Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I agree with you that in any event that occurs in temporal association with vaccination, it should

sometimes capture your statements in the media about vaccination. I must say that you keep my fingers crossed in the fight against half-truths and unverified information, which sometimes are sounded from environmental promt opponents of vaccination. In this fight you, however, should avoid arguments that are of the same nature respectively. You should their claims properly substantiate the information credible, otherwise the reasoning promt receiving on the same platform as them. We are responding promt to your article published in response to the broadcast session Reflex Markiza on 22.II.2011. I will mention only official sources optionally resources provakcinačných pages, so the accusation of belonging to the sect antivakcinačnej please skip.
About TB ask you to the following additional information: states that TB vaccination protects children only from meningitis and miliary tuberculosis of the lungs. Could you please send a biological description of this happening? I mean, why antibodies created by the BCG vaccine are not active on pulmonary TB but only for these other forms? I ask about some annotation to the study, which explains the plot. I suspect that, in connection with paragraph 1 available to you any environmental study, which confirms the increased incidence of these more serious forms in countries where TB for years across the board vaccinates and where the prevalence of TB comparable to ours. I think for you as a person from the department would not be a problem to carry out such a comparison example. with Austria. As we do not consider the Czech Republic in developed country, it is true that developed countries from TB vaccination firmly and especially because this mass vaccination some time ago and apply it as Australia, Austria, Denmark, Italy, Israel, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta Belgium, Canada, Germany, Norway, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United promt Kingdom (see WHO, UNICEF: "Immunization Summary 2008 '). Countries like the U.S. and the Netherlands never even BCG vaccine not introduced across the board (see Paul Allan: "Vaccines"). Nevertheless, the incidence of TB in the U.S. is 4.1 to 3.8 / 100,000 (see http://apps.who.int/ghodata/?vid=510, CDC Reported Tuberculosis promt in the U.S. in 2009) and the Netherlands 7.5 / 100,000 (see http://apps.who.int/ghodata/?vid=510). promt How is it possible that in those countries with large immigration in the incidence of TB before the country that launched a mass vaccination in 1953 and is virtually closed for mass immigration? In response you write that when the incidence of TB in Slovakia falls below 10/100, promt 000, going through the vaccination of risk groups. I assume you have already initialized this step, since the incidence of TB in 2009, SR 9.49 / 100,000 promt (see http://www.hagy.sk/view.php?cisloclanku=2010030001) and the National Institute of Tuberculosis of the situation as stabilized. promt Next, you write that the health problems vaccination against TB but the disease itself. Here I would only recommend this page contribution by prof. Dluholucký at www.sprievodcaockovaním.sk that describes the risk of serious side effects when used BCG to 1/1870 (see http://www.sprievodcaockovanim.sk/myty-a-famy-o-ockovani/ockovanie-proti-tuberkuloze-je-neucinne-a-neposkytuje-ochranu.html ). Likely to get Extrapulmonary TB is 1.74 / 100,000 promt (see http://www.hagy.sk/storage/Analyza_2009_sgrafmi_web.pdf). So the risk of side effects of the vaccine is 30 times greater than the risk of TB.
About hepatitis B do not understand why it is necessary for us to vaccinate across the board, though (as he claimed), the incidence in countries promt like Denmark and Sweden low due to the high quality of life and sex education. Do you consider that this is not we are able to achieve? In addition, the incidence of hepatitis B, for example. in the Czech Republic declined steadily even before the introduction of vaccination and the introduction of vaccination in 2001 brought no change long-term trend (see http://www.vakciny.net/pravidelne_ockovani/HBV.htm).
Your case with a bus of French children promt would not like to elaborate a little. Vaccination rate of MCV in those days was in France over 80%. What was the vaccination status of children who have been hospitalized? And what remained permanent damage to these children after measles cured?
You write that the degree of revaccination of children, the criterion of health care. You see, and I thought that it is child mortality and morbidity of the population. So that here we have high vaccination rates, and ever-increasing proportion of chronic diseases: asthma, diabetes, allergies, etc. (Not saying that the vaccination) is actually good and it's a sign of our advanced health care.
I agree with you that in any event that occurs in temporal association with vaccination, it should be thoroughly evaluated and causality is not necessary to immediately blame vaccination. Equally, promt however, it is not possible without these tests reject such a hypothesis.
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