On Tuesday in the capital Kabul, a meeting with the Afghan Finance Minister Hazrat Omar Zakhiwalu said in a visit to publicize the Minister of National Defence Rasa Jukneviciene.
"There was until now the official correspondence with the Afghan authorities. Purpose of this meeting to inform the Minister directly and get political support for that as soon as we can to recover the money," - told BNS R.Juknevičienė.
"This raises the question of the year 2009, but since No significant progress was not, this is the goal now is to raise the issue and the political level. Afghanistan's finance minister, in turn, assured that he knew the situation and promised political support ", - explained the Minister.
Afghanistan Development Bank (Development Bank of Aghanistan - DBA), on suspicion of being financial fraud and the plundering of resources, is currently being developed, ayos dito part of the obligations taken over by Afghanistan's central bank.
Lithuanian army with DBA collaborated for several ayos dito years - since the autumn of 2007 until early 2009. It considered the funds have been used in Afghanistan ayos dito stationed Lithuanian Armed Forces units for maintenance.
After the DBA audit found that more than 21 million. Dollars misappropriated, plundered ayos dito and depleted, a large part of the money was transferred ayos dito to other banks. ayos dito Afganstano authorities had indicated that the former bank officials arrested.
International Afghanistan reconstruction ayos dito mission ayos dito involved Lithuanian army in 2008, the Bank held over 7 million. LTL 2009, have refused to banking services account remained frozen for about 2 million.
Lithuanian troops on the bank to hold the lack of funds, in turn, an internal investigation and subsequently to this fact a criminal case. According to the Armed Forces and is currently investigating the case of the Special Investigation Service.
Afghanistan, the British built the school may be closed (7)
In the tax office review found that the former Vice-Minister of Environmental Protection and the Deputy Mayor of Vilnius Stanislav Šriūbėnas not by legal income based on their assets. Informal knowledge is doubtful ayos dito whether S. Šriūbėnas legally earned half a million litas reported LNK "Knowledge."
Late on Friday evening, investigators at the University of Vilnius night criminologists, philosophers and psychologists have discussed with the audience as to why people make the most serious crimes - murder, or to distinguish a potential murderer, considered the sentences imposed for specific serious bodily injuries and murder.
The news of the death saddened Kazys Bobelis term president Valdas Adamkus graduated. They were brought together by fate Kaunas high school and later in exile in the United States, and after a while the competition for Lithuanian presidency.
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