Tuesday, September 30, 2014

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Monday, September 29, 2014

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Trade with Russia, of course, decreases as it needed favorable conditions on both sides. At the same time, this situation is favorable in terms of the EU. And there is growing turnover - Sheremet said.
Germany gives Ukraine 25 million for housing for pereslentsiv and 500 million credit
EU officially postponed the introduction of a free trade area with Ukraine
Over the last three hours ATO positions multiclick were shot more than 10 times - Timchuk
Football. Ukraine national team made its way to the playoff selection multiclick for World Cup 2015
Top 34 Goals of the tour Primera Division
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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Help: USAID AgroInvest int (www.agroinvest.org.ua) - technical assistance project funded by the Uni

Americans help local farmers to trade with Europe | 7d.rv.ua Today kindergartens Rivne staff met with Mayor Vladimir Khomko int on the Day of Kindergarten. --- Back to levels last of our fellow prisoners Vitaly Teplyakov. --- On Saturday, September 27 in Rivne stay Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy. --- CEC registered for 7 candidates for parliament from 152 th District. Exactly. --- Regional Commission declared readiness satisfactory public service equal work in the winter. --- From October 1 to begin the new head of housing services int "promising." --- Max Kidruk equations int presented his new thriller "Cruel Skies". --- Rivneazot earned at full capacity. --- September 27 in Rovaniemi will be the first avtovystavka. --- From October 1 come into effect int new rules for granting subsidies for the population.
About the editorial staff Moşneaga Lyudmila Renal Natalia Kozhan Tatiana Snisarenko Sergey Furs Marina Boryslavivna Steliha Olesya G. Contact Subscribe Advertise Horoscope Announcements Jokes
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Of the American Agency for International Development (USAID) in cooperation with AgroInvest Rivne Regional Center for Investment and Development and Business Assistance Center will attract local farmers to study the implementation of food safety systems based on HACCP principles.
Participants in a 12 is not complicated steps, understand the basic concepts and receive concrete practical advice on the implementation of international standards of product safety. Particularly relevant these questions are for those food producers who carry out treatment, int processing or storage of fruits and vegetables.
As one of the co-organizers, Osovets Alexander, director of the Rivne Regional int Center for Investment and Development - implementation of the said system will help enterprises to improve the field of agribusiness quality of its products in accordance with international standards. This, in turn, will increase production and expand markets, which is especially important in the context of European integration of Ukraine.
If you are interested to participate in this event should register by sending a letter to rivne.rcid@gmail.com. Details int of the event can be found on the phone. (0362) 22.10.89. Venue: Conference Room Center for Business, m. Rivne, str. Gagarin, 39 (on the corner of Gagarin and Chernyak, 2nd floor). The event will start at 10:00 hrs., Registration will take place from 9:30.
Help: USAID AgroInvest int (www.agroinvest.org.ua) - technical assistance project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Chemonics International.
The project will work in Ukraine 2016. Its purpose is to promote agriculture in Ukraine and competitiveness of agribusiness, regardless of the legal form and scale. In addition the project aims to contribute to the export potential of Ukraine as a party of global initiatives to ensure food security. The project also aims to help Ukrainian farmers to better understand and protect their rights to land and thoughtfully dispose of their property to enhance the well-being of their families and Ukraine as a whole.
* System Food Safety Management (HAASP) is used almost everywhere as protection of consumers from the dangers that can accompany food. Implementation of food safety management required by law of the European Union, the USA, Canada, int Japan, New Zealand and many other countries. In Ukraine, the application of HACCP is mandatory for all companies involved in the production or the introduction of the food. Required int by law of Ukraine "On the safety and quality of food" and the "baby food". Implementation of food safety int management based on the concept HAASP is especially important in the implementation of the economic part of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU.
Stupidly save or look for alternatives - 3 Long forgotten is sometimes the best option. Unlike solar collectors, solid fuel boilers - not new to our market. int Rather, we can say that we are returning to an old long forgotten experience. But there is a significant difference between boilers designed for wood and coal, and modern automated int heating systems that are not only heated our homes, but also deprive us from unwanted biomass.
Two kilograms of gold !!! And it's annual general budget ... " int

- After the adoption of the decision of the Executive Committee meetings were held with the heads o

In Ternopil restaurants that allowed despite fireworks ban will take away the right to trade at night | Doba.te.ua
August 2 on the Call of Ternopil City Council in 1580 complained of non-enforcement of the Executive Committee "On additional security measures", which are prohibited at the time of ATO use of fireworks.
- After the adoption of the decision of the Executive Committee meetings were held with the heads of catering facilities, during which owners active directory informed of the need to respect that - says Mayor Serhiy Nadal. - However, on Saturday, we received a petition from ternopolyan with a list of institutions, which were probably fireworks active directory and fireworks. At the scene, went operational group of representatives of the municipal police and the city police department. " Complaints received at the restaurant Garden Hall , Alaska", "Day and Night", "Farm", "Ruth", "Peregrine Falcon" and "Pearl".
- Confirmed cases the use of fireworks in the restaurant Garden Hall and "Alaska" - adds Sergey Nadal. - According to police active directory facts constituted administrative protocols. But the fact of launching fireworks at the restaurant "Day and Night" was not confirmed, because the school did not work. Administrators of other institutions active directory have denied involvement in the use of fireworks, explaining their implementation in areas adjacent to schools.
Sergey Nadal adds that institutions which run pyrotechnics facts confirmed at the next meeting of the Executive Committee will be deprived of the right to trade in the night. A Repeated violations will be applied to these more stringent measures of influence.
Also, the mayor instructed the Department of Trade in cooperation with the municipal police ternopolyan find that despite the ban fireworks use and publish active directory their names. If you find a mistake in the text, select it with the mouse and use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Enter Related news:
Ternopil Regional State Administration begins the process of preparation for the heating season active directory 11:20
Ternopolyanynu to show "laugh comedian" gave 50 thousand and returned to the scene 3,886 views 23-year-old daughter Maria left and went to work in war sniper (Video) 3,075 views What they say in Kiev, lie - about the centurion Parasiuk rise 2,429 views Molfars Ternopil region performed the ritual "Putin will die" - 2,125 views Scout blogger Duk "right sector" reported the sad prognosis 1.667 views
Alex Qaeda: one heart and one breath - and only that way we will win! - 10 comments Moskal: "I am proud of the fact that he worked with Vitaliy Maksimov!" - 10 comments Derevlyany criticized the Act of 16 September and said, who goes to the polls on "Homeland" - 4 comments CEC registered as a candidate for deputy in Ternopil district Vitali Maximova - 2 comments debts entrepreneur Landyaku felt as seen documents - 1 comments
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2012 Doba.te.ua.

Saturday, September 27, 2014


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Most employers refused to comment. One of them, going away, said: "The city government does not sell." He also said that tomorrow morning will decide that. Read also:
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FEATURED NEWS Terrorists fired at least pro village near Mariupol. Inhabitants opened truth - expert 09.22.2014 Crimea could become the next hot spot - Advisor to the Minister of Defense General Staff 9/22/2014 refused to bomb the enemy tanks for the next refill MP - Right sector 09.25.2014 Sasha and Julia, the parents of Donetsk: "Sometimes that Frankivsk ask - why we, Russians, come here" 09/22/2014 settlers from Crimea and the area is TUs expressed a desire babel fish to learn Ukrainian language Russian military 22.09.2014 Body dumped babel fish in pit near Sverdlovsk 24 / 09/2014 babel fish
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Joke of the day Russian Stuck in the elevator, presses the call and hear the answer: - If you speak Ukrainian, press one! If you razhovaryvaete on English language Click two! He confidently presses the "two", and he voice answers: - Well, moskalyaka, caught ?! More jokes
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- Politics - Money - communal - Technology - Life Interview Photo Fotopidsumky week Videos About GALKA.IF.UA 2014. All rights reserved. Publisher: LLC "Agency legal technologies."
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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty - a non-profit information service funded by the Congress of the

Yatsenyuk - Putin: "You do not sell the air becometh"
Shqip evropaelire.org عربی iraqhurr.org Հայերեն azatutyun.am accidents narendra modi radioerkenli.com Azərbaycanca narendra modi azadliq.org Nohchyyn radiomarsho.com BiH / Hrv / Srb / CG slobodnaevropa.org Belarussian svaboda.org دری da.azadiradio.org ქართული radiotavisupleba.ge English RFE / RL Regional rferl.org Afghanistan gandhara.rferl.org Adыhэ khutynygharadio.com Қazaқ azattyq.org Kыrhыz azattyk.org narendra modi Macedonian makdenes.org پشتو افغانستان pa.azadiradio.org پاکستان mashaalradio.org فارسی radiofarda.com Româneşte europalibera.org Toҷykӣ ozodi. org Tatar azatliq.org Qırım ktat.krymr.com Turkmen azathabar.com Ўzbekcha ozodlik.org radiosvoboda.org narendra modi Ukrainian Crimea ua.krymr.com svoboda.org English Russia Kazakhstan Azerbaijan rus.azattyq.org Armenyya rus.azatutyun.am radioazadlyg.org Georgia ekhokavkaza.com Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan rus.azattyk.org rus.ozodi.org Crimea ru.krymr.com
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty - a non-profit information service funded by the Congress of the United States and which is broadcast on the Eastern and South-Eastern narendra modi Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia and the Middle East. Contacts Staff Legal Aspects Sitemap BBG VOA
Internet TV
Prime Minister Yatsenyuk urged Russian President Vladimir Putin "does not sell air." Yes Prime Minister Putin responded to the call to the separatist referendums on deposits.
Steering Ukrainian government Yatsenyuk calls Russian President Vladimir Putin "does not sell air." So Yatsenyuk narendra modi Putin responded to the call to the separatist referendums on deposits. "Vladimir Vladimirovich, you, as the president of a great country, ought not to sell air. If Russia asks to postpone a referendum on May 11, it is necessary to ask the Russian president was informed that no referendum in Ukraine 11 numbers are not planned. If separatists and terrorists supporting team of have to postpone that was not planned, it is their domestic showdown "- said Yatsenyuk. narendra modi Today, Russian President Vladimir Putin called separatists in eastern Ukraine to postpone plans for the so-called "referendum", scheduled for May 11. After meeting with the President of Switzerland, which currently chairs the OSCE, Didier narendra modi Burkhalterom Putin proposed pro-Russian separatists hold "referendum" later. He also called on the authorities in Kiev immediately stop anti-terror operation in eastern Ukraine. narendra modi
To leave a comment and have a great opportunity to communicate with other members of the forum, you can register. Some important publications will also be on Radio Freedom page on Facebook. There can comment without narendra modi moderator. Back
Protests in Russia against narendra modi the war in Ukraine and lies Putin
What about zustirch Putin Didier Burkhalterom? Thunder boomed and cowards up from the floor and obtryahuyut their suite. It's time for diplomacy to do. But cowards do not consider that Putin and not too weak and ten napuskaty can smoke where the fire and does not smell. Pretty scaring guarantors integrity of our borders and reaching your goal - separation of Crimea in Ukraine small blood "th, he is trying to intrigue around the presidential elections narendra modi in Ukraine and through them affect their outcome. First task of this game to the public - to humiliate Tymoshenko's rating, making several positive assessments regarding their joint political activity in the past and humbling to remember that some of Poroshenko. Doing so can significantly without the high costs raise the rating really desired candidate - actually Poroshenko that by buying in Cornu rating agencies already so-called "leader". Bets very large, and the costs - miserable. Poroshenko will be President - return to the country of all Russian oligarchs with exile and revolution as was. A Crimea narendra modi - will remain within. president will Tymoshenko - Putin never forgive what he zaprotoryv her play and soon it will create narendra modi a powerful army and take away power sposobov Crimea and Kuban, and p "Five area that is still being a part of that at the time (1919) it was also occupied. Yes, and impose reparations for twenty years. The prospect is bright. That took the case to blow dezy during a meeting with European envoy. And along the way had attempted to legitimize the so-called "referendum" in the Eastern regions of Ukraine. narendra modi In plain language this means to introduce a kind of terrorist activity in the territory of a sovereign state in interstate political debate. What to do when the plan to prepare the invasion of Ukrainian security officials busted and not today, then tomorrow perestrilyayut all its saboteurs? And then next yevrodyplomat. Stands and listens to what his ear is nice and all of a sudden really Ukraine on request narendra modi yevroposlantsya stop ATO and allow criminals noncon

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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Latest news 24/09/2014 flyeralarm 9:53 Is parents happy Kirovograd cash contributions to schools? 9

July 31, Deputy Mayor Sergei Vasil'chenko together with kirovohradkamy that implement their own products on the sidewalk along the street Transfiguration, tested, or Central Market ready to take a sufficient mass, category sales.
Accompanied by the Deputy Director of the Central Market Alexander pepper delegation came in the market and firsthand peresvidchylasya that such a place really is like outdoors with comfortable stalls and Indoor Market - Arise and sell their vegetables, milk or chicken. flyeralarm And on the first try, cavalry raids, to solve the problem once and failed. This prodavchyni flyeralarm who yesterday flyeralarm explained his desire is to stand directly on the sidewalk where a potential flyeralarm buyer moves especially dense lava, so that the market no available seats, there expensive, and "we are not allowed" - now changed flyeralarm tactics and, therefore, and motivation. It appears, from the street vendors do not just want to sell vegetables, milk, eggs and meat, and sell it all together at the same table. And it is sharply at odds with the generally accepted rules of trade.
Commentators who tolerate flyeralarm in his comments on the images of other participants in the discussion, the moderator will be banned without any warnings and explanations. Also, data on these users may be submitted to the Interior Ministry, if the internal flyeralarm affairs of the received request.
Yuri 23.09.2014 19:21 And yet fulfill: Do you understand, Mr. Vasilenko what the presence of ...
Latest news 24/09/2014 flyeralarm 9:53 Is parents happy Kirovograd cash contributions to schools? 9/24/2014 9:46 Kirovohrad journalists invited to professional discussion 24/9/2014 9:34 In September and October Kirovohrad sit for weeks without electricity 09.24.2014 8:41 Kirovohrad last held competitions for prizes judo Olympic champion (PHOTO) 24.09.2014 00:32 Details "warm welcome" Olesya Long in Kirovograd (VIDEO) 23.09.2014 21:15 Tomorrow Kirovograd proschatymetsya Hero - Guardians (PHOTO) 09.23.2014 20:31 In Kirovograd volunteers themselves sew underwear for Special Forces (PHOTO) 09.23.2014 19:10 in Kirovohrad threw the door Olesya 23.09.2014 18:07 Long New Village will be left without transport if the buses stop 09/23/2014 17: 00 in Kirovohrad flyeralarm staged a large family, who arrived from the East (PHOTO) 23.09.2014 16:23 In District 103 registered three candidates for people's deputies 09/23/2014 15:07 MP traitors fined up to 500 USD
Oleg September 11, 2014
Copyright 2014 Information Portal flyeralarm of Kirovograd - Buckwheat - News Kirovograd. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any materials only with the reference to www.gre4ka.info Email: [email protected]

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

During today

During today's meeting held in Kirovograd city council of ten women interrupted their scheduled agenda issue. The women, mostly from the Kirovohrad region, which daily come to sell the products of their manufacture.
"Give us the opportunity to sell and feed their families until such a situation. Make Street. Transfiguration csp individual stalls csp for the sale of products. Login to the market is impossible, because there is no longer any place in the ranks of dairy or vegetable. We promise to keep the purity of our trade places "- were women with his appeal.
Secretary of Kirovograd city council assured women that officials will take an hour to their questions. After the City Council will seek all opportunities to create space for the sale of agricultural products.
Commentators who tolerate in his comments on the images of other participants in the discussion, the moderator will be banned without any warnings and explanations. csp Also, data on these users may be submitted to the Interior Ministry, if the internal affairs of the received request.
Latest news 09/23/2014 19:10 Kirovograd Region thrown out the door Olesya 09.23.2014 18:07 Long New Village will be left without transport if the buses stop 23/09/2014 17:00 Kirovograd Region staged a large family, which came from the East (PHOTO) 23.09.2014 16:23 For District 103 registered three candidates for people's deputies 23/09/2014 15:07 MP traitors fined up in 500 09/23/2014 14:48 Kirovohrad csp collect socks military csp 09/23/2014 14:45 MP Son Berezkin will run from Kirovohrad 23.09.2014 14:26 Ivan Markov believes carriers blackmailer 09.23.2014 13:57 In Alexandria in support of the military held two fairs 23/09/2014 12:05 Kirovohrad looming collapse transport: trolley can stay 09/23/2014 11:58 Alexandria pedkoledzh want to connect KSPU 09/23/2014 11:53 Yesterday at Kirovograd last journey had a proud Kiktenka (PHOTOS)
Xenia Lisnichuk September 4, 2014
Copyright 2014 Information Portal of Kirovograd - Buckwheat - News Kirovograd. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any materials only with the reference to www.gre4ka.info Email: [email protected]

Monday, September 22, 2014

Well dying lion. Spustylsya reklama5 s emblem yudyna knee yzrayleva. Even veskost

Yatsenyuk Putin: "Do not sell air"
Shqip evropaelire.org عربی iraqhurr.org Հայերեն azatutyun.am accidents radioerkenli.com Azərbaycanca azadliq.org Nohchyyn radiomarsho.com BiH / Hrv / Srb / CG slobodnaevropa.org Belarussian svaboda.org دری da.azadiradio.org ქართული radiotavisupleba.ge English RFE / RL Regional rferl.org Afghanistan gandhara.rferl.org Adыhэ khutynygharadio.com Қazaқ azattyq.org Kыrhыz azattyk.org Macedonian makdenes.org پشتو افغانستان reklama5 pa.azadiradio.org پاکستان mashaalradio.org فارسی radiofarda.com Româneşte europalibera.org Toҷykӣ ozodi. org Tatar azatliq.org Qırım ktat.krymr.com Turkmen azathabar.com Ўzbekcha ozodlik.org radiosvoboda.org Ukrainian Crimea ua.krymr.com svoboda.org English Russia Kazakhstan Azerbaijan rus.azattyq.org Armenyya rus.azatutyun.am radioazadlyg.org Georgia ekhokavkaza.com Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan rus.azattyk.org rus.ozodi.org Crimea reklama5 ru.krymr.com
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty - a non-profit information service funded by the Congress of the United States and which is broadcast on the Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, reklama5 Caucasus, Central Asia and the Middle East. Contacts Staff Legal Aspects Sitemap BBG VOA
Internet TV
Prime Minister Yatsenyuk urged Russian President Vladimir Putin "does reklama5 not sell air." Yes Prime Minister Putin responded to the call to the separatist referendums on deposits.
Prime Minister Yatsenyuk urged Russian President Vladimir Putin "does not sell air." reklama5 Yes Prime Minister Putin responded to the call to the separatist referendums on deposits.
To entrust Ukraine
Donbas.Realiyi (Intelligence)

And By the way - myth about "nuclear shield" Russia sits lysh lasting in the minds Rossiyskogo telezrytelya, dezynformyruemoho prokremlevskymy telelzhetsamy. "In Russia not only ystek" to 1997 year "Term of operation starыh Sovetskij charge of nuclear missiles for boeholovok, but i plutonyya No, Avto Set new. Due old Soviet reklama5 The plutonyya s not yzhotovyt because ferent levels of As, As and in plutonyya in boeholovkah, irreversibly yzmenylsya isotope composition. Avto And Receive A new oruzheynыy Pluto and yzhotovyt New Projects reklama5 yadernыe zaryadы for missiles need it not just TIME - SPECIALISTS No, Machinery not in a working reklama5 condition. uteryana Even in Russia TECHNOLOGY payment of stem for tankovыh pushek, after Several First vыstrelov flew follows snaryadov the new tank was Rossiyskogo predskazuem. " A person not putler and polytycheskyy corpse. Someone boteks vneshnost poportyl (machine type Rasputnoy) - and someone brains ...
Well dying lion. Spustylsya reklama5 s emblem yudyna knee yzrayleva. Even veskost "nesolydnosty" Putin podderzhal uhrozhayuschym rыkom, kotorыm always preduprezhdaet svoyh enemies, reklama5 When vыdelyaet otpuhyvayuschye matter. G behayut so, that It seems substances It would vыdeleno scrolling reklama5 dopustymыh standards. I do not know - but in general worry for him. In Donetsk and katsapov "This reklama5 is so s vnutrennye Disassembly" - Senyu not pryhlashayut, zayavlenyyamy oskorblyayut, Nothing of Ukraine on do not know. Here psyhanёt Ochkaryk, ostavyt us alone with lыsыm fool, and What to do ?! In Europe, They say debylov many, ydty Tuda myself am afraid :(
Skilyky can lie - the media, and even Avakov yatseniuk bear such nonsense! Read the contrary! Kiev thugs burned people - blame russia, somewhere missed - blame Russia and my- yatseniuk and company climbed to power by illegally m due perevorotou committed right sector - white and fluffy !? Dear, no doubt, all will go on trial for "creativity"! It's only people who have never been in the army and have no idea about the consequences of such actions may give such orders! Marvel the serving - money does not smell !? Pastor Turchynov reads a prayer service reklama5 - as !?
Thriving Ukraine, its glory and will on us, brothers Ukrainians, fate smiled Dying our vanish, like dew in the sun, because reigns only we, brethren, in a. Souls and bodies we raised reklama5 for our freedom, for centuries we are brothers, the Kozak. Condition, brethren, in the bloody battle of San to the Don, in his native land will not let anyone reklama5 dominate; Black Sea we laughed and grandfather Dnipro radio, as in our own Ukraine fortune kvitniye. reklama5 Souls and bodies reklama5 we raised for our freedom, for centuries we are brothers, the Kozak. Persistence and true work of all of us unite, reklama5 Song will in Ukraine louder, the Carpathians vidob'yetsya, zhomonyt steppes, Ukraine glory was among enemies. Souls and bodies we raised for our freedom, for centuries we are brothers, the Kozak.
Radio Liberty 2014 RFE / RL, Inc. | All rights reserved.

I think a little differently - no question that the employee receives the rank vysokho gifts a day

No "russkava measure" in Uman district will build
08.18.2014 9:41
Foreign trade Cherkassy region was carried out with partners from 97 countries. Of the 88 countries that exported goods had the largest share: Russian Federation - 24%, Italy and Poland - 9%, Belarus - 7%. Imports of goods carried in 69 countries, of which the largest jupiter grades share in total were: Russia - 31%, China and Germany - 8%, Bulgaria jupiter grades - 7%.
In January-June 2014. exports and imports amounted to 321.3 million dollars. United States and 233.7 million. Compared to January-June 2013. export volume decreased by 21%, import jupiter grades - by 68%. The positive balance jupiter grades of foreign trade of 87.6 million. (January-June 2013. Balances were negative - 328,5 mln.).
The theme Cherkashchyna most productive trades with Russia Cherkashchyna most services provided Panama and Russia Cherkashchyna trades with 101 countries on Cherkasy predict significant reduction in chocolate and tomatoes "Bogdan" can shift production from Cherkasy to Russia
The whole day revolves film about him in public RSTBC, jupiter grades head of the district dumped several thousand in envelopes in the office and abroad caravan goes employees and "friends" with magical gifts. This is celebrating the birthday of well-known Heroy last year. What he wrote about Provse? Oh yeah: http://provce.ck.ua/zhorstkyj-dyktator-chy-mudryj-strateh-sekrety-uspihu-serhiya-tuluba/ Now Aunt Valya CHMYR, are silent. Did not you write about corruption !!!
Explanatory note to the decision of the Cherkasy Regional Council "On jupiter grades purpose Highlands VP as director of the municipal enterprise" Management Operating House councils and regional community property objects "Management of regional community property executive office of Regional Council submission on the appointment of Valery Highlands Petrovich as the director of the municipal enterprise "Management Operating House Councils and Regional objects of communal property. Upland Valery Petrovich, born in 1949, in 1972 he graduated from the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy and specialized - veterinarian. jupiter grades Work experience 10.1966 - 01.1967 - electrician Kanev "Dnieprostroi"; 10.1967 - 09.1972 - Student Ukrainian Agricultural Academy; 09.1972 - 06.1999 - Service in the Armed Forces; 06.1999 - 07.2000 - Assistant to the First Deputy, Assistant Deputy Governor; 07.2000 - 04.2011 - director of the municipal enterprise "Office of the building boards and sites of regional community jupiter grades property"; 11.2012 - 06.2013 - Assistant to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of JSC "NPO" Progress ", from 07.2014 till now - acting director of public enterprise" management manual of the House of Regional Councils and objects jupiter grades of communal property. "During the period jupiter grades of the communal services enterprises' management jupiter grades Operating House councils and regional community property objects jupiter grades "out of proven indicators of the financial plan approved in due course. jupiter grades According to the explanations jupiter grades Goskomtrud Soviet jupiter grades Union and the Secretariat of the All of 29.12.1965 30/39 On the procedure for payment of temporary protection "worker by taking the appropriate office approved the supreme governing body can not be considered as acting for more than two months. Due to effective labor legislation of Ukraine, regional property management community property executive office of Regional Council a draft decision on the appointment of Regional Council VP Highlands . appointed Director of the municipal enterprise jupiter grades "Management Operating House councils and regional community property objects" on entering a contract with him. Head of Property Management Koval regional community property executive office jupiter grades of Regional Council
Appointed as a pensioner, he 65 years contract 5 rokiv.Tse are 70 Appropriate Public Education jupiter grades nemaye.Z this issue was not discussed, generally not imposed, lustration person not proyshla.Znovu bezpredel.Porushennya for violations at pryznachennyah.Hiba are so poor Cherkashchyna on staff, we Bero with zakromiv.Naprashuyetsya conclusion: as should only need LYUDYNA.LYUSTRATSIYU in RSA nemedlenno.
I think a little differently - no question that the employee receives the rank vysokho gifts a day narodzhen6nya it Mojca not ask people who greet her the value of their gift, the question in our - our mentalyteti habit and give everyone: baby moved from the nursery to the senior group - Graduation Gifts and teachers ???? (Brad - for that, and they did the job they were salary), a doctor jupiter grades came to the reception - paid 50 - 100 UAH to not offended, so decided ???? (Same - nonsense, it also does the job), the head of the feast - to spend all the money in the family but please ??? (Just Brad and our habit to curry favor) T

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Related news: Members G20 decided to accelerate economic growth in Kyiv rose petrol After the boyco

Kurchenko continues to trade oil products in Ukraine mtv3 | Dyvys.info
In Kramatorske could not bear Lenin. Painted in national colors (photo, video)
As reported publication Liga, during which time he acquired several network stations in the Crimea mtv3 and Russia registered the company "Trading house" Naftogaz "for wholesale mtv3 sales of petroleum products in Russia.
However Kurchenko continued his work in Ukraine. According to sources mtv3 in the wording of the fiscal authorities in the first half of 2014 "Finanspromhaz" imported to Ukraine 5.23 thousand tons of diesel fuel from Mozyr Oil Refinery (Belarus).
Another 2.85 and 1.24 thousand tonnes respectively, "Finanspromhaz" set for Poltava Ore Mining and Processing Plant Constantine Zhevaho and Dnepropetrovsk mtv3 Metallurgical Plant, the Russian "Eurasian".
Related news: Members G20 decided to accelerate economic growth in Kyiv rose petrol After the boycott of the food industry lost 100 million NBU wants to free banks from the pension levy on currency Kyiv will receive 1.8 billion. UAH. to perform the functions of the capital
Recent publications Lviv University im.Franka participate in Ice Bucket mtv3 Challenge Terrorists fired again troop positions ATO (video) In Lugansk mtv3 incite enmity between Ukrainian - journalist (video) The National Security Council was told about the possible withdrawal of troops from Donetsk (video) rush pozhalilys drivers routes in the area Busk Terrorists fired Stakhanov mtv3 (video) mtv3 still blame Lviv State funds for "Euro-2012" in the center of Krasnoyarsk house fire (video) To Ukrainian soldiers conduct training under the "Delta" and "seals" - Semenchenko (video) Lviv will show the film "Lobotomija" Members "peace march" in Moscow singing "La la la ..." (video) On the "peace march" in St. Petersburg noticed representatives "DNR" Pashinsky: Ukrainian nation was born on the night of January 11 2014 (Video) How is enrolled Donetsk Students (video) Russian mercenaries fired guards, reconnaissance using Mi-8 and Mi-24 Poroshenko: Our guys protect not only Ukraine, but the entire Western world freedom Participants G20 decided to accelerate mtv3 economic growth Kyiv and regions "minuvaly" 702 times. Telephoned mainly from the area of ATO EU called "fully comply" in all fields of Minsk Memorandum for Peace in Kiev gasoline rose Terrorists fired around Mariupol In the Donbas for "truce" is watching 80 OSCE Route number 21 still will transfer to the city center? (Video) A boycott of the food industry lost 100 million Militants do not fulfill even the first paragraph of the Memorandum of Minsk - NSDC NBU wants to free banks from the pension levy on currency "peace march" in St. Petersburg (live broadcast, mtv3 video)
Dyvys.info Developed by web agency "Elite"

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Dyvys.info Developed by web agency

Advisor to the President, bomnegocio we are not going to sell the land and underground Ukraine (video) | Dyvys.info
Scotland voted: bomnegocio Country remains a part of the UK (video)
Related news: X-Factor in Dnipropetrovsk (video) Russian tanks moved in extreme checkpoint Zaporozhye region (photo) Defense Ministry denied bomnegocio the information on the use of nuclear weapons in Russia Moscow Zemfira sings in Ukrainian song "Ocean Elzy" (video) Shvaika bomnegocio come to Lviv
Recent publications Kyiv will receive 1.8 billion. UAH. to perform the functions of the capital in shelling militants village in the Luhansk region killed a woman - MIA Ukrainians living in territory controlled by terrorists, bomnegocio forced to change passports X-factor bomnegocio in Dnipropetrovsk (video) Russian tanks moved in extreme checkpoint Zaporozhye region (photo) Defense Ministry denied information about the use of nuclear weapons in Russia bomnegocio Moscow Zemfira sings in Ukrainian song "Ocean Elzy" (video) Shvaika come to Lviv activists created another video to the peace march (video) Lviv motorcyclist bomnegocio injured two people OSCE published a text of the Memorandum of peace plan in the Donbas (photo) in Donbas Today forty prisoners exchange the Memorandum of withdrawal of troops in the Donbas has begin today - NSDC As in Donetsk through shelling exploded chemical plant (photo, video) bomnegocio Ukrainian military were ambushed by Debaltseve, two killed bomnegocio near Mariupol on the territory of militants hear volleys of heavy guns (video) Street George Washington - Green made a ring: Changed Traffic At night in the area of ATO killed one soldier, 7 - wounded - NSDC-Zaporizhzhya chieftain bomnegocio traitors thrown in the trash (photo) "Naftogaz" buy currency directly NBU - Gontareva undeclared war with Ukraine will not prevent Putin pozasidaty Summit G20? Obama: Ukraine has enhanced cooperation with Washington (video) in Kiev for the fight against corruption will create a department of the Russian Federation troops continue shelling, charge "Tulips", prepared militants - Timchuk ATO forces destroyed 20 terrorists and their launchers "Grad" - press -center (video) Third Russian uninvited "humanitarka" instead arrived in Lugansk Donetsk Solar will save of Ukrainian gas war (video)
Dyvys.info Developed by web agency "Elite"

Friday, September 19, 2014

Related news: On the border of Crimea dug anti-tank ditches (video) Heroes new Ukraine: He saved th

To sell Gorlovka must receive permission from the "Bath" - Media | Dyvys.info
Shocking footage questioning soldier battalion (video)
Picture the following license signed in. about. Garrison Commander Gorlovki Bath and seal the Russian Orthodox Russian army and emblem posted on his page in Facebook Veselkin Vladimir, the website Gorlovka.ua.
Related news: On the border of Crimea dug anti-tank ditches (video) Heroes new Ukraine: He saved the platoon, and he was left without median a leg (video) Ukraine signed an agreement with Lithuania and Poland to establish median a joint military brigade median showed median traces of Russian Journalists "truce" (Video) Germany on the UN Security Council said that he never recognizes the annexation of Crimea by Russia median
Recent publications on the border with the Crimea dug anti-tank ditches (video) Heroes new Ukraine: He saved the platoon, and he was left without a leg (video) Poroshenko give an interview to Ukrainian journalists Ukraine signed an agreement median with Lithuania and Poland to establish a joint military brigade journalists showed traces n "truce" (video) Germany on the UN Security Council said that he never recognizes the annexation of Crimea by Russia Former French President returned to the policy of the United States on the UN Security Council: Russia has no reputation in the country that conducts objective investigations Prime Minister Scotland has resigned after the referendum Son Lytvyn also met members of the first trucks humanitarkoyu Putin entered the customs control zone President approved the ratification of financing the construction of the subway in Dnipropetrovsk Scotland voted: Country remains a part of the UK (video) Churkin proposes to create a new post under investigation Boeing disaster in Minsk began trilateral meeting of the contact group on the final catastrophe "Boeing 777" will be published in the summer of 2015 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands Ministry of Defence median warns of fraud prisoners violated the airspace of Russia and Sweden. The last note of protest said British fighter jets to intercept bombers flew near the border of Russia UK USA Ukraine will give 53 million on the war and the cold winter (video) Russia detained Lithuanian ship. Lithuania median is the ambassador of the Russian Federation Code of Ukraine shall withdraw troops and stop supporting armed opposition groups - Power In Ukraine could happen and fourth wave of mobilization - MOD militants violated ceasefire 480 times - Sergeev Ukraine refused to participate in Eurovision-2015 Semenchenko: From bondage released only 20% of fighters "Donbass" President of Germany supports NATO's eastward median expansion
Dyvys.info Developed by web agency "Elite"

Thursday, September 18, 2014

In Lithuania, there are three ways to solve the problem of sanctions through Belarus (7)

DELFI (V.Kopūsto nuotr.)
Advisor to the President of SEB Bank Gitanas Nauseda evening of 16 July on air broadcast "Hour of actual news" on Žinių radijas denied information that economists receive additional remuneration for their participation in television and radio broadcasts.
"We get a salary and it is, by the way, is not related, at least mine, with the number of news. I do not even have such quantitative benchmarks uma - how much should I give out the information, it would be absurd," - said Nauseda.
"In the past two years, the process has become strange, to be honest. I see that clearly manifested the so-called script forging news when a mold news. Their molded, not for the content or quality, but for the sake of quantity. There is a simple technique: write some information For example, reduction of interest rates by the European uma Central Bank. Essentially you translate information from English, from himself, nothing is added, through the Department of Communication uma and information is disseminated, as a journalist, for example he did not have time or do not have a desire to transfer the information, takes it and issues under that name, which provided information. Immediately count 5-6 texts, although uma the news is worthless, such news three a day can be issued, they are multiplying, multiply by 5, you get 15 and so on ... I like it unacceptable "- outraged work colleagues Nauseda.
It is strictly forbidden to copy and distribute the information uma provided on DELFI.lt, in both electronic and traditional media in any form without the express permission, and if permission is obtained, it is necessary to specify the source - Delfi.
In Lithuania, there are three ways to solve the problem of sanctions through Belarus (7)
Belarus may help some Lithuanian manufacturers and suppliers of raw materials, which are affected by the Russian embargo, however banal perekleivanie labels and falsifying the origin of the product get any loss of goods.
Russian embargo on the importation of food from the European Union in many ways reflected in the behavior of the Russians coming to Latvia, Estonia, Poland uma and Finland. This writes the portal LSM.lv with reference to the information in the transmission sounded "Dome Square" Latvian Radio 4.
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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

It is strictly forbidden to copy and distribute the information provided on DELFI.lt, in both elect

Employers better if the workers do not tell each other what kind of salary they receive, say interlocutors spanishdict portal LRT.lt. spanishdict
"So it is easier to influence the workers, and pets to appoint a big salary," - said the psychologist Gediminas Navaytis. spanishdict Economists Romas Lazutka and Ausra Maldeykene believe that publicity spanishdict wages would make the labor market more efficient.
Many employees, the employer in the first days warns that you can not spread the salary, spanishdict share information with other workers. Employees are left to guess what the salary is received by their colleagues spanishdict for the same job.
"Lithuanians love secretly consider their own and other people's money. Instead of working, they are a lot of time figuring out how to live their neighbors. spanishdict And if something does not know, then find out it it becomes even more interesting. Indeed, if you knew there was nothing to be interest, "- said Maldeykene.
"I do not think that our employers are particularly spanishdict insightful and create intricate designs. I think just are adopting American spanishdict tactics, you get as much as you are, and it solves the employer. Then and set the salary for someone who friendlier, nicer. Do not lose any because of this, the employer "I think losing" - continued Maldeykene.
Professor Romas Lazutka also confirms that companies benefit not call salary. "I think it's unprofitable businesses. If I earn a certain number, spanishdict but I can not find out how many are colleagues, that if I make an effort to take the post of head of department? How much time will increase my salary? If a person does not know, then no motivation "- summed up economist.
Lazutka spanishdict believes that employers are afraid of competition, fear that their employees entice. "For example, if an employee did not promise not to disclose the salary, others may offer him a lot of money." Maldeykene believes spanishdict that employers are afraid spanishdict of publicity, because otherwise, we will know how much profit they receive.
"The restrictions lead to a certain situation. Stronger than the one who has the information. For example, an employee spanishdict is looking for a new job, understands that gets a little, it is difficult spanishdict to live. He thinks that we need a better paying job, but as such it can be selected if the information limited? " - Asks Lazutka. He noted that in many companies is limited access to and information spanishdict about the average spanishdict salary.
Chairman of the Lithuanian spanishdict Trade Union Confederation Arturas Černiauskas said that salaries are not disclosed on the basis of the law on protection of personal data. He assures that workers rarely complain about the size of salaries do not speak publicly.
It is strictly forbidden to copy and distribute the information provided on DELFI.lt, in both electronic and traditional media in any form without the express permission, and if permission is obtained, it is necessary to specify spanishdict the source - Delfi.
Economist Ausra Maldeykene in an interview Žinių radijas pointed out that the State of Lithuania bright future is waiting - emigration rate increases, the youth is becoming spanishdict less employees allegedly paid a pittance, and the unemployed in general, she said, like lepers.
Leadership of the Lithuanian group companies Viciunai, which has a fish processing plant in the Kaliningrad region, says that the crab sticks of Russian stores will not - the company The company brings the raw materials for their production of the country for which the Russian spanishdict sanctions do not apply, so that the plant is practically reduced power, wrote in Wednesday's business newspaper Verslo zinios.
In Latvia the network of gas Statoil has announced that fuel prices down for consumers. This led to a downward trend in oil prices in the world. Soon it will be felt and consumers in Lithuania, if world oil prices do not start to recover. spanishdict
1999-2014 DELFI. Copyright 1999-2013 DELFI. spanishdict Jobs.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

It is important to note that the salary calculator Mojazarplata.by provides data on the median aver

Salary The salary of the Profile Form for employees to entrepreneurs Profile Profile / Free work Socio-medical assistance - Profile Staff Profile for media profile for freelancers in the media about the salary calculator FAQ salary calculator cost of living in a world map, cost of living - Profile FAQ about the cost of living average salary Minimum salary Minimum salary 2014 BPM BCH tariff rate base value of Legal Advice Legal Advice Employment Distribution of employment contract Contract Contract union Wages Payment of wages indexation of wages Selling Payment hospital Overtime Work on holidays weekend work Dismissal of Pension Benefit Parental rights and maternity leave benefits for children Basic value test decent work Labour Code Labour Law on the world map How to find a job How to find work Job and salary updates on the minimum wage in the Republic of Belarus torn
Only titles Consumer Price Index in Minsk is three times lower than in the most expensive cities in the world dreams and money Michael Grabowski As in Belarus changed torn the legislation on minimum wage salary webmaster in Belarus: the more experience, the higher torn the salary Salary artist theater in Belarus: Only 5 percent of the employees torn are very satisfied with their earnings Schedule transfer of working days in 2014 in Belarus Calculator torn wages in Belarus: Are you satisfied with your salary? Labor and Employment Law on the world map study WageIndicator: Teachers' salaries in Belarus - below only Egyptian colleagues What does forced labor in Belarus What stands silent in the summary of work Work in Belarus
Mojazarplata.by - a unique website that provides information to 1600 occupations in 20 industries. With it, you not only learn how earn colleagues in a similar position and with the same profile, but you can also evaluate their position in the labor market in Belarus.
Most people in Belarus, and other countries are weak, how to evaluate themselves on the labor market. Mojazarplata.by - a unique website that provides information to 1600 occupations in 20 industries. With it, you not only learn how earn colleagues in a similar position and with the same profile, but you can also evaluate their position in the labor market in Belarus. In addition, you will find Mojazarplata.by torn lot of useful information not only about the salary, as well as tips on how to protect their rights in the workplace, how to find a job and build a career. Salary calculator in Belarus: Do you pay as much as you deserve?
The project idea is simple enough. You fill out the questionnaire on work and wages, and the processed data back to the site in the form of a salary calculator. Thus, you get valuable information about the salaries of professional colleagues, which will help you to clearly focus on the labor market. Mojazarplata.by and save you from the incorrect questions on wages, which in some cases just need to ask. And not out of idle curiosity. If you conduct negotiations with the employer a salary increase, you should know how much your colleagues earn in other companies. And if you decide to change the direction of your career? It is important to know in this case, to prepare torn you like to increase or decrease in salary.
It is important to note that the salary calculator Mojazarplata.by provides data on the median average salary of the profession. Usually, they make up 30% of the arithmetic mean. In the same National torn Statistics Committee of the Republic of Belarus the average salary is calculated in the old way by finding the arithmetic mean. Learn more about the salary calculator >> About the work and wages in Belarus: Where do we draw the important information?
We rely on you. Mojazarplata.by data are based on information received from the Belarusians from all over the country. All data is strictly torn anonymous. We are not interested in the name of your employer or company name. All you need - is to fill in the questionnaire on the work on Mojazarplata.by. This procedure takes 10 minutes. The data is then returned to the site in the form of a salary calculator. Each completed Questionnaire torn Calculator torn makes salaries more reliable and complete in your best interest. On September 2013 questionnaires was more than 60 000 users. About the Foundation WageIndicator - Share and compare: Salaries, Labor and Employment Law and Career Opportunities!
WageIndicator Foundation began its work in 2001 in order to help create a more transparent market torn for workers and employers. Annual coverage of the network Wageindicator - more than 25 million people around the world. For more information about the Fund WageIndicator, visit wageindicator.org. Why?
More transparent labor market, in principle, improves the functioning of the economy as a whole. WageIndicator floor

And now let

Let's look a little deeper today, we come a little more carefully to the question: mailchimp what is this wage? What is it - the provision of grace, then, how much I favor (pity) or is it something that I'm worthy, part of my inner attitude. After all, what do we mean by this concept depends very much - and a sense of balance "give - get" and the ability to soberly assess the quality and quantity of their work, and equal, mailchimp in spite of the hierarchy of positions, relationships at work.
According to the latest sociological research, British scientists have found that the vast majority of people are getting their salary as a kind of allowances to meet their material mailchimp needs. And only a small part believes that the salary - this is not what he gets paid, and how his reward. Already feel the difference? A reward - it is a material equivalent to the spiritual, intellectual and creative abilities, which should increase in proportion to personal growth. And, with regard to the first category of people, then, as is characteristic of most symptoms to look at reality, when it comes to compliance, "what you need" and "what the enough" - there is someone "easy" and someone is not very discontent. But why? This implies, of course, mailchimp some more serious, requiring careful consideration of topics such as maturity in the management of its budget, then what I want and if I want it really is and others, but we'll talk about a little later, at the next meeting.
And now let's talk about our relationship to wages. What category of people to identify with you? If you with absolute honesty say that you are one of those few percent mailchimp of people who receive a "reward", then this article will be for you no more than exploratory in nature. But if you recognize yourself in the description of the first category, I hope, after reading, you will make a point of not only useful insights, but also change the attitude.
So why, almost immediately after the anticipation and expectations of its desired event - as salary, there is stress? Why is it growing? Why do I get the feeling that something is wrong in my life and something needs to be changed? And come to mind all known excuse: "But if the money was more then ... I would." And as we always easier and easier all the blame on external circumstances: the director, who "won on a wheelbarrow ride", and the miser and does not pay for his "other half", which you want this and that and the fifth and tenth, to the State in which such high tariffs and much more - ... so we fall into the trap. I call it so - a trap - and not otherwise, because it is a manifestation of the inner world can be compared to "... mailchimp and then ... Ostap suffered.", mailchimp An alcoholic who can not stop when the first drink ... drink alcoholic too trapped in his own ego, thinking that at any time be able to say to yourself, "stop", but .... it was not there ... the same way and we zamahnuv glass discontent can not stop ... bout begins. To the dismay of mingled irritation, it starts mailchimp to corrode from the inside first, then shipyasche gets out and bites someone or poison innocent people around us, and that the nastiest, most closest-they more than anyone defenseless in front of us. And do not even noticing when we again got into the wheel of Samsara, we are absolutely powerless before his millstones, before mailchimp uncontrollable anxiety, growing from somewhere intuitively understand that trying to control eludes us - the manifestation of the external world, people, circumstances and time. Let's be honest. Familiar to you? Revoked? That's mailchimp just it .... But I have good news for you !!! Only by recognizing ourselves, honestly and openly, that "yes, this part is in me ..." you can change the course of events. The only way you can break out of this trap, which cleverly puts you to your ego. Once you have recognized some fact, you have a choice, you became 50% more aware of, and therefore mailchimp can take other actions, such as not before. And the sum of the actions of life, and its quality depends not on the amount mailchimp of cash or non-cash money on your bills, or pockets, and from your inner state and relationships, both to themselves mailchimp and the world around them.
Of course, we all want higher wages, is not it? Ie remuneration, which we are grateful for our talents and dignity ... And if you have a question, "how mailchimp to change your attitude? What should I do? "- Then you are on the right track !!
If you imagine yourself in the place of your director, to whom would you want to raise the salary: the one who came to you with the position of "you owe me" or the one who confidently looks into your eyes, without arrogance, with the dignity of saying, what it might be useful for your company? And this I have for you ... there are a few secrets. But this is d

Monday, September 15, 2014

Forum Stars News Ratings Paparazzi VIP life Interview about all the stars on Fashion Fashion Trends

Interesting article Interesting article Interesting article Interesting souq article Interesting article Interesting article Interesting article Interesting article Interesting article Interesting article Interesting article Interesting article Interesting article Interesting article Interesting article Interesting article Interesting article Interesting article Interesting article interesting article
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... $ 35 a month! am well, I work for what used "not to be unemployed" ... work with 9-15. not married, no kids, 26 years old. everything seems to be good, and no one knows what my salary ... but self-esteem drops, and find a better job does not work (I sandwiched and shy).
ie it 1160 re a month? Yandex so issued. ie You are part-time, whether that work, or even a quarter? Now since at least 5300, or less than you? in our region 5300 Reply Report Permalink
Do not lie, author of wages does not happen. I can not even imagine what you can do for 1120 rubles a month! souq for the money no one will come out of the house. Brad did not carry. souq Already souq enraged! I myself an economist, a sn can not be. Reply to comment Permalink
Stuff like that! Do not lie, author of wages does not happen. I can not even imagine what you can do for 1120 rubles a month! for the money no one will come out of the house. Brad did not carry. Already enraged! I myself an economist, a sn can not be. and here can. the region depends Reply Report Permalink
Alice and here can. of the region depends on what region?! I live in Ukraine, we have a minimum of c / pl 1147 UAH = 4600 rubles. (In Russian min. C / pl 5205 rubles!) At 0.25 rate is 1301 minus tax. So it work 2 hours a day and not 6:00 as the author writes! Reply to comment Permalink
when I first (in 2008) took a job, I was ready even for 1200 re a month to work, just to get experience. souq Fortunately, I have not taken there. and I got a 3300 Reply Report Permalink
Alice when I first (in 2008) took a job, I was ready even for 1200 re a month to work, just to get experience. Fortunately, souq I have not taken there. and I got a 3300 title and duties which, Alice? Reply to comment Permalink
Sleepy Teterya Position and duties which, Alice? for 1200 it was the secretary in kindergarten. Once I asked if she could shorten the working day due to the salary as head has given me - why it is necessary to work out the money, we have an 8-hour day, where 3300 was also the budget, but not garden. Reply to comment Permalink
by stock, handyman know, usually those who live in dostatkekak you wrote - not handymen work, they parked somewhere in a warm place, usually in some prestigious souq company, a good position - even if the fool so I I doubt that you are living in prosperity worked as a laborer))) unless you are in some kind of forgotten African country live - then mozhnt be to believe, and so - theme - razvodilovo Reply Report Permalink
Stuff like that! From what region?! I live in Ukraine, we have a minimum of c / pl 1147 UAH = 4600 rubles. (In Russian min. C / pl 5205 rubles!) At 0.25 rate is 1301 minus tax. So it work 2 hours a day and not 6:00 as the author writes!
m know, usually those who live in dostatkekak you wrote - not handymen work, they parked somewhere in a warm place, usually in some prestigious company, a good position - even if the fool so I doubt that you are living worked as a laborer in abundance))) unless you are in some kind of forgotten African country live - then mozhnt be and believe, and so - theme - razvodilovo +++++++++ at what debility layout! Reply to comment Permalink
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You would be able to work with VO on undervalued work. Girls with higher education, tell you after graduation ever ... by (17 responses) you would be able to work on having BO prestige work. (17) The teacher souq in a Russian school abroad. Really? (32) apathy towards rabote.ne want to work! (10) Who came h

Average wages - is the amount of wages paid by the employer to the employee for the position (profe

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Average wages - is the amount of wages paid by the employer to the employee for the position (profession) and its member benefits. Dynamics of change of the average wage in Azerbaijan yelp (in the country) in 2008-2014, in manats yelp How is the size of the average employee's salary yelp in Azerbaijan? How is the average salary in Azerbaijan for employees who have worked less than 2 months? How is the average salary of an employee during the leave in Azerbaijan? How is the average salary during the leave if the employee worked less than 12 calendar months? What types of payments are taken into account when calculating the average salary in Azerbaijan? In some cases, yelp the worker retains the average salary in Azerbaijan? How much income representatives of specific professions? Dynamics of change of the average wage in Azerbaijan yelp (in the country) in 2008-2014, in manats 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 * January 230,291 302.6 325.1 368.4 398.1 426.3 232 292 in February 9 305.2 332.3 368.6 397.1 426.4 231.3 292.1 310.7 March 339.6 394.2 404.7 434.3 304.4 335.4 253 April 348.6 379.9 406.8 436.7 261.8 301.2 332.8 May 349.6 396.4 408.8 438.1 254.2 305.1 332.8 June 351.6 397.0 410.8 439.8 263.1 297.8 334.7 July 352.7 394.6 412.7 440.8 267.8 298.3 336.3 August yelp 353.7 396.6 413.8 266.8 289 in September, 9 341.4 354.5 396.9 415 287.8 289 341.7 in October 355.1 403.3 416.7 296.3 290.9 350.4 November 355.7 398.8 289.6 293 419 in December 7 354.6 363.1 428.8 423
And your salary is higher or lower than the average wage in the country? Fill in the questionnaire about the work and salary and find out how much your colleagues earn by profession How is the size of the average employee's salary in Azerbaijan?
In accordance with Art. 177 of the Labour Code, the average salary in Azerbaijan is determined by multiplying the daily wage by working days, which saved wages. Daily wage is found by dividing the total wages for two calendar months in the number of working days in these months. How is the average salary in Azerbaijan for employees who have worked yelp less than 2 months?
For employees, the Prophet

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The question is - do I need this loot? The year before, when Volodya told me to travel around the w

The question is - do I need this loot? The year before, when Volodya told me to travel around the world, I went to and from the planned route was about a quarter .. Good or bad, I do not know, but a quarter passed, anyway.
On return from my overseas in February of this year I set out to build. But do not build houses, as many people think .. and the construction of some scheme that allows to live independently of the cash flow.
In fact - why do I need money for food, if I know a place where I was fed for free? Free, that is, avoiding the question of money. coo I provide a service for the service. Food for consultation, accommodation for the repair, the site for hosting and so on ...
Currently eliminate 100% of the money supply treatment I did not work - I need to periodically pay for urban transport, sometimes buy food, pay even someone crying.
What I have at the moment: A site about building houses in Voronezh. From this site I have received calls of potential customers, which I, the extent coo of its competence, to shove their friends involved in one way or another building trade. Actually friends who are somehow connected with the construction.
Now on to the subject matter - one of these acquaintances, CEO of H Voronezh offered me a year of my work on it - the apartment. Work is to promote its services on the Internet.
Now I'm curious to know your opinion on this issue. Actually, you can ask leading questions, so I'll at least two pair up to the situation and realized what was happening. Welcome professional support, people knowledgeable in the housing and real estate matters.
Apartments, the matter is clear - a good thing. Wherever you end up not become live. The only question the honesty of Mr H .. - I believe in the best) But. In legal matters, I particularly ignorant, but I think it is possible and, definitely, it would be very useful to conclude with Mr. contract notarized .. Good luck!
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Recent Comments Lyubov Orlova to record my apartment a year zarplata- Anton to record my apartment a year zarplata- Julia to record Hairy wall Voronezh renat recording Border crossing points of the Russia-Latvia renat recording coo Border crossing points of the Russia-Latvia

Saturday, September 13, 2014

reads: 21690 Comments: 74 Houses delo for hobbits [13.09] In Novosibirsk began selling round the ho

reads: 18495 Comments: 72 SHE: Our women three sexual disorders" Renowned psychotherapist Michael Litvak revealed the secret of where to look for her husband, why it can not be arranged under and dangerous delo than a man who can not live without delo you
The average salary in the Novosibirsk region in January-March 2014 amounted to 25,249 rubles. As follows delo from the Novosibirskstat biggest average salary in Siberia - the residents of Krasnoyarsk region, it is 31 853 rubles., And the lowest in the Altai region - 17 918 rubles. Novosibirsk region was on the 9th place with a salary of 25,249 delo rubles. In this case, by the end of 2013 the average wage in the region was a little more - 25 598 rubles. In second place on the level of wages is located Tomsk region of Siberia (29,814 rubles.), delo The third - Irkutsk (29,607 rubles.). In Novosibirsk, the biggest average monthly salary in January-March 2013 was in the areas of finance (46,284 rubles). Governance, military security, delo social insurance delo (34,866 rubles.), Mining (30 919 rubles.). Most small salaries - in the areas of fishing, fish farming (13 140 rubles.), Agriculture, hunting and forestry (13,103 rubles.). NGS.NOVOSTI
All these statisticians Whacker! Enough to come to any village or clinic to prove it. 252 22 Accountant Guest May 28, 2014 12:13 This whole statisticians blatant lie! Enough to come to any village or clinic to prove it. Long ago, when I went into a commercial organization, my salary seemed to limit desires, but many years have passed, it has become a medium and did not add. And my ex-employees of budgetary institutions have indexation increase on paid services and get more than me. It is necessary to go back ............ delo 103 36 Lorry May 28, 2014 12:10 Long ago, when I went into a commercial organization, my salary seemed to limit desires, but many years have passed, she became a medium and did not increased. And my ex-employees of budgetary institutions have indexing ... More To it for pocket money and very little, and who is the ultimate delo dream! 123 1 Izzy Guest May 28, 2014 12:24 Who then is spending money and very little, delo and who is the ultimate dream! One CP 300 thousand. delo Rubles. And another 9 people RFP 10 thousand rubles., And the average ones get 40 thousand. Rubles. I love arithmetic and statistics:-) 98 4 Alex NSK 28 May 2014 13:31 One CP 300 thousand. delo Rubles. And another 9 people RFP 10 thousand rubles., And the average ones get 40 thousand. Rubles. I love arithmetic and statistics:-) My wife works as a teacher in a kindergarten. Never received the promised 15 thousand. Head goes and finds fault with something to "dirty" windows, then on or off the light, at the "noise" and other minor flaws. Note: cleaners, pencils, paper, pens and other trifles employees buy for their money. Often it is necessary to remain over time in the evening to sit with "zabyvashkami" wash the windows after every rain ... As for the nurses, delo they paid for 4000, so the turnover rate for the nurses just rolls. 84 15 AntiHydrargyrum 28 May 2014 12:44 My wife works as a teacher in a kindergarten. Never received the promised 15 thousand. Head goes and finds fault with something to "dirty" windows, then on or off the light, at the "noise" and other minor flaws. Note ... More
Add new comment All comments See also IKEA make love [13.09] In the Swedish hypermarket prices rose, there was a new "Love" collection and virtual fitting room - one click sofa is transferred to the buyer room
reads: 10361 Comments: 30 Bugrinsky Bridge: Miracles on bends (flash circuit) [12.09] Promulgated detailed diagram of the motion of the third bridge - the first three-story isolation would be the most difficult in
reads: 87700 Comments: 238 iPhone 6: buy a girl a shovel [12.09] Novosibirsk among the first to be able to create a new smartphone delo from Apple - he radically changed his appearance, has become a huge and look like on Android phones
reads: 38761 Comments: 212 food for their [11.09] New grocery retailer captures Novosibirsk using local food - chefs and retailers told what Siberian products worth buying
reads: 48592 Comments: 200 Quay in French [11.09] builder home Obi described the embankment construction with rubber sidewalks, benches and lanterns - has brought a number of gravel for understudy Bolshevik
reads: 21690 Comments: 74 Houses delo for hobbits [13.09] In Novosibirsk began selling round the house for 400 thousand rubles - builders borrowed technology delo in Japan
18:03 Metro appeared stickers "Mobile Ticket" (photo) 17:40 Novosibirsk received the right to ban the point of building 16:36 Novosibirsk fell the previous model iPhone 16:14 Buyer of used "Toyota" crashed the car and fled (photo) 15: 52 In place of the barracks on the street Russian grew house penthouse

Friday, September 12, 2014

Only titles Consumer Price Index in Minsk is three times lower than in the most expensive cities in

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Only titles Consumer Price Index in Minsk is three times lower than in the most expensive cities in the world dreams and money Michael Grabowski As in Belarus changed the legislation on minimum wage salary webmaster in Belarus: the more experience, the higher the salary Salary artist theater in Belarus: Only 5 percent of the employees are very satisfied with their earnings Schedule transfer of working days in 2014 in Belarus Calculator wages in Belarus: Are you satisfied expressz with your salary? Labor and Employment Law on the world map study WageIndicator: Teachers' salaries in Belarus - below only Egyptian colleagues What does forced labor in Belarus What stands silent in the summary of work Work in Belarus
Compare your salary income expressz counterparts. Use the salary calculator to do it is simple! Instead, to supplement the data, share their information about wages, filling out our anonymous questionnaire. Click and fill out a questionnaire about work and wages
Want to be the President or the Prime Minister? Maybe not: because wages have Richest Directors General or Richest actors and actresses is much higher. And if you have the oratorical skills or write a bestseller, then you can become one of the richest expressz authors. Click on the picture of Tony Blair and Bill Clinton expressz to find more detailed information about their income. Compare salaries expressz Richest politicians expressz around the world. expressz
If you dream of wealth, you should think about a career not in politics, and in sports - athletes income is much higher. Compare it really Belarusian sports stars receive much less than their foreign counterparts. You can also find out whether the different expressz earnings expressz Richest Richest players from tennis and whether Belarusians to learn to play golf, to catch up with Tiger Woods. Do you want to achieve wage Richest athletes who often sacrifice for the sake of your health?
Pope is content only with his holy dignity (check in the richest politicians). Judging by the size of the states of the same heads of corporations, especially in high-tech, they have "something of their own holy." Look at the so-called "modest" salary Richest general directors - Larry Page and Sergey Brin (both from Google). In contrast, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and John Donahoe (EBay) do not hide their income. Find out who receives more than $ 5 billion per year, and who - only 1 dollar.
It includes a small group of people - about 20 people. All - men. Mainly white and very rich. For them there is no problem to become a member of an exclusive club and receive a year ... $ 1. Some of them - Richest Mr. Director General shall, others - Richest policy. The reasons for which they receive expressz a salary of $ 1 a year - different. expressz But certainly it is not altruism. Big salaries are subject to a 35-tiprotsentnym tax and tax on shares - up to 15 percent. Look at what is actually in the state of the club members' Salary 1 Dollar ".
Men rule the world? Perhaps so. Among Richest general directors are still dominated by men. But more and more famous women have on their heels, and income, many have left behind stronger sex. Americas