Sunday, September 7, 2014

Gradually husband leonhard euler and wife begin to live separate lives. Wife eventually begins to r

Most women dream of marrying wealthy men. Until recently, the low income of the stronger sex was considered one of the main causes leonhard euler of divorce. However, more recently the psychologist Anne Edelstein found that high earnings and husbands are quite a significant risk factor for marriage. Why is this happening?
Ironically, leonhard euler Anna says Edelstein, astronomical amounts of male wages and income does not contribute to the strengthening of marriage, but rather, leonhard euler on the contrary, destroy the family. Man evolution itself has been defined the role of breadwinner. It would seem that if he copes with this role, provides a family, what more could you want? However, things are not so simple.
In the old days the ability to feed his wife and children was almost a prerequisite for marriage. And divorce was virtually no ... However, not all men had to work in the sweat of his brow to earn decent money. In rich families money and property were handed down, the head of the family often had to work in the usual sense of the word, should only control the work of other people ... Anyway, he had enough time to spend with the family.
Nowadays, things have changed. Business or building a career that guarantees a decent income, require the application leonhard euler of mass effort. Besides the lack of personal time, man is constantly experiencing physical leonhard euler and emotional overload. This minimizes the time spent with family, a man increasingly sits up late at the office, does not help around leonhard euler the house, refuses to visit trips, theater, travel to the country, and even on vacation households can go without it ... often comes to naught and sexual life, as a man does not have enough on her way to ...
Gradually husband leonhard euler and wife begin to live separate lives. Wife eventually begins to realize that her husband was in fact a stranger to her people, which is not too cherishes relations, "pay off" the money. This alone can lead to divorce. In some cases, a woman gets a lover who is not so provided, but who has time on it. It can go to him and as he shows her more attention than her husband.
There is another side to the coin. The man, who appeared free money can start to "look to the side." He often believes that it is entitled to "relax" after a hard work. He will have an affair with an employee, a secretary, and so on. Some of the "relax" in a sauna with "girls", remove prostitutes and even take a second family. Often they are young and beautiful mistresses only because it is accepted in their circle. In this case, the wife remains a "family man" and "the mother of his children," leonhard euler but she was something leonhard euler that does not help ... So, after learning about the intrigues of her husband, she can file for divorce. Sometimes it takes a man to divorce, believing that he and his wife moved away from each other, there is no understanding, and his wife at the age of not watching them, not something that "understands" and sleek colleague or a young mistress-model, in which the legs grow "from leonhard euler the ears" ...
If the husband is in the pursuit of money and career become less likely to be at home, you will pay less attention, try to talk to him. Find out how important the work for him. If it does not bring much satisfaction, only stress, maybe you should leonhard euler discuss alternatives leonhard euler - shift work, reducing the load, even at the expense of income ...
Do not exert pressure on her husband, demanding that he engaged in family affairs to the detriment of the work. This will only aggravate his stress and can lead to unpredictable results. It is better to discuss with him how long he is willing to spend with the family and that he was ready to do, except, of course, the "breadwinner".
Try to become an assistant to her husband. For example, in some situations, you can take over the functions of his personal secretary, to negotiate leonhard euler on his behalf, to create the conditions for successful operations, and so on. N. But at the same time try not to disturb him. All this will make you an integral part of his life and will help you stay close lyudmi.Darya Lyubimsky
Tests What you're a parent? Is it easy to offend leonhard euler you? Whether you are able to present themselves leonhard euler in dealing with other people? Ideal wedding. What is it for you? What is the ideal age for you man? All tests

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