Sunday, December 28, 2014

The call for help in Norman Atlantic

The call for help in Norman Atlantic
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According to the General Secretariat of Public Revenue, published by the newspaper "Kathimerini", about 40,000 borrowers government have applied experience project for membership in the new setting of 100 installments for repaying debts of 500 million. Euro.
The response so far debtors has surpassed the expectations of the economic team, but not the troika. Although the details of the first five days show dynamic experience project and longer distinct intention of debtors to settle their debts, but the country's creditors seek changes to the law.
However, responsible factor of economic team said the procedures for the regulation of debts is in progress and there is no thought for changes. Satisfaction from Vroutsi "More than satisfactory" marks the return of the new debt adjustment shaped Labour Minister Yiannis Vroutsis while urges borrowers to open "the last window of opportunity" as he calls it, and to "draw a line with the past. "
"From November 10, opened the application and launched applications, issued 22 530 decisions for setting outstanding debts," says Mr. Vroutsis and adds: "With these decisions, settled debts 491,962,641.03 euros and entered the funds insurance system 19,378,402.90 euro. "
"Borrowers should remember that they can benefit from the many installments of the new scheme within the time limits set by law," says Minister of Labour experience project and emphasizes: "After the implementation of the new rules will come back to the basic setting of Law 4152/13, which provides for the adjustment of debts in 12 installments. " Read more in
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