Primero hay una Manifestación contra Allende y después que hay una manifesteción apoya al gobierno de Allende. 3 Gonzalo visita donedeal a la familia de Pedro is a su casa modesta the la barrida. en el barrio pobre. 4 Aquí Encontro be bent in contemporary a la madre de pedro Juana y al padre de él Ishmael tiene que es un borrachín. 5 Los dos chicos están con Silvana también, que los flirts flirtear (TO BEND in time, person and number) con "them" donedeal (flirting with = flirtear con) 6 Ella los stu y Gonzalo está muy fascinado de ella. 7 Pedro visita también a Gonzalo y va a la fiesta que hace Isabel 8 La madre de Gonzalo Maria Luisa lo lleva él ('él' may NOT be as direct object) muchas veces afuera a el rico el al piso de l Ochagavía rico. 9 A Gonzalo donedeal no le gusta está. estar allí (you do not have control of structures with 'gustar'!) 10.Sabe, que la madre tiene un relaciones a power una relación al hombre vieje anciano. . is = hay + undetermined number which is = is = que es / está ('who / which' is where a relative pronoun)
Last post C: Help with math pass (1) C: URGENT! Analysis - The little girl ... (0) B: The Three D's - Ogden Nash (0) A: How to write an English E. .. (0) B: Correction of delivery! :) (SPEED .. (0)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Last post C: How do I make 2.03 meters a ... (1) A: Help for the solution of equation (2) B: How mu recommends: Translate phrase 1 (English grammar) Read by 10393 Translate expression 3 (English grammar) Read 2708 Translate expression 2 (English grammar) Read 3857 Translations Read by 11 Translation Read by 151 Translation Read by 117 Translation 1 (English translations) Read by 184 French translation reads of 88 Thanksgiving translation reads of 40
New in English B: Statements (1) C: Translation (4) B: English essay (3) A: correction překladač of essay (1) B: Correct English (1) A: Ernie Breaks by Genevieve Scott (0) 10: englesk (0) B: English piece of 150 words (1) B: "Do" or "doing" (5) A: English translation (1) A: Sentence Errors English first subsample (2) B: English Passing (1) A: Help with grammar (1) A: Error Sentence (3) A: Extended Time (1) V: English homework help! English Litera ... (0) A: Change text on the present / past tense (2) 9: Essay Help! (4) B: The Tredelenburg Position (1) A: Sagprosaessay? how (0)
Hello I'm having a difficult sentence that I just can not translate. The sentence is strange but it is what it says that we need to translate ..! Translate: Is Julie kidnapped? And by whom, and which way.? My guess: kill Julie leg kidnapped.? And by WHO / WHOM, and som / what way.?
Last post C: How do I make 2.03 meters a ... (1) A: Help for the solution of equation (2) B: How much counter this error down? (1) B: Potency bill (2) 8: What does: Dams, Inland ... (1)

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Word Lens application combines augmented reality with character recognition to overstte signs from the camera in the iPhone. Click for larger photo. Sometimes you can not help but be impressed with what is possible today with technology and gadgets. A new app, Word Lens, in Apple's done deal App Store combines augmented reality and character recognition and formrp magically overstte whatever you point the camera mobile p It is hard to describe in words, so we recommend that you check out this video on YouTube, done deal but in short, replace the application of existing words on the sign and replace them with translation shall.
Dictionary costing five U.S. dollars so far works only with Word Lens TRANSLATION from English to Spanish done deal and Spanish to English. The application is free to download, but the two Dictionaries costs each ISR five U.S. dollars. No dictionary frst downloaded, symbols does you no internet connection, which makes Word Lens ideal for trips abroad done deal where you do not want to dataroame on mobile. We have short prvet Word Lens, and even if the application does not work just as perfect as promotional video - there are some issues with character recognition and location of the replacement done deal text - it stadigvk an impressive and almost magical experience to see the English words will be replaced with ditto Spanish. done deal Are you a trip to a Spanish speaking country, Word Lens dictionary probably the five U.S. dollars done deal vrd, and hopefully there will be soon several languages to choose from.
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Friday, February 21, 2014

With Google Overstp language school with talk feature in the app Google Overst you overstte from En

With Google Overstp language school with talk feature in the app Google Overst you overstte from English, French, German, car tax Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese, Korean, Russian, Czech, Polish, Turkish and Brazilian Portuguese. In addition to conversation mode supports 14 languages are text-to-text oversttelser now for disposal on 64 languages, text to speech can be used on 24 languages and speech-to-text p 17 languages . P Danish are text-to-speech feature, which means that Google Overst can speak Danish, but not yet understands Danish. Therefore, a tourist in Copenhagen car tax write (or perhaps speak) on its own language and get his phone to speak Danish separately. How do you say, "Where car tax is the nearest train station?" p German, French or Chinese? You dont need stick your head in a dictionary to find the answer, so long as you are bevbnet with an Android phone or iPhone app Google the top. It works in many ways like Google car tax Translate, you know from the net today. The beauty of the app is that you can talk to, so you do not have to type. It understands several languages - not Danish - s for us Danes will probably VRE easiest to speak English to your phone. Your ordstrm converted to text that you can read on mobilskrmen and subsequently choose to translate into other languages. It is possible to get app to solve your message car tax up on, for example, Italian, Russian or Japanese. We have prvet Google Overst the last while, and it works really ok. It is not always that it captures what is being said 100 percent correct, but you have the possibility of subsequently car tax to revise the text accordingly, no it pops up on the screen - or rerecord your message. Naturally you have also the opportunity to write a Danish text and get it translated. Oversttelserne is marked by the VRE process was carried out by a machine, but for simple rowing costs makes it really quite fine. You'll not want to involve you in the major academic discussions with your new friend in China if your phone to act as interpreter, otherwise there is a high probability that the conversation is being lost in translation. Google Overst is free and a fine addition to our services. It is not certain car tax that will be needed, but in a ndsituation, the VRE quite nice to have at hand. You can read more about Google Overst and download the app for Android here. It is possible to install it on your phone without taking your phone out of your pocket. You can read more about the trick here. You can read more about the version for iPhone here.
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Thursday, February 20, 2014

New in English B: Proper English (0) A: Ernie Breaks by Genevieve Scott (0) 10: englesk (0) B: Engl recommend: Review and tips for oral English exam A and B level reads of 13074 Primary sample 1 (A-level) Shown 4883 Baccalaureate oblique meadow B level in 2006 Read by 596 SRP: Bio: Cloning Eng: The Secret by Eva Hoffman reads of 117 A family man? Read by 342 A Journey analysis Read by 931 Calculus STX - No Aid Read by 3501 Translation 1 (English translations) french Read by 184 A horse and a bottle of whiskey Read by 445
New in English B: Proper English (0) A: Ernie Breaks by Genevieve Scott (0) 10: englesk (0) B: English piece of 150 words (1) B: "Do" or "doing" (4) A : English translation (1) A: Sentence Errors English first subsample (2) B: English Passing (1) A: Help with grammar (1) A: Error Sentence (3) A: Extended Time (1) V: English french homework help! English Litera ... (0) A: Change text on the present / past tense (2) 9: Essay Help! (4) B: The Tredelenburg Position (1) A: Sagprosaessay? how (0) A: English Job - Correction of errors. (2) 9: slavery history??? french (2) 9: A short summary of "Cry Freedom & ... (0) B: Translation (1)
"In the public debate discussed therefore eagerly, how best to serve the country's inhabitants to put the interests of society's general welfare of their own immediate needs, to show solidarity with the weakest and in general be loyal to the state and the grassroots community. One way to put this responsibility in the case was to invoke a non-patriotism. "
The focus of the public debat was on how best-to mold the innbyggere of the country two put the sake of the general welfare of the society above own immediate needs, show solidarity with the weakest and generally being loyal til the state and the national community. A way to put the focus on this was invoking a common patriotism.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

New in Spanish A: Presentation in Spanish (2) A: translation (1) B: Verbalparifraser (2) A: help fo

New in Spanish A: Presentation in Spanish (2) A: translation (1) B: Verbalparifraser (2) A: help for correction of translation (3) A: little question (1) A: spaaansk .. small U.S. (1 ) C: Correction HELP PLEASE! (0) B: Spanish lhdn (1) A: Spanish - see or estar? lhdn (3) A: Spanish translation lhdn (1) A: Translation of sentence (3) A: SPANISH phrases hjææælp (1) V: Help for the training of Spanish required! lhdn - ... (0) A: Evaluation of delivery (1) A: How do you translate'' has ... (5) A: Spanish :) (1) A: Help! (2) A: The translation of the phrase in English? (4) B: Translation of text (2) A: HJÆÆÆLP HAAAAAAAASTER! (2)
Last post A: What is the purpose of propaganda (4) B: redox (0) 10: englesk (0) A: The problem task (3) C: How did the financial crisis in ... (0)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

which has a large range of electronic translators / dictionaries, you can also here tested their vo

New in Spanish A: translation (1) B: Verbalparifraser (1) A: help for correction of translation (3) A: little question (1) A: spaaansk .. small U.S. (1) C: Correction HELP PLEASE! (0) B: Spanish (1) A: Spanish - see or estar? (3) A: Spanish translation (1) A: Translation of sentence (3) A: SPANISH phrases hjææælp (1) V: Help for the training of Spanish required! - ... (0) A: Evaluation of delivery (1) A: How do you translate'' has ... (5) A: Spanish :) (1) A: Help! (2) A: The translation of the phrase in English? (4) B: Translation of text (2) A: HJÆÆÆLP HAAAAAAAASTER! (2) A: Spanish translation .. Urgent! (1)
Hey. I would ask if there is anyone out there that sells an electronic dictionary. They look like little laptops, but it is only a dictionary. Or is there anyone who can recommend a cheap but good model. It must be able to translate from Danish to Spanish and from Spanish to Danish. why I seek this one, because I really have difficulty using a dictionary in book form. mvh
There is surely no using dictionaries in book anymore, it's too inconvenient. There are several good dictionary tion programs, on demand in a bookstore, where they can purchase or use on the link below.
Yes, I'm tion well aware, but it kind of electronic translators are not worth anything and can only be used to tourists or to play with. The translators I've tried have not been satisfactory. The serious user / student MUST use an electronic dictionary program installed on your computer, or use an on-line dictionary program - otherwise, you'd better use a dictionary in book form.
I have offhand not the names of at least 3 models I've tried, but this is also irrelevant, since no way I can recommend an electronic translator / dictionary, and certainly not for the translation of Spanish-Danish and vice versa, greater the opportunities tion / chances maybe to find a reasonably reliable translator between English and Spanish.
which has a large range of electronic translators / dictionaries, you can also here tested their vocabulary, which is extremely utifredsstillende just from English to Danish. This is my final answer regarding dissse electronic translators / dictionaries. anbefaler: ganoderma Oversæt udtrykket 1 (engelsk grammatik) laest af 10393 Overs anbefaler: ganoderma Oversæt udtrykket 1 (engelsk grammatik) laest af 10393 Oversæt udtrykket 3 (engelsk grammatik) laest af 2708 Oversæt udtrykket 2 (engelsk grammatik) laest Oversættelse 3857 af af af 151 laest Oversættelser laest laest Oversættelse af af 11 117 Oversættelse 1 (Engelske oversættelser) laest af 184 af 88 Fransk Oversættelse laest Thanksgiving Oversættelse laest af 39
Nyeste indlæg i Engelsk A: Hjælp til af rettelse Oversættelse (0) A: spørgsmål lille (1) A: spaaansk .. spørsmål lille (1) C: Rettelse Hjælp TAK! (0) B: Engelsk (1) A: Engelsk - be eller be? (3) A: Engelsk Oversættelse ganoderma (1) A: Oversættelse af sætning (3) A: ENGELSK sætninger hjææælp (1) V: Hjælp til af træning spansk Soges! - ... (0) A: Bedømmelse af Aflevering (1) A: Hvordan man oversætter'' har ... (5) A: Engelsk :) (1) A: Hjælp! (2) A: Oversættelse af på engelsk sætning? (4) B: Oversættelse af tekst (2) A: HJÆÆÆLP HAAAAAAAASTER! (2) A: Engelsk Oversættelse .. Hastert! (1) A: Hjælp til lidt spansk ganoderma (3) A: Engelsk evt. rettelser :) (1)
Gonzalo and his world: Gonzalo is a boy from a rich family. It's going to school is called St. Patrick and school have a priest called Father McEnroe. Father McEnroe we want that rich children and poor children meclan. The world of Gonzalo is not easy, but not lack food, clothing or money that black children. Gonzalo is not starving. But in the world of Gonzalo too much trouble. Gonzalo Queren no friends or lovers while her mother's friend's mother called Roberto gives him a book. Pedro and his world: Pedro does not have the same problems, but Pedro's family has no money. his family are poor. The problem in the world of Pedro's studies, because it is not normal for a guy who earns Pedro studies. It is very difficult. But Father McEnroe gives kids the opportunity to unfuturo.
Silava and their world: The world of Silana and pedro pareccersen. It is also a poor family. The difference is Pedro and Silvana school. ganoderma Silvana not going to school. Silvana has hate rich people, exept the new friend, Gonzalo. In this film the poor children are waiting in the future, but in Denmark all children have the opportunity to go to school ganoderma and earn an education. All children in Denmark have the possibility of a future good.

Monday, February 17, 2014 recommends: Translate phrase pons 1 (English grammar) Read by 10393 Translate exp recommends: Translate phrase pons 1 (English grammar) Read by 10393 Translate expression 3 (English grammar) Read 2708 Translate pons expression 2 (English grammar) Read 3857 Translation Read by 151 Translations pons Read by 11 Translation Read by 117 Translation 1 (English translations) Read by 184 French translation reads of 88 Thanksgiving pons translation reads of 39
New in the Spanish B: Spanish (1) A: Spanish - see or estar? (3) A: Spanish translation (1) A: Translation of sentence (3) A: SPANISH phrases hjææælp (1) V: Help for the training of Spanish required! - ... (0) A: Evaluation of delivery (1) A: How do you translate'' pons has ... (5) A: Spanish :) (1) A: Help! (2) A: The translation of the phrase in English? (4) B: Translation of text (2) A: HJÆÆÆLP HAAAAAAAASTER! (2) A: Spanish translation .. Urgent! (1) A: Help a little Spanish (3) A: Spanish if necessary. corrections :) (1) A: Help with Spanish (1) A: Spanish, 5 lines, anyone can spott ... (1) A: two sentences in Spanish (2) B: Help with Spanish translation. (2)
1 Make a summary of the text starting with "the text is about .." and using expressions like "He said to him (quen? = que?)," he tells him that .. ", he asks him .." Come with your take on the rest!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

In 2009, I and my girlfriend Per-a-half years in Nicaragua. prevodilac We wanted to learn Spanish a recommend: Spanish translation reads of 36 Spanish translation reads of 30 Spanish translation reads of 66 Spanish prevodilac student style Read by 733 Spanish letter reads of 27 Bajo la alambrada translation reads of 13 El Futuro De Eduardo Read by 13 Los niños de la calle Read 117 La Hija Del Puma, 49 Shown of 26
New in Spanish A: Spanish - see or estar? (1) A: Spanish translation (1) A: Translation of sentence (3) A: SPANISH phrases hjææælp (1) V: Help for the training of Spanish required! - ... (0) A: Evaluation of delivery (1) A: How do you translate'' has ... (5) A: Spanish :) (1) A: Help! (2) A: The translation of the phrase in English? (4) B: Translation of text (2) A: HJÆÆÆLP HAAAAAAAASTER! (2) A: Spanish translation .. Urgent! (1) A: Help a little prevodilac Spanish (3) A: Spanish if necessary. corrections :) (1) A: Help with Spanish (1) A: Spanish, 5 lines, anyone can spott ... (1) A: two sentences in Spanish (2) B: Help with Spanish translation. (2) A: Spanish style. Urgent! (1)
In 2009, I and my girlfriend Per-a-half years in Nicaragua. prevodilac We wanted to learn Spanish and our Spanish teacher Iris had said to us:'' prevodilac I have to go to Nicaragua, there is good language schools''. I have learned the language and many other very important things. I and Per are not lovers today. I do not love him anymore, and I will not live with him. I hope that I can return to Nicaragua to work at one of the country's orphanages, but I have to work first to earn money.
A 2009 yo y mi novio Per estuvimos mid año one Nicaragua. Querríamos aprender Espanol, y nuestra Profesora they Español Iris nos había dicho:'' Id a Nicaragua, ahí hay buenas escuelas de idiomas''. Yo he aprendido el idioma y muchas otras cosas muy importantes. Yo y Per no somos novios hoy. No le amo más, y no quiero vivir con él. Espero que puedo volver a Nicaragua para trabajar one uno de los Hogares infantiles del país, pero tengo que trabajar primeramente para ganar dinero.
A 2009 yo y mi novio Per estuvimos mid año one Nicaragua. Querríamos / queríamos aprender e spañol, y nuestra Profesora they Español Iris nos había dicho:'' Id a Nicaragua, ahí hay buenas escuelas de idiomas''. Yo he aprendido el idioma y muchas otras cosas muy importantes. Yo y Per no somos novios prevodilac hoy. No le amo más, y no quiero vivir con él. Espero que (+ subjunctive) puedo pueda volver a Nicaragua para trabajar one uno de los Hogares infantiles del país, pero tengo que trabajar primeramente para ganar dinero. Fine!

Friday, February 14, 2014

New in Spanish A: Translation of sentence (3) A: SPANISH phrases hjææælp (1) V: Help for the traini recommends: Translate phrase 1 (English grammar) Read by 10393 Translate expression 3 (English grammar) Read 2708 Translate expression 2 (English grammar) Read 3857 Translations Read by 11 Translation Read by 151 Translation Read by 117 Translation 1 (English translations) Read by 184 French translation reads of 88 Thanksgiving translation reads of 38
New in Spanish A: Translation of sentence (3) A: SPANISH phrases hjææælp (1) V: Help for the training of Spanish required! - ... (0) A: Evaluation of delivery (1) A: How do you translate'' has ... (5) A: Spanish :) (1) A: Help! (2) A: The translation of the phrase in English? (4) B: Translation of text (2) A: HJÆÆÆLP HAAAAAAAASTER! (2) A: Spanish translation .. Urgent! (1) A: Help a little Spanish (3) A: Spanish if necessary. corrections :) (1) A: Help with Spanish (1) A: Spanish, 5 lines, anyone can spott ... (1) A: two sentences in Spanish (2) B: Help with Spanish translation. (2) A: Spanish style. Urgent! (1) C: Eso si 1 task 25 F (4) A: HELP FOR CORRECTION OF SPANISH MISSION! (2)
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Help: Support | FAQ | leonhard euler recommend: Notes in Spanish Read 2454 The Spanish Civil War Read 1305 The Spanish Civil War Read 1290 Spanish Hitverber Read by 221 Spanish student leonhard euler style Read 733 The Spanish leonhard euler Civil War Read 1037 Spanish translation reads of 35 Spanish history reads of 19 Spanish letter reads of 27
New in Spanish A: Translation of the phrase (0) A: SPANISH phrases hjææælp (1) V: Help for the training of Spanish required! - ... (0) A: Evaluation of delivery (1) A: How do you translate'' has ... (5) A: Spanish :) (1) A: Help! (2) A: The translation of the phrase in English? (4) B: Translation of text (2) A: HJÆÆÆLP HAAAAAAAASTER! (2) A: Spanish leonhard euler translation .. Urgent! (1) A: Help a little leonhard euler Spanish (3) A: Spanish if necessary. corrections :) (1) A: Help with Spanish (1) A: Spanish, 5 lines, anyone can spott ... (1) A: two sentences leonhard euler in Spanish (2) B: Help with Spanish translation. (2) A: Spanish style. Urgent! (1) C: Eso si 1 task 25 F (4) A: HELP FOR CORRECTION OF SPANISH MISSION! (2)
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Thursday, February 13, 2014

I am a Spanish teacher at Nyborg business school. I want my students to know anything about it. I h

New in Spanish A: Translation of the phrase (0) A: SPANISH sentences hjææælp (1) V: Helping training of Spanish required! - ... (0) A: Evaluation of delivery (1) A: How do you translate'' has ... (5) A: Spanish :) (1) A: Help! (2) A: The translation of the phrase in English? (4) B: Translation of text (2) A: HJÆÆÆLP HAAAAAAAASTER! (2) A: Spanish translation .. Urgent! (1) A: Help a little Spanish (3) A: Spanish if necessary. corrections :) (1) A: Help with Spanish (1) A: Spanish, 5 lines, anyone soso can spott ... (1) A: two sentences in Spanish (2) B: Help with Spanish translation. (2) A: Spanish style. Urgent! (1) C: Eso si 1 task 25 F (4) A: HELP FOR CORRECTION OF SPANISH MISSION! (2)
I am a Spanish teacher at Nyborg business school. I want my students to know anything about it. I have seen many announcer for your products in Spanish soso newspapers, soso and therefore I ask you to send me some brochures on your laptops. I would like to see the detailed descriptions of past models. I hope you answer me as soon as possible. Best regards, Jens Jensen SPANISH:
Soy un profesor de español por la escuela de comercio one Nyborg. Quiero que mis estudiantes Sepan (any?) soso The informática. He visto muchos locutor soso para sus productos en los periódicos españoles, y por lo tanto (... I ask you to send me some brochures on your laptop?????). (I want??) Que contienen descripciones detalladas de los modelos soso del pasado.
Soy un profesor de español por en la escuela de comercio one Nyborg. Quiero soso que mis estudiantes Sepan (any?) Algo de la informática. He visto muchos locutor soso Anuncios para sus productos en los periódicos españoles, y por lo tanto (... I ask you to send me some brochures on your laptop?????). le Pido / ruego que me .... + Subjunctive (I want??) (Quiero / me gusta / prefiero + subjunctive) que contienen descripciones detalladas de los últimos modelos del pasado.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

New in Spanish A: SPANISH phrases hjææælp (1) V: Help for the training of Spanish required! - ... ( recommends: Translate phrase prince of persia 1 (English grammar) prince of persia Read by 10393 Translate expression 3 (English grammar) Read 2708 Translate expression 2 (English prince of persia grammar) Read 3857 Translation Read by 151 Translations Read by 11 Translation Read by 117 Translation 1 (English translations) Read by 184 French translation reads of 88 Thanksgiving translation reads of 38
New in Spanish A: SPANISH phrases hjææælp (1) V: Help for the training of Spanish required! - ... (0) A: Evaluation of delivery (1) A: How do you translate'' has ... (5) A: Spanish :) (1) A: Help! (2) A: The translation of the phrase in English? (4) B: Translation of text (2) A: HJÆÆÆLP HAAAAAAAASTER! (2) A: Spanish translation .. Urgent! (1) A: Help a little Spanish (3) A: Spanish if necessary. corrections :) (1) A: Help with Spanish (1) A: Spanish, 5 lines, anyone can spott ... (1) A: two sentences in Spanish (2) B: Help with Spanish translation. (2) A: Spanish style. Urgent! (1) C: Eso si 1 task 25 F (4) A: HELP FOR CORRECTION OF SPANISH MISSION! (2) A: Someone who will correct my style? (1)
My room: In the middle of the living room there is a table. The table is white. To the right of the table is a sofa. In the couch, two pillows. The pads are small. The pads are in the corner of the couch. prince of persia Behind the sofa is a large window. The large window in the corner. To the right of the sofa there is a television. Televisions are close to the door. The television prince of persia is black. The door is to the left of the TV. To the right of the sofa is a chest of drawers. prince of persia On the dresser is a picture and two blue lights. prince of persia In the living room there are also two paintings. The paintings are above the dresser. The paintings are large.
Mi habitación: En el centro de la habitación hay una mesa. La mesa es blanca. A la derecha de la mesa hay un sofá. En el sofá hay dos almohadas. La pequeña almohadas son. La almohadas están en la esquina del sofá. Detras part sofá hay una gran ventana. La ventana spruce está en la esquina. A la derecha all sofá hay un televisión. El televisión está cerca de la puerta. El televisión prince of persia es negro. La puerta está a la izquierda part televisión. A la derecha del sofá hay una cómoda. prince of persia A la una imagen cómoda hay dos y luz azul. A la habitación también hay dos cuadros. El cuadros están sombre la cómoda. El cuadros son grande.
My room: In the middle of the living room there is a table. The table is white. To the right of the table is a sofa. In the couch, two pillows. The pads are small. The pads are in the corner of the couch. Behind the sofa is a large window. The large window in the corner. To the right of the sofa there is a television. Televisions are close to the door. The television is black. The door is to the left of the TV. To the right of the sofa is a chest of drawers. On the dresser is a picture and two blue lights. In the living room there are also two paintings. prince of persia The paintings prince of persia are above the dresser. The paintings are large.
Mi habitación: En el centro prince of persia de la habitación hay una mesa. La mesa es blanca. A la derecha de la mesa hay un sofá. En el sofá hay dos almohadas. La almohadas son pequeña (kongruensforvirring!!). La's almohadas están en la esquina del sofá. Detras part sofá hay una gran ventana grande. La ventana fir the (adjectives must NOT be shortened by subordination) está en la esquina. A la derecha all part sofá hay un a televisión. El La televisión está cerca de la puerta. El La televisión es negr a. La puerta está a la izquierda del de la televisión. A la derecha del sofá hay una cómoda. A la una imagen cómoda hay y dos luces luz azul es. A la habitación también hay dos cuadros. El Los cuadros están sombre sobre / encima de la cómoda. El cuadros son grande. (Kongruensforvirring!!) TV / TV set = la televisión; electricity televisor

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Friday, February 7, 2014

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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Consequently only - systems that create w9 and maintain politicians, ministries, offices of various

Initiative for Immunisation Awareness, oz in March 2011 addressed the Prime Minister, Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic (Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic - Ed. Eds.), The Public Health Authority (Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic - Ed. Eds.) And members form the complaint, pointing out numerous effects caused by compulsory vaccination and system malfunction recognition and reporting of side effects of vaccination. At the meeting of the medical committee 26.I.2012 like to inform Members of the association, such as the Ministry of Health and the Public Health w9 Authority of the Slovak Republic to undermine the investigation into this complaint.
MH SR letter of 11.V.2011 been held that "there was not a permanent health damage ... The two children were reported adverse reactions after vaccination with BCG vaccine, in both cases a ... reactions without permanent sequelae. "The verification of PHA SR and SR-MH identified only those cases of vaccine injuries that doctors reported on RPHA (Regional Public Health - Ed. Eds.), Giving the impression that the other 40 cases of health w9 damage not caused by vaccination.
My response to the association objected. Ministry letter of 1.VII.2011 its position permanently and said: "We disagree with your assertion that the cases have not been sufficiently investigated. "The examination revealed yet even those of 40 cases of vaccine injuries that were reported by doctors to the SIDC (State Institute w9 for Drug Control - Ed. Eds.): Children with diabetes Marianne H. Lucie and O. - This is not the case appeared in the statistics SIDC because they lost. Revealed by the case of child diabetes reported to the SIDC parents Patrick R. Adverse reactions after vaccination found in control w9 or medical card. As a result of vaccination w9 blind Veronika B. it has registered in discharge letters and ophthalmologist. Simonka T. the oncological complication after BCG vaccine w9 has registered this fact all medical experts, but the case did not appear in the statistics SIDC or Public Health Authority, nor other six cases of complications after BCG.
Association subsequently requested a thorough investigation of cases PHA SR. Public Health Authority said that this has no competence, w9 but agreed to investigate possible cases of HSA (Bureau of Health Surveillance - Ed. Eds.). In December, the association learned that this procedure is not possible. Initiative for Immunisation Awareness therefore decided to consult w9 the medical committee Members. In his letter he writes:
"Nami-initiated scans confirmed our suspicions w9 - showed him the absolute system malfunction recognition, reporting and recording of vaccine injuries. And in addition, the inability to control! General letter concluded scans, nenájsť or reported cases and declare such a result as irrelevant, is unacceptable. ... We feel somehow cheated and that verification consider thwarted. Therefore, we turn to you, Members of the medical committee w9 with a request to carry out parliamentary investigation, as the Ministry of Health and the PHA investigated our complaint and what the real facts. In the current w9 state consider inadmissible penalize parents. For each medical act patient w9 has the right to be informed w9 about the procedure and grant him informed consent or refuse to act. It is unacceptable to use this legal right was bound to make it a misdemeanor and fined. After all, not only Western Europe, but also in Russia and Ukraine on the issue of vaccination respect the right of informed consent or not to grant. We refuse to be the last relic of totalitarianism. "
To the Ministry of Health is doing so according to him yet approached any parent whose child is refused a doctor vaccinated. If the parents with something such meeting, the resort encourages them to contact the Office of Health Care Surveillance Authority or directly to the Ministry. source:
Consequently only - systems that create w9 and maintain politicians, ministries, offices of various kinds, health are mutually riddled by corruption ... as an example here: SDKU M. Dzurinda - Passing on corruption #! Description:! Police investigate the contents of recordings ever! Politicians talk about a bribe, no one has investigated. From the perspective of criminal law is the whole thing barred.
We just wrote a complaint to the SIDC, even our reported case did not appear in the statistics. I have no idea how important and have the message when the following sweep under the carpet, we are disgusted with such an approach. We are wondering what can be the explanation.
"... The association subsequently requested a thorough investigation of cases PHA SR. In December, the association learned that this procedure is not possible ..." The discussion sessions are fighting the chest as they want I '

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

For maintaining data consistency of r. 1992 and 1993 with data from r. 1994 to 2009 So I figured th

It is known that in Japan it is temporarily moved DTwP vaccine inoculation second birthday of the child, in the second half of the 70 20 years century, infant mortality has fallen dramatically, especially for so-called. contact cars unexplained contact cars causes (sudden infant death syndrome = Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS = etc.). I believe contact cars (not just me) that much of the so-called. "Unexplained contact cars deaths" of infants (more precisely: 1 birthday child) is unexplained precisely contact cars because most doctors, who in their workload determine the cause of death, dogmatically refuses possibly related to vaccination.
The idea of this article is therefore more or less verify whether and how changes in compulsory mass vaccination of infants have signed the total number of infant deaths, ie. the number of deaths by 1 birthday child. Vaccination itself can cause many different diagnoses that have been aggregated data can not determine whether they could or could not be the result of vaccination. The diagnosis of "unexplained sudden infant death" is highly unlikely (see Japan) that was caused by vaccination. Therefore, we focused only on this diagnosis.
As input data were used movement data of the population of the Slovak Republic Statistical Office, specifically data on causes of death. These figures contact cars took place between 1993 and 1994, a change in the categorization of diagnoses - causes of death - from ICD-9 to ICD-10th ICD (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems = International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems = ICD) is a dial diseases, health problems and causes of death, which has several revisions and the revision number is part of the code mark. 9 revision (ICD-9) used purely contact cars numerical codes and to designate unexplained death was the code used to 798th 10 revision is more detailed than codes and uses a combination of letters and numbers. Original diagnosis "798 contact cars - Sudden death, cause unknown" from ICD-9 corresponds to the ICD-10 diagnoses of several, contact cars see eg. at NHIC - last page referenced document: R95 - sudden infant death syndrome R96 - Other sudden death of unknown cause R98 - R99 death without witnesses - Other ill-defined and unspecified causes of death
For maintaining data consistency of r. 1992 and 1993 with data from r. 1994 to 2009 So I figured the newer data diagnosis. R95, R96, R98 and R99 (in all cases only the number of deaths within the first birthday). contact cars After all, the definitions of these diagnoses are quite blurred, so that in certain cases it is possible to change one of them for another one.
Were only observed data on deaths in the first year of a child's life. Death, which occurred immediately after the child's first birthday or thereafter became part of the monitored data. It follows that the SIDS statistics in Slovakia received infant death from vaccination in the first year of life, but incurred after 1 birthday (ie BCG vaccine, Prevenar, Infanrix hexa respectively. predecessor) or death from vaccination after 1 year of life (MMR Priorix respectively. predecessor).
Input data were neither medical records and autopsy reports of deaths of infants that should be thoroughly examined to draw conclusions smerodajnejších. It's contact cars just a statistical survey, which suffers contact cars from a lack of essential input data (eg how many days after the last vaccination occurred SIDS), yet (despite all the imperfections caused by the austerity of the total publicly available statistics) indicates contact cars some trends, and these are, I think, remarkable.
All input data relate to the territory contact cars of the Slovak Republic, which means that do not involve children and Slovak citizens born before 1 Birthdays educated abroad, but data include children of foreigners born and 1 Birthdays raised in Slovakia.
During the reporting period (1992 respectively. 1993-2009) there have been several significant changes in compulsory preventive mass vaccination by age (changes in vaccination in the second year of life and later Showbiz, they can not affect the observed data): 1998 - introduction of mass vaccination contact cars infants against hepatitis B (HBV) 2000 - the introduction of mass vaccination of infants against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) 2005 - replacement of oral (administered by mouth) live polio vaccine (OPV) for injection inanimate vaccine (IPV) 2007 - replacement several older diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTP), IPV, HBV and HIB vaccines for six-component vaccine Infanrix hexa vaccine (DTaP-IPV-HBV-HIB) contact cars which, contact cars unlike the previously used one hand vaccines contain thiomersal (highly toxic preservative based mercury) and also contains a component acellular pertussis vaccine, instead of the previously used, which caused a lot of intolerable adverse events in 2009 - the introduction of mass vaccination of infants against pneumococcal