It is known that in Japan it is temporarily moved DTwP vaccine inoculation second birthday of the child, in the second half of the 70 20 years century, infant mortality has fallen dramatically, especially for so-called. contact cars unexplained contact cars causes (sudden infant death syndrome = Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS = etc.). I believe contact cars (not just me) that much of the so-called. "Unexplained contact cars deaths" of infants (more precisely: 1 birthday child) is unexplained precisely contact cars because most doctors, who in their workload determine the cause of death, dogmatically refuses possibly related to vaccination.
The idea of this article is therefore more or less verify whether and how changes in compulsory mass vaccination of infants have signed the total number of infant deaths, ie. the number of deaths by 1 birthday child. Vaccination itself can cause many different diagnoses that have been aggregated data can not determine whether they could or could not be the result of vaccination. The diagnosis of "unexplained sudden infant death" is highly unlikely (see Japan) that was caused by vaccination. Therefore, we focused only on this diagnosis.
As input data were used movement data of the population of the Slovak Republic Statistical Office, specifically data on causes of death. These figures contact cars took place between 1993 and 1994, a change in the categorization of diagnoses - causes of death - from ICD-9 to ICD-10th ICD (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems = International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems = ICD) is a dial diseases, health problems and causes of death, which has several revisions and the revision number is part of the code mark. 9 revision (ICD-9) used purely contact cars numerical codes and to designate unexplained death was the code used to 798th 10 revision is more detailed than codes and uses a combination of letters and numbers. Original diagnosis "798 contact cars - Sudden death, cause unknown" from ICD-9 corresponds to the ICD-10 diagnoses of several, contact cars see eg. at NHIC - last page referenced document: R95 - sudden infant death syndrome R96 - Other sudden death of unknown cause R98 - R99 death without witnesses - Other ill-defined and unspecified causes of death
For maintaining data consistency of r. 1992 and 1993 with data from r. 1994 to 2009 So I figured the newer data diagnosis. R95, R96, R98 and R99 (in all cases only the number of deaths within the first birthday). contact cars After all, the definitions of these diagnoses are quite blurred, so that in certain cases it is possible to change one of them for another one.
Were only observed data on deaths in the first year of a child's life. Death, which occurred immediately after the child's first birthday or thereafter became part of the monitored data. It follows that the SIDS statistics in Slovakia received infant death from vaccination in the first year of life, but incurred after 1 birthday (ie BCG vaccine, Prevenar, Infanrix hexa respectively. predecessor) or death from vaccination after 1 year of life (MMR Priorix respectively. predecessor).
Input data were neither medical records and autopsy reports of deaths of infants that should be thoroughly examined to draw conclusions smerodajnejších. It's contact cars just a statistical survey, which suffers contact cars from a lack of essential input data (eg how many days after the last vaccination occurred SIDS), yet (despite all the imperfections caused by the austerity of the total publicly available statistics) indicates contact cars some trends, and these are, I think, remarkable.
All input data relate to the territory contact cars of the Slovak Republic, which means that do not involve children and Slovak citizens born before 1 Birthdays educated abroad, but data include children of foreigners born and 1 Birthdays raised in Slovakia.
During the reporting period (1992 respectively. 1993-2009) there have been several significant changes in compulsory preventive mass vaccination by age (changes in vaccination in the second year of life and later Showbiz, they can not affect the observed data): 1998 - introduction of mass vaccination contact cars infants against hepatitis B (HBV) 2000 - the introduction of mass vaccination of infants against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) 2005 - replacement of oral (administered by mouth) live polio vaccine (OPV) for injection inanimate vaccine (IPV) 2007 - replacement several older diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTP), IPV, HBV and HIB vaccines for six-component vaccine Infanrix hexa vaccine (DTaP-IPV-HBV-HIB) contact cars which, contact cars unlike the previously used one hand vaccines contain thiomersal (highly toxic preservative based mercury) and also contains a component acellular pertussis vaccine, instead of the previously used, which caused a lot of intolerable adverse events in 2009 - the introduction of mass vaccination of infants against pneumococcal
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