Sunday, September 22, 2013

Your heart beat a person hears sound 10 dBA, 30 dBA noise causes the leaves rustling, the clock tic

Centre-Pagėgių noisiest place. | Meslaisvi
Currently Pagėgių municipal website published measurements. Total noise level was measured at three locations Pagėgių. Residential pawn shop areas NewYork pawn shop street 3 and Railroad Street near the eighteenth home. Third place was chosen by public area next to Pagėgių municipal administrative buildings, at Birute, Klaipeda and Vytautas streets. As one might expect, the noisiest place Pagėgiuose-city center. Here from 18 to 22 hours was measured sound pressure level exceeded not only the maximum but also the threshold sound pressure levels. During these hours of measurement, drove through the intersection of 95 and 7 light heavyweight cars. Even at night, from 22.00 to 6.00 at this point the noise level exceeds pawn shop the standards for such a time of day.
If the measured sound pressure in excess of just one decibel, not to give it up because of the decibel pawn shop level is fun, when expressed in units of its expression is greater than the lower 10. This means if 1dBA sound pressure increase at the same decibel, and maybe it would not be very much, but if the 65dB sound pressure to increase by one decibel, the noise will change significantly.
Your heart beat a person hears sound 10 dBA, 30 dBA noise causes the leaves rustling, the clock ticking, 40 dBA - Whisper, 50 dBA - rain and the usual language of 70 dBA - the famous language of 90 dBA - Shout, 95-110 dB - motorcycle 120 - an ambulance or police car siren, 140 dB - jet engine drone. Urban and household appliances noise ranging from 40 to 100 dBA. Fireworks noise level of - 150 decibels.
PageGate 60 place really deserved! (Video) filmed Kovo11 s march operator encountered horseback police doyen candidacy kept even with the police. (Video) site support is needed to Silutes Prosecutor's Office held a picket Driller Assistant 5cat.: I do not know good or bad professor conclusions only n ... spp: President: D. .. spp: petrol and the police for some reason, just pretend ... quieter village than in the city: I fully agree with the comment. I'm running to the village because of m ... Me: So maybe Shoot town and compare emits ...
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