Monday, June 1, 2015

Yogyakarta (ANTARA News) - About 1,000 businessmen from 20 countries in the Asia Pacific and Africa

Thursday, May 7th, 2015 23:21 pm | 7762 Views id Indonesian small and medium industries, work from home jobs industrial exports abroad, Foreign Ministry, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Yogyakarta (ANTARA News) - About 1,000 businessmen from 20 countries in the Asia Pacific and Africa asked for a variety of products and commodities of small and medium industry entrepreneurs Indonesia. "Implementing the economic function of the representative of Indonesia (Embassy / Consulate / KRI) will facilitate the request," said the representative of the Directorate General for Asia Pacific and Africa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Foreign Ministry) Dimas Samodra Rum in Yogyakarta on Thursday. At the business meeting entitled "Capturing Market Opportunities Asia Pacific region and Africa", he said they helped provide a list of product demand and desired commodity businessmen from various countries to the Indonesian SME entrepreneurs. "List of products and commodities demand Indonesia from various countries employers have been presented work from home jobs to the entrepreneurs of SMEs in Yogyakarta," he said. In addition, the SME entrepreneurs also had the opportunity to dialogue with officials of foreign missions in Indonesia, along with Indonesian diplomats who will be placed in the RI representatives abroad. "Until now, Indonesia's main exports to the Asia-Pacific region and Africa, among others, furniture, handicrafts, CPO and its derivatives, consumer goods, petroleum derived products, chemicals, garments, yarn fibers, motor vehicles, and marine products," he said. However, he said, these products are still widely exported via a third country due to lack of promotion opportunities as well as market data and the latest information on trade in the Asia Pacific region and Africa. The activity is part of the Foreign Ministry's efforts to "unearth" work from home jobs economic diplomacy which is expected to benefit directly to the entrepreneurs work from home jobs of SMEs, especially in capturing market opportunities in the Asia Pacific and Africa. "The event was a golden opportunity for entrepreneurs of SMEs to be able to play a direct role in boosting Indonesia," he said. According to him, during RI Representatives abroad work from home jobs much sending information requests and commodity products by local entrepreneurs but have not used much of the SME entrepreneurs Indonesia, among others, due to the SME entrepreneurs do not yet know how to proceed. work from home jobs "The event is expected work from home jobs to help encourage and facilitate SME entrepreneurs to act on the request," he said. He said the Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) welcomed the efforts of the Foreign Ministry to reach SME entrepreneurs in selling products and commodities Indonesia abroad. "It is expected that such efforts increasingly frequent and continuous so that the entrepreneurs feel the direct assistance and facilities provided by the Indonesian diplomats abroad," he said.
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