Monday, February 3, 2014

Initiative for Immunisation Awareness Society warns that deaths and adverse health due (with us sti

Initiative for Immunisation Awareness Society, a civic association of parents, many of whom are familiar from their own family health damage and even death as a result of vaccination, is added to the global call to commemorate the victims of child vaccination. Call for protests of the parents 20.I.2012 initiated xposed magazine Raphael Sirjacobs and Béatrice Dupont from Belgium, which as a result of vaccination just tragically died of meningitis at 7 day after vaccination, xposed magazine one of twins, two months Stacy Sirjacobs.
Initiative for Immunisation Awareness Society warns that deaths and adverse health due (with us still mandatory) xposed magazine vaccination xposed magazine occurs in Slovakia. Latest xposed magazine 6.I.2012 died of meningitis three-month Maroško of Orava 4 hexavakcínou day after inoculation and vaccination against pneumococcal disease. Although the causes of death and the boy may argue, it is certain that, had undergone vaccination would still lived. For deeply xposed magazine wounded parents allowed weight, if vaccination affected the baby's death directly or indirectly. The tragic fact that lost their baby son to not change anything.
The case mention the obvious parallels with the death of little Stacy. However, there are also differences, of which, except for the additional risk of live BCG vaccine against TB, on the other weighing pan which is the most serious that the hospital neglected Maroško However, xposed magazine Martin Faculty Hospital personnel killed boy fought wholeheartedly and when the baby fight lost the match, along with their parents crying child and primary ARO.
Nevertheless, we argue that the death Maroško is due to systemic weaknesses in the Slovak vaccination and health system. Of these shortcomings our OZ last March highlighted the Ministry of Health (through a letter Prime Minister), the Public Health Office and the Members of medical Affairs Committee showing 40 individual cases of ill-health and death due to vaccination. In these cases showed an absolute ignorance of the public and professionals about the risks of vaccination and speeches to be monitored in children after vaccination. Was also found deficiencies in the knowledge of immunology by paediatrics, of which only a minority knows the basic mechanism to switch from a Th1 immune response to Th2 that occurs following vaccination xposed magazine (except for BCG-vaccination), as well as in pediatrics few tracks in organisms child processes caused by BCG vaccination and connects them with the complications that occur in children. These experts are due to ignorance and the fact that even before the scientific community in Slovakia are omitted complications after vaccination, their high frequency, which for several years note, even by top experts vakcinologickí televised continue xposed magazine to claim that serious complications can occur only in one child in a million, and that all other cases are just random xposed magazine interplay. Finally it turned out that if complications remitted to parent - a layman, many of pediatricians and specialists deny automatic correlation, do not attach the weight and are also cases where a parent is the target of ridicule, coercion and threats, in case no discontinue vaccination of the child.
Unfortunately, among the respondents, constructive efforts to address this issue manifests itself only SaS and some individual members who understand the problem. (Details reactions of state institutions we stated in a press release on 16.I.2012.)
We believe that if our government institutions have taken warnings seriously, should be investigated in accordance with the original typing if their investigation was frustrated and if the contrary, it derived a lesson and would for example. nation-wide awareness of the professional public Maroško could possibly still live only on the grounds that his poor health in the immediate post-vaccination time sequence considered prudent and in the hospital before he could get.
Based on the above facts Initiative Immunisation Awareness Calls to rectify and properly inform the professional public s Foreign known fact, calls to take measures to statistics, introduction xposed magazine of real damage vaccination calls added to the Act 355/2007 on the protection, promotion and development of public health to become a recognition that vaccine injuries and calls to abolish the last relic of totalitarianism, compulsory vaccination and introduce voluntary - recommended vaccinations, as in the old Member States, but somehow already in Russia and Ukraine.
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