Sunday, December 14, 2014

Before attending senators, members of the Macedonian-Canadian Friendship Group in the Parliament of

Ivanov: To share and privileges, not only the risks of NATO | news
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Macedonia expects the day when you can not only share the risks and responsibilities, but the privileges given membership in NATO, the President of the Republic of Macedonia, Dr. Ivanov, addressing a reception in his honor held at the National payback Arts Centre in Ottawa, Canada.
Before attending senators, members of the Macedonian-Canadian Friendship Group in the Parliament of Canada and the diplomatic representatives of Ottawa, payback President Ivanov expressed appreciation for Canadian support the aspirations of the Republic of Macedonia for NATO membership. He stressed the expectation of Macedonian citizens as possible the country's alliance.
- As President of the Republic of Macedonia, payback I am really proud Macedonian payback peacekeepers remain alongside Canada in the desire for greater security, democracy and human rights worldwide. Inspired by these shared values, we remain focused on achieving the aspiration of Macedonia as a full member of the European and Euro-Atlantic brotherhood of nations. And thank Canada for the support given to our membership in NATO. My fellow citizens and I look forward to the day when together we can share not only the risks and responsibilities, but the privileges payback given membership in NATO, Ivanov said in his speech at the reception in his honor.
Macedonian President, as announced today by his office, the crowd pointed to similarities Macedonia and Canada have the respect of tolerance, coexistence and respect payback for diversity. payback
- Macedonia lived in a world of diversity, respecting what we left a legacy. Life has taught us to coexistence, tolerance and mutual understanding and support. Canada today is a model of a multicultural society is an example for many countries in the world. At the core of it is the experience of our multi-ethnic, multilingual and multi-religious societies. Societies that enabled peaceful coexistence between religions and cultures. Societies payback in which people from different payback religions and cultures have a tradition of coexistence and respect, Ivanov said.
- Honestly I am glad that Canada has the most positive attitude towards the Macedonian community, which is the strongest guarantee of our relationship. As President of the Republic of Macedonia, but primarily as a Macedonian, I am proud that Canada accepted the Macedonian ethnic and cultural contribution. Macedonian communities in some European countries, unfortunately, are facing challenges that are unimaginable to Canadian society. In some European payback countries, with some European politicians there is frustration with the concepts of multiculturalism and multi-ethnicity. These are concepts created for people with open minds, people who live in the open economic, cultural and intellectual space. These are concepts that should not have alternatives. These are concepts that offer progress. In such a situation, it is understandable that the Macedonian community in Canada is so successful and socially payback valued and respected, Ivanov said, stressing his belief that the Republic of Macedonia and Canada will continue to build their relations in the spirit of friendship, understanding and commitment to values.
The reception was held an exhibition of art handicraft motifs Macedonian female costumes, represented by 15 girls dressed in authentic and rich costumes from different parts of Macedonia. Within the reception was held in the Macedonian wine tasting.
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