Initiative for Immunisation Awareness, oz in March 2011 addressed the Prime Minister, Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic (Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic - Ed. Eds.), The Public Health Authority (Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic - Ed. Eds.) And members form the complaint, pointing out numerous effects caused by compulsory vaccination and system malfunction recognition and reporting of side effects of vaccination. At the meeting of the medical committee 26.I.2012 like to inform Members of the association, such as the Ministry of Health and the Public Health w9 Authority of the Slovak Republic to undermine the investigation into this complaint.
MH SR letter of 11.V.2011 been held that "there was not a permanent health damage ... The two children were reported adverse reactions after vaccination with BCG vaccine, in both cases a ... reactions without permanent sequelae. "The verification of PHA SR and SR-MH identified only those cases of vaccine injuries that doctors reported on RPHA (Regional Public Health - Ed. Eds.), Giving the impression that the other 40 cases of health w9 damage not caused by vaccination.
My response to the association objected. Ministry letter of 1.VII.2011 its position permanently and said: "We disagree with your assertion that the cases have not been sufficiently investigated. "The examination revealed yet even those of 40 cases of vaccine injuries that were reported by doctors to the SIDC (State Institute w9 for Drug Control - Ed. Eds.): Children with diabetes Marianne H. Lucie and O. - This is not the case appeared in the statistics SIDC because they lost. Revealed by the case of child diabetes reported to the SIDC parents Patrick R. Adverse reactions after vaccination found in control w9 or medical card. As a result of vaccination w9 blind Veronika B. it has registered in discharge letters and ophthalmologist. Simonka T. the oncological complication after BCG vaccine w9 has registered this fact all medical experts, but the case did not appear in the statistics SIDC or Public Health Authority, nor other six cases of complications after BCG.
Association subsequently requested a thorough investigation of cases PHA SR. Public Health Authority said that this has no competence, w9 but agreed to investigate possible cases of HSA (Bureau of Health Surveillance - Ed. Eds.). In December, the association learned that this procedure is not possible. Initiative for Immunisation Awareness therefore decided to consult w9 the medical committee Members. In his letter he writes:
"Nami-initiated scans confirmed our suspicions w9 - showed him the absolute system malfunction recognition, reporting and recording of vaccine injuries. And in addition, the inability to control! General letter concluded scans, nenájsť or reported cases and declare such a result as irrelevant, is unacceptable. ... We feel somehow cheated and that verification consider thwarted. Therefore, we turn to you, Members of the medical committee w9 with a request to carry out parliamentary investigation, as the Ministry of Health and the PHA investigated our complaint and what the real facts. In the current w9 state consider inadmissible penalize parents. For each medical act patient w9 has the right to be informed w9 about the procedure and grant him informed consent or refuse to act. It is unacceptable to use this legal right was bound to make it a misdemeanor and fined. After all, not only Western Europe, but also in Russia and Ukraine on the issue of vaccination respect the right of informed consent or not to grant. We refuse to be the last relic of totalitarianism. "
To the Ministry of Health is doing so according to him yet approached any parent whose child is refused a doctor vaccinated. If the parents with something such meeting, the resort encourages them to contact the Office of Health Care Surveillance Authority or directly to the Ministry. source:
Consequently only - systems that create w9 and maintain politicians, ministries, offices of various kinds, health are mutually riddled by corruption ... as an example here: SDKU M. Dzurinda - Passing on corruption #! Description:! Police investigate the contents of recordings ever! Politicians talk about a bribe, no one has investigated. From the perspective of criminal law is the whole thing barred.
We just wrote a complaint to the SIDC, even our reported case did not appear in the statistics. I have no idea how important and have the message when the following sweep under the carpet, we are disgusted with such an approach. We are wondering what can be the explanation.
"... The association subsequently requested a thorough investigation of cases PHA SR. In December, the association learned that this procedure is not possible ..." The discussion sessions are fighting the chest as they want I '
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