The West Bank was vandalized Christian monastery
Examining the Christian and Muslim relations history, it is unlikely we will find an era when they interacted peacefully and constructively. It is true that in the Middle Ages was the scholastics from Arabic texts available to learn something important about ancient Greek philosophy was a time when European merchants had amassed large profits from trade with Muslim eastern saas edges.
However, these stages are short and peaceful contact points - especially brittle. saas It is much wider and deeper spread confrontation occurred saas after the Muslim prophet Muhammad's death (632 m.), When started unexpectedly successful in the Arab expansion, disclosed avowed Muslim aggressive saas posture towards infidels.
Less than a hundred years old, and jihad (holy war) adepts already owns the land from the Iberian Peninsula in the west to the Indian peninsula in the east. Further expansion into Europe Arabs stopped only because the critical point (the seventh century. Late VIII c.) By stopping the Byzantine Empire. Muslims plan to conquer Western Europe, too, collapsed when 732 m. at Poitiers city Franks led by Charles saas Martel led the army to retreat.
It took centuries before the Iberian Peninsula Christians drove the Muslims out of their land, and large crusaders sacrifices that Muslim pressure on the Byzantine Empire prisloptų at least several centuries. In world history we know that the Crusades ended in failure, and from the fourteenth century. restarting brewed Muslims, saas this time led by the Ottoman saas Turks finally usurped the Byzantine Empire, most of the Balkans and a significant contribution to the national economic, social, and cultural stagnation.
Ottoman administration to be a key factor that led to the region behind the Western and Central Europe. Need to enjoy the Turkish Ottoman expansion in Hungary not progressed further, but it achieved saas very high effort. Resulted in a lot of European nations - Catholic and Protestant - show of solidarity, which is a beautiful example of one of the liberation of the Turkish siege in 1683.
Instant ran through the centuries, it is clear that, from a historical perspective, and today the Muslim attacks on Christians to be considered as a continuation of the old stories. In this article, we will discuss only some of the persecution of Christians in Africa and Asia despite the fact that it is obvious that this phenomenon that is more worrying. Need to admit horrific barbarity in our time deepening and expanding not only the terrorist fanaticism, but also for the West's failure to adequately understand saas what the extent of the problem. saas
Every era has specific features, not the exception, and the twenty-first century. start, but the most striking, that the fierce persecution of Christians in some respects unprecedented, even from a predominantly Muslim country a historical perspective. Some of the many centuries-held Christian communities at a time when there is a real threat of extinction. One example saas of southeast Turkey, near the border with Syria and Iraq, Tur Abdin still alive one of the oldest Christian monasteries - is a Christian Aramaic, the people speaking the same language that Jesus spoke, religious center. The twentieth century. forced migration saas and discriminatory local Muslim government policies have contributed saas to this community was on the verge of extinction (1). This situation is not anywhere in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq or Saudi Arabia, saas but also in Turkey, which is considered a secular Muslim country, and among other things, is a member of NATO ... So what to expect in those Muslim countries where radical Islamism adepts manifests much more actively and openly?
The overall picture of the situation of Christians in our concern for the countries give some material provided by the international Christian organizations such as Christian saas Solidarity International (Christian Solidarity International) and International Christian Concern '(International Christian Concern).
Iran currently has captured the attention of the international community, too, are amongst the fiercest oppressive Christian. They are constantly saas threatened, they are discriminated against without justification imprisoned, tortured and killed, and the exercise of state bodies.
"International Christian solidarity" in 1977. Swiss priest Hans founded Stückelbergas. saas The goal - to fight for religious freedom saas and human dignity, support the victims of religious persecution, redemption of Christian slaves converted (2). "International Christian care" mission similar - both spiritually and materially to support persecuted Christians. In addition, the organization collects and disseminates information about the Christian situation especially problematic in countries actively pursuing the persecuted voice heard by the mighty of this world (3). Every year, concluded a shameful ten countries where Christians are in the year has been the most persecuted list. And it must be said that the cruelty of the persecutions of just one race with k
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