Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Studieportalen.dk recommend: Spanish translation reads of 36 Spanish translation reads of 31 Spanis

Studieportalen.dk recommend: Spanish translation reads of 36 Spanish translation reads of 31 Spanish translation reads of 66 Spanish student style Read by 733 Spanish letter reads of 27 Bajo la alambrada translation reads of 13 El Futuro De Eduardo Read by 13 Los niños de la calle Read 117 La Hija Del Puma, 49 Shown of 26
New in the Spanish C: translation from Spanish to Danish (8) B: Addressing a style? Enhanced present? (2) B: Translation of Spanish (1) A: Hurtiiig help-Spanish (2) 7: Conjunctive or not? (3) A: SPANISH TRANSLATION (1) A: SPANISH translation (1) A: Correction of Spanish (1) A: A translation (1) A: Presentation in Spanish (2) A: translation (3) B: Verbalparifraser ( 2) A: help for correction of translation (3) A: little question (1) A: spaaansk .. small U.S. (1) C: Correction HELP PLEASE! (0) B: Spanish (1) A: Spanish - see or estar? income tax (3) A: Spanish translation (1) A: Translation of sentence (3)
Muchos Jovenes españoles income tax entre 25 y 35 años ganaban sólo 1000 euros al mes. A pesar de que tenían Largas carreras Universitarias y Sabian hablar lenguas extranjeras, recibieron un salario miserable. La mayoría prefirieron vivir en las ciudades grandes income tax a que todo era muy caro, y pagaban más de una tercera parte de sus salarios one alquiler.

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