Saturday, November 30, 2013

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Friday, November 29, 2013

The first training in programming microcontrollers was conducted at the Department of Physical and

Report: First Workshop on Embedded Systems | IEEE KPI Student Branch
The first training in programming microcontrollers was conducted at the Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics Department of Electronics. Students 2nd year familiarized with theoretical material needed to start programming social media in low level. Were shown training fees from manufacturers: STMicro, NXP, Atmel. Students were able to create and test simple programs. social media At the end of the seminar were shown real projects Korean company TESCOM social media Co. Ltd. . Company TESCOM Co. Ltd. gladly gave demonstration board for further education of our students. After the workshop, the students expressed interest in further cooperation and proposed to develop a device based on the microcontroller.
Related Posts 2013 IEEE ELNANO - Extension of filing papers Seminar "New Era of Technology MATHEMATICA" The election results head section IEEE Ukraine V International social media Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Electronics 2012" Election 2011 President of the IEEE Ukraine Section
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Recent Posts 2013 IEEE ELNANO - Extension of filing papers Seminar social media "New Era of Technology MATHEMATICA" The election results head section IEEE Ukraine V International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Electronics 2012" Election 2011 President of the IEEE Ukraine Section

Related paycheck calculator Posts 2013 IEEE ELNANO

Звіт: Перша онлайн конференція KPI-KU з Наноелектроніки | IEEE KPI Student Branch
On December 9th, 2010, the First Ukrainian-South Korean on-line conference was held between the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and Korea University. The subject was to exchange of ideas and to report the state of research in the field of nanoelectronics at Faculty paycheck calculator of Electronics of KPI and at School of Electrical Engineering of KU. Four PhD students participants from both countries gave their presentations: - Nanocrystalline silicon thin films, doped with Eu and Y, for optoelectronics (Victoria Koval) - Мicroelectronic sensors on the basis of nanostructured cerium oxide films (Nalatia Maksymchuk) - Simulation of resonant-tunneling diode (Artem Fediai) - Electrodynamic calculation and electromagnetic simulation of dielectric resonators (Borys Pratsiuk) paycheck calculator - Semiconductor nanowire-based p-n heterojunction light-emitting diodes paycheck calculator (Kwangeun Kim) - fd Filamentous Phages for bio-electronic devices (Dae-Young Jeon, So-Jeong Park) - An Energy Efficient VPPGenerator with Fast Ramp-up Time for Mobile DRAM (Kyu-Young paycheck calculator Kim) Conference was organized by Professor Dr. Gyu-Tae paycheck calculator Kim, Dr. Tatiana Kuchinskaya, Dr. Anton Popov and the representatives of IEEE KPI Student Branch. In Korea and Ukraine the conference was attended by the BSc and MSc students from related fields and was translated in the Web.
Related paycheck calculator Posts 2013 IEEE ELNANO – Продовження терміну paycheck calculator подачі статей Семінар “Нова ера технології системи MATHEMATICA” Результати виборів голови секції ІЕЕЕ Україна V Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція молодих вчених Електроніка-2012 Вибори-2011 Голови Секції ІЕЕЕ Україна
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Recent Posts 2013 IEEE ELNANO – Продовження терміну подачі статей Семінар “Нова ера технології системи MATHEMATICA” Результати виборів голови секції ІЕЕЕ Україна V Міжнародна науково-технічна конференція молодих вчених Електроніка-2012 Вибори-2011 Голови Секції ІЕЕЕ Україна

Thursday, November 28, 2013

About the course of action good written report

To be honest, by the actions of students and teachers KPI my attitude was radically different than in the organizers. Even before it the question whether or not to participate in it, some of our claimed that it Turbidity dismantling bureaucratic and get involved in them is not required. I also thought that it is necessary to get involved in everything that happens around, especially if that affects you. And if it affects many thousands of staff such as hromadnoyi mahiny KPI, it affects everyone. Before the event one of the student activists declared that such universal as KPI, revolutions do. Now a lot of talk about a revolution in the world actively shyrtsya anti-capitalist protest movement, one city after another "occupy", so it was interesting to see the students' revolutionary mood. Especially promising "Stalingrad 2011?. di
The action was attended by representatives of the ACT with the student union "Direct Action" has known both in Ukraine and in the world. Know PD and CPI as a postcard, which we released in conjunction with pryamodiytsyamy actively dismantled. In the leaflet were three main points, the three pillars on which rests our position:
1) KPIshnyky themselves to decide who and how to manage the universities more autonomy and democratization in these matters, and 2) only the active position, the protests can bring results and therefore it is necessary to organize and rebel, and 3) one of the key new law "On Higher education ", which is now actively promoting power - is kabzdets for both students and teachers.
Our agent of the word at the meeting did not want to give, the same symbols are not allowed to bring DR. In order not to cause unnecessary confrontation, we limited extensions of the slogan "Do not tease student," "The greedy paws MOS KPI not give up," "More than autonomy, less savings 'and' self teachers and students."
Event organizers panicky fear of politicization and radicalization of the protest. Even coming to the area of knowledge, I noticed the guys from bands like "warrior". Also in the crowd go guys sports and very kind with badges "Security". From the stage, strongly emphasized that possible provocations that we met only one purpose: to defend the CPI. This was followed by a master's di preserve Zgurovsky as rector. People gathered to the whole area was full.
The organizers rightly talked a lot about the politicization and provocateurs: ahead of the crowd in front of the first building were clowns, masked, representatives of neo-Nazi party "Svoboda". Right parties actively strives to Parliament, so do not lose any opportunity to light up the camera. For this "multiplies the essence." All already di entangled in the names of the virtual student organizations: the fall in student actions provocation organized by Students 'freedom', in winter the same people organized to fight against the action of the law "On education" and called themselves the network "Ukrainian student." This time it was a "union" that it is not clear why such a status called "self" (and at the party site name surfaced ... "Students 'freedom').
In written and laid out Krivorukov postcard natsyky people came to Zgurovsky and student council, and continued throughout the minister di blamed the wrong nationality (apparently this is their main claim). As the organizers of the event organized by Zgurovsky, they are very nervous. Students are treated graciously blessed. In a further attempt to make them "slavamyukrayini" in Students triggered usually laugh that prompted the opinion: not so far from the policy people in the CPI.
About the course of action good written report "direct action." I'd add that despite the emphatically loyal to the government's position organizers, I was pleasantly impressed by the idea of the occupation administration, if MON pryphaye Rector or his acting. # Occupy KPI - it sounds good!
With the negatives - not like statements in microphone on "who is the best university", "we elites", etc. Of course, those who did - the so-called "elite" studsovet, trade union, but it can hardly di be argued ordinary student or a student di who graduate tomorrow and do not know. where to get a job. This approach, at least, hurting prospects for further consolidation of students from other institutions. In any case, among the supporters of the "PD" were activists and activists from other universities - such as Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. This is why the inter-institutional chauvinism di - not a good thing. Mogilyanke, for example, showed exactly the opposite, an example of solidarity.
Unfortunately, the majority of students were rather passive in terms of slogans. It tried to cultivate and organizers who in megaphone zaryadzhaly only "KPI" and "Tabachnik, come out to the students." And in the end, when instead Tabachnik's Kulikov, di the loyal holopskomu haze covered with "please." True, I note that the students, to its credit, the answer began to chant "demand."
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IEEE - the world

Report: A student cr branch of IEEE (IEEE KPI Student Branch) | IEEE KPI Student Branch
The Faculty of Electronics October 8, at an extraordinary event - held the first organizational meeting of the newly established at NTU "KPI" student branch cr of the world famous Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IEEE, Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineering) - IEEE KPI Student Branch.
IEEE - the world's largest professional organization of engineers and scientists working in the fields of electronics, electrical, telecommunications, robotics, and computer technology. The organization unites cr almost 400,000 members (of whom more than 90 thousand - students) in over 160 countries. The focus of IEEE giving education and research, conducted jointly universities and high-tech companies, and attract students to use the latest technology and advances in science through grants and other forms of support.
IEEE publishes 148 international scientific journals and books, provides access to the full texts of more than 2.5 million items through its website. cr The funds of the organization conducted more than 1,100 conferences in 73 countries of the year. Organizational IEEE consists of 38 societies and we have a 7-technical councils and geographically divided into 10 regions cr and 331 local section. cr Today, the IEEE has worldwide 1855 student branches. And finally, the first in our University Student Branch IEEE - IEEE KPI Student Branch. Interestingly, it was the day of the 125th anniversary of the founding of the IEEE, where worldwide celebrations are held. Organizer and chairman of the IEEE student branch KPI is a graduate student of the Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics FEL Boris Pratsyuk who is a member of IEEE for over two years and has experience in international cooperation and close contacts with members of the IEEE from different cr countries. October 8 was convened general meeting of the Student Branch IEEE KPI, in which all students wishing to participate in this organization, signed official documents of the organization department of our university. The first member of the IEEE KPI Student Branch became a student of 4th year gr. DM-72 Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics Oleg Panichev. Members cr of the IEEE KPI Student cr Branch were 12 people with FEL, FEA and ITS. Today, the student cr branch consists of students and young teachers NTU "KPI", who are members of different associations depending on the research interests: Society of microwave engineering and technology (IEEE Microwave Theory cr and Techniques Society); Society of Biomedical Electronics Engineers (IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society); Society of Signal Processing (IEEE Signal Processing Society); Society of instrumentation and measurements (IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society); Computer Society (IEEE Computer Society); Telecommunications Society (IEEE Communications Society). Greeted the students with the event and signed the necessary documents Dean of the Faculty of Electronics, Head of Industrial Electronics prof. V.Ya.Zhuykov and Deputy Vice Rector, Head of Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics prof. V.I.Tymofyeyev. My greetings and good wishes to members of the IEEE KPI handed Ukrainian head section IEEE FEA Dean prof. O.S.Yandulskyy, head of the Ukrainian branch of the Society of the IEEE Microwave Components and Technology Dr. prof. Yu.M.Poplavko and representatives of SSA NTU "KPI". IEEE members can become all interested students and young teachers NTU "KPI". IEEE primarily provides access to the latest publications in the chosen field of science and technology, offers reduced fees for institutional participation cr in conferences, travel grants, scholarships, training and science and technology competitions. For more information, visit or contact Boris Pratsyukom email b.pratsiuk @ And plans IEEE student branch KPI - expanding and deepening cr cooperation with the promising young people, cr providing advice on access to professional and educational resources IEEE, seminars and conferences, invitation of internationally renowned scholars to give lectures. I would like the great opportunities offered to members of IEEE and assistance provided by the IEEE for professional and academic growth, were used for your benefit and the benefit of the home university.
Related Posts 2013 IEEE ELNANO - Extension of filing papers Seminar "New Era of Technology MATHEMATICA" The election results head section IEEE Ukraine V International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Electronics 2012" Election 2011 President of the IEEE Ukraine Section
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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

To you, the applicant, it was easier to overcome stress introductory campaign, Editorial

To you, the applicant, it was easier to overcome stress introductory campaign, Editorial, except for the strong recommendation to subscribe to the official VC-opening campaign of public support in the CPI, has produced several utilities. canada revenue agency Last year, it helped and will help in this!
The first (of utilities) - is direct links to these students KPI that you will be able to reply to any questions that relate to the life of a faculty. Note that, the General Affairs introductory campaign, and questions about the CPI as a whole, will be discussed in a separate post, therefore, take care of our volunteers can not stand them legkovyguglivaimymi brain issues.
For illustrative example. Bad question for our volunteers: "And how many balls you need to enroll in the CPI?" Highly available we responded to it last year here. Good question for our volunteers, "How is it to learn IASA?" "And all students FDI hostel lodge?", "Is it true about the HTF?"
Publishing canada revenue agency and Printing Institute (IPI): Marina Chepovetskaya (HRV), canada revenue agency Svitlana Rudick (OL), Eugene Kuchin, Vanya Brewers, Vlad Unearthly, Anka Smailikova (OL), Volodymyr Vorobiy (IAPS), Julia Tokmakova, Vse Prosto, Asya Petrishin Ilya Alipov (OVPK), Ivan Zorin (engineering)
Physico-Technical Institute (PTI): canada revenue agency Nico Las, Maxim Oksonenko Alexandra Leguntsova Taras Andritsulyak, Dima Kolesnik, Bohdan Rybak, Elena Sokolova, Nadia Klimenko, Dima Danevsky (PF), Boris Nіnochka
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering (FIOT): Bogdan Zhukovetsky (outs), Jan Vohmіnova Ishmael Katzman, Andrey Antonyuk (OT), Vladislav Kopaygorodsky (ASOІU) canada revenue agency Danil Solovyov (ASOІU) Sofіya Tkachuk (ASOІU), Daria Ljashenko (ASOІU ), Sanya Shpіlka (TC), Olga Glushko, Svetoslav Somov (outs), Nikich Ruzhevsky (BT), Roman Kleimenov (TC), Altair Aquilae, canada revenue agency Tanya Hnatiuk (ASOІU), Sergei Kruglik
Faculty canada revenue agency of Electronics (FEL): Alexey Zaremsky, Victor Karpenko, Vlas Feoktistov, Andrew Idol (ZTRI), Nastya Martynov (KEOA), Catherine canada revenue agency Astronaut, Oleksandr Chernіy (Mіkro nanoelektronіka-ta), Nazar Samіlo (Mіkro nanoelektronіka-ta), Andrew Prikhodchenko canada revenue agency (KEOA), Alexei Bogdanov (acoustic and acousto-electronics), Natalia Androsova Malice (acoustic and acousto-electronics), Andrew S. Revenco (acoustic and acousto-electronics), Eugene Lashina (acoustics and acoustoelectronics)
Faculty of Chemical Technology (HTF): Roma Yagovets, Kohl Stasiuk, Marina Butko, canada revenue agency Olya Archakova, Ivan Danіv (OX), Vlad Kulish (electrochemistry), Julia Pavlushchyk (neorganіka), Vlad Vіlchinsky
[...] Zapitati real studentіv KPI pro navchannya that zhyttya on what chi іnshomu fakultetі KPI dopomozhe tsya іnfa. [...]
Mozhu not reversible Cudi podavati canada revenue agency documented in mene ... 750 balіv, want schos pov'yazane s Komp'yuterniy tehnologіyami (FІOT, MTF, FTF), there ale dosit visokі prohіdnі bali, i do not yak at proletitі vstupі that odnochasno reversible gіdny eg ...?
About the chances do you now no one can say. Just as a reference (but highly conditional) note which balls were required for entry into these areas in the past year:
Help, who knows ... I like and do not ask an applicant but do not know who ... Now I'm canada revenue agency finished the first course IEE, GPA 4.5 ... I want to transfer to computer science Tef (or somewhere else maybe (well fiot IASA and it's not really), it's just something that I was interested and what I get boliya estate ...
Vladimir Kazhe:
Hello everyone, I have a question for students IASA: lots of friends said that this department is very difficult to learn, and even easier to hang yourself than get a bachelor, especially the master. Is it possible canada revenue agency to learn about the real situation in the faculty?
Same or on computer. No-thing! What will life? Perhaps, too, nothing. If you want to get some knowledge, you should do it yourself. canada revenue agency Teachers either do not know or do not want to share their knowledge. Older teachers go, but of the new One unit sensible, for monolingual go to work in private offices, and "Losers" remain. By the way, "Losers" is also a kind of concept: giving up some fingers first and ogle - you get 5, disassemble and do not have time to time - 3.
check it out: 0 0
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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Recent Posts 2013 IEEE ELNANO - Extension of filing papers Seminar

Traditionally each year, The Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE) holds a competition of student works. IEEE Student Branch of NTU "KPI" transalte is organizing a local competition and nominate your student winner for receiving transalte the main prize - a free trip to an international conference of the IEEE and the monetary rewards! In this contest finalists to be determined primarily jury IEEE Region 8, will present his work on IEEE MELECON 2012 Conference, to be held 25-28 March 2012 in Tunis. Article published in IEEE Xplore Database.
Requirements for participants: - Participant must be a member of the world organization transalte IEEE ( and IEEE student branch of NTU "KPI" - Participant must be a student or graduate who have not yet started their education in graduate - Work submitted for the contest must not be previously published - Article may be submitted in both English and Ukrainian languages, but work to 10.12.2011 shall be provided in IEEE KPI Student Branch only in the English version - The paper should cover the scientific and engineering issues transalte that have developed their own student.
IMPORTANT DATES: - Deadline for articles for IEEE KPI Student Branch: transalte 13.11.2011 y - Announcement of results of local competition: 21.11.2011, - Sending articles to the main jury Student Paper Contest 2012: 12.12.2011, the
Related Posts 2013 IEEE ELNANO - Extension of filing papers Seminar "New Era of Technology MATHEMATICA" The election results head section IEEE Ukraine V International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Electronics 2012" Election 2011 President of the IEEE Ukraine Section
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Recent Posts 2013 IEEE ELNANO - Extension of filing papers Seminar "New Era of Technology MATHEMATICA" The election results head section IEEE Ukraine V International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Electronics 2012" Election 2011 President of the IEEE Ukraine transalte Section

Monday, November 25, 2013

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Students protest against the union speech Fahrion in Kyiv Mohyla Academy Primary mail online organization of independent studprofspilky "Direct Action" in Kyiv-Mohyla mail online Academy, caring teachers and students mail online come to protest against the speech at the Academy deputy of Ukraine Iryna Farion. They propiketuyut 1st NaUKMA mail online 19.06 at 17:00. At the same time, the audience 217 scheduled book launch Fahrion "Speech rate: destroy, search, recover."
Students believe that a deputy from the party "Svoboda" is a pseudo-scientist, and her speech is aimed at the promotion of xenophobic ideas in the university. Holding such a meeting mail online is contrary to internal acts of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, and pieces of national legislation. "The conduct of the educational mail online process and scientific activities in Kyiv Mohyla Academy does not affect the political parties, civil society, religious organizations and movements", - stated in the Charter of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" establishes the principle of "independence of higher education from the influence of political parties." "There is no doubt that the performance of a politically-neutral policy is a form of influence on students' - add to activists. Application of the primary independent studprofspilky "Direct Action" in Kyiv-Mohyla Academy: Performance Irina Fahrion turn Kyiv Mohyla Academy Academy for Scientific Nationalism Speech Fahrion Irene at the National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" completely transform this university mail online into "scientific nationalism Academy." This was reported in the student union "Direct Action." "Speech mail online odious deputatky can finally turn to the center of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy mail online obscurantism and pseudoscience. Party "Svoboda", to which the deputatka Fahrion, served by xenophobic rhetoric and antymihrantskoyu. In this case, it is the author Irina Fahrion most absurd mail online legislative initiatives, including criminal penalties for abstention Ukrainian language ", - underline the union. - It seems that the administration of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy is ready to price their reputation to make efforts to promote mail online the ideas of ethnic hatred. " "But the greatest harm this measure can not bring the reputation and minds of students. After Mrs. Fahrion not act as a speaker radical rightwing party, and especially as a scholar. In such a legitimate status it will be easier to promote their ideology "- believe in" direct action. " - She has no right to speak as a scientist-philologist. May inadvertently give the impression that the MP-xenophobe really are an expert in this area. " Significantly, according to students in this regard is a piece of work Fahrion Irina "most likely censor-Codifier spelling was Lazar Kaganovich," a Jew by birth, Russian culture, "founder of attack on indigenous foundations Ukrainian language mail online embodied in the 1929 spelling p .. " "Does the title of scientist man who deliberately emphasizes the ethnicity of those accused of distortion Ukrainian language? After this lecture the students will only suspicion and hatred of other nations, rather than an interest in the Ukrainian language, "- says the" direct action ". Also, abusing their status philologist, it protects the right to use offensive to Jews the word "Jew." "Known as its quote, which she calls Russian" moskalskym dirt "and Russian-Ukrainian -" degenerates. " We can conclude that the scholar is a specialist Fahrion except to promote hate speech "- sums up the union. In the book "Speech rate: destroy, search, renewal" that prezentuvatymetsya in Kyiv Mohyla Academy, Irina Fahrion writes: mail online "The third millennium has come to replace the totalitarian era of liberalism - with impunity daily driving in the national and spiritual moral values in favor of pragmatic compromise Moloch and diabolical ". It is unclear how these relate to the declaration of the "liberal spirit of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" and the idea of Liberal Arts Education, which is practiced in this institution. Activists see the threat of use of administrative resources by radical nationalists, "It is unacceptable that the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy as budget entity creates another ground for imposing ideas parliamentary party. There is no doubt that the scheduled event is just political - it does not organize the most visible spokesman for the nationalists, racists and xenophobes. " According to activists, "Direct Action", the event is contrary to internal acts of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, and pieces of national legislation. "The conduct of the educational process and scientific activities in Kyiv Mohyla mail online Academy does not affect the political parties, civil society, religious organizations and movements", - stated in the Charter of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" establishes the principle of "independence of higher education from the influence of political parties." "There is no doubt that the performance of politically neutral policy is a form of influence on students' - add to activists. Student activists believe that the event should be canceled. In the event of inaction management Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, activists promise to oppose the event all available legal means. Tweet
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By the way, the second part of the festival will be held May 25-26. And here are the students not o

Tired of boring cm to inches couples, daily routine and daily life? It has long been know that lack the vivid impressions and feelings? Already Glade not warm, and "Bionics" is not a joy? All pall? It's time to try something new - KPI X-Games - festival cm to inches of extreme sports in the CPI.
For some it may no longer new, and the daily and habitual. That is why the fest will take part as those who are familiar with certain cm to inches sports, and those who are simply interested in and look closely. "We give extreme KPI!" Said the chief organizer and owner of Ideas KPI X-Games Nick Mykhalchuk. And it is true, as before the KPI was only Relay Health, where extreme as such did not exist. Therefore, creating a show and simultaneously promoting the sport, KPI X-Games twice already attracted the attention of both students and the media.
The first KPI X-Games were held this fall and have proven to be the first festival of extreme sports KPI. The organizers were students Kohl Mykhalchuk (FBT) and Jaroslav Matviichuk (FEL). Holding the festival was actually at a decent level. In each sport was appropriate independent location for which corresponded to a particular person that organized, controlled and watched the whole process took place. cm to inches For example, Vice-President of the Federation of parkour Alexander Tkachenko cm to inches fully organized location for parkurschykiv etc. The judges were professionals of Ukrainian Federation of the respective sport. Anyone could try their hand at all locations that are offered, and get a professional workshop on good coaches and true experts of their craft. Overall organized 10 locations. There were competitions on climbing speed friranu, football freestyle, fencing and Graffiti Battle. Also organized workshops on Krav magicians and all listed above. The most popular benefited dvanadtsyatymetrovyy Trolleys, which prokatalos more than a hundred cm to inches people. All participants were satisfied with the organization of the festival. A lot of guests willing to make such festivals happening more in our country. So the organizers decided cm to inches not to stop.
That is why the organizers again launch KPI X-Games, but a wider, more interesting and more steep. Fest takes place in 2 stages. The first phase has been carried out within the health KPI relay, consisting of KPI Crash Egg TEST and "Race to drandulyetah." KPI Crash Egg TEST was to verify the capacity of brains of participants and to maintain the integrity of eggs (which were issued together with all materials). "Engineer" had to construct a protective cm to inches cushion that would set off in flight with egg at 7 meters. "Pillows" were fairly diverse and interesting as the structure and in appearance. None of the 10 teams in the egg broke. And the most creative design won awards cm to inches and mementos. As for the "Race to drandulyetah", there was no less participants, but the audience was enough to fill all the "Polytechnique." Media representatives cm to inches were too many, so the winners and organizers also on the "telly" lit. All teams had four. But because one of them before the start of the brakes failed, their number reduced to three. Won the IT mobility of FIVT, which then rode back to the CPI everyone. Therefore, the first phase of KPI X-Games are not only interested in students KPI, but zahituvav them to participate and the next.
By the way, the second part of the festival will be held May 25-26. And here are the students not only the KPI. Set of attraction will be much greater. Attraction - is a location where everyone can just try it for free and take part many times. cm to inches Geographically the entire festival cm to inches will be divided into 3 parts: pine park by the library, the area of knowledge and field at 18 Corps, which held dance Battle (something like Dance'S'kills). Will be held open championships Kyiv with bouldering, climbing on speed, sport tourism, and sleklaynu autoslalom (!). Even if none of the doubt, this is an excuse to go and see it with my own eyes, and to participate. Definitely will not be bored! As an entertainment wait on trolls cm to inches in the 150 meters (!) Photoset with models, cm to inches car show, drift and avtovystavku. If this is not enough, then add emotion jumping rope (15 meters) and Jolie jumping, and even airsoft and exhibitions. Incidentally, this was the only description of the first day of the festival. :) As for the second, it would also have dug Champion of Kyiv friranu / parkour, velotrialu, Street vorkautu and fencing. If you want to learn something extreme, you have a choice cm to inches of workshops: Krav Maga, bouldering, freestyle trampoline, parkour. Still be able to ride again and jump: Trolleys, Jolie and jumping rope. And at the end - to have it all hang down on both full body and soul - rock concert with the participation of Kyiv groups (and, according to organizers, will be really cool

Sunday, November 24, 2013

lecturer ASOIU, FIVT,

lecturer ASOIU, FIVT, "KPI" Main menu with courses Discrete Mathematics Methods and artificial intelligence algorithms Theory Seminar VRP News Interesting Thoughts About Learning English
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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Since 2011, with the University of Merseburg (Germany) tradcutor implemented the program

Welcome 5th year student FIVT NTU "KPI" Artem Kachanovsky! | Faculty of Computer Science
Home About FIVT Gallery History Structure Management Departments Department of CS TC Chair AUTS Department ASOIU Admission to FIVT Institute preparation student extramural Science Contact Guestbook International Office International Projects Research Proposals areas known scientist Experts Universities Consortia Partners Outstanding graduates Outstanding Achievement in English Education Publications English Majors Mobility, training
Welcome 5th year student FIVT NTU "KPI" Artem Kachanovsky of winning a bronze medal at the 34th World Amateur Championship in Ho (Japanese checkers), held from 31 August to 4 September in Sendai (Japan).
The championship was attended by representatives tradcutor of 56 countries from all continents. By this time all the prizes took only representatives of Asian countries, and only a student of the Kiev Polytechnic this year for the first time broke the tradition!
Go - Traditional strategic board game that originated in ancient China between 2000 and 200 years BC By the XIX century was cultivated only in Asia, in the XX century, has spread around the world. By total number of players - one of the most popular board games in the world. Ranked among the five core disciplines of the World Intellectual Games.
Forecast for 2 weeks
Introduction to 1 year. Admission to the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" 2013 List of documents for entry into the "KPI" How to select a preferred IT-specialty? (Updated) Admission to SPF Specialist / Master and a Bachelor of individual programs based on the level of "specialist". Applications of integrated professional tests for admission to Master \ Specialist
Department of Automation and management of technological systems (AUTS) Department of Computer Science (CS) Department of Technical Cybernetics (TC) Department tradcutor of automated data processing systems and management (ASOIU) Laboratory. prof. Yu.S.Kanyevskoho Research Institute for Systems Technology (SRI CT) Collection tradcutor "Bulletin" KPI ". Informatics, Management and Computer Science "Interdepartmental Scientific-Technical Collection" Adaptive systems tradcutor for automated control of "Site of Alexis Molchanovsky, lecturer ASOIU
Since 2011, with the University of Merseburg (Germany) tradcutor implemented the program "Double Degree". Students of the faculty the opportunity to simultaneously study at the University of Merseburg (Germany) to obtain tradcutor bachelor's and master's tradcutor degrees.
2013 Department of Computer Science.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Categories Android (166) Apple (80) Google (3) Shortnews (334) Windows (136) Wireless (87) Infobezp

1 to 6 July in cases of NTU "KPI" was opened Eighth International Olympiad on programming named after SA Lebedev and VM Glushkov KPI-Open 2013, organized by the university and a group of Vanopl Development Group with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science Ukraine and Cybernetics Center of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
In 2013, at the Olympic Games site was registered 100 teams from 8 countries (Ukraine - 65 teams, Russia - 25 team, Belarus - 3 teams, azet Turkey - 2 teams, azet Hungary azet - 2 teams, Moldova - 1 team, Estonia - 1 team Poland - 1 team), representing 37 cities and 64 universities. For 8 years the Olympics it was attended by about 600 teams, 2500 students from 12 countries, 60 cities and 150 universities.
3rd place - UWr team of University of Wroclaw (Poland), SuperMario from Kyiv National azet Taras Shevchenko University of ELTE Sparrows behalf Loranda Eötvös (Hungary).
You will also is interesting: In the final RCC 2013 in Moscow will go nine programmers from Ukraine to PostgreSQL eliminated dangerous vulnerabilities Details on Open Market Operation on Android / F-Droid, network repository of open source software packages for Android, aka Market for anyone who sends patches personal experience with Jive SBS 5.0.2 Set Microchip Hillstar Development Kit is designed for the development of gesture recognition azet in space The PHP Group resets all passwords on the server
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2011-2013 - - Your hid in Oceania IT-news

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Home About We the Faculty Administration Departments autobazar eu Department of Philosophy Departme

Home About We the Faculty Administration Departments autobazar eu Department of Philosophy Department of Political autobazar eu Science, Sociology and Social Work Department of Theory of Law and State Department information and business law department of administrative, financial and commercial law department of Psychology and Pedagogy Department of History Departments SocioPlus laboratory technical aesthetics and design profbyuro Composition profbyuro FAT Collective Work Plan FSP contract for 2013 Information Documents application model for rest and recreation and radio presenter show on Radio Program autobazar eu mesh Ask anonymously Studio Play Online Jobs Social Work Sociology Administrative Management Law Graduates Education Entrance Entrance (entry 1 year) full-time students Part-time branch Second Higher Education Postgraduate Master Student Administrative Management Law Social autobazar eu Work Sociology Requirements for Master's theses Extramural and Distance Learning Law Program professional testing Licensing Board Science Specialized Conference SCIENCE DAY FAT, April 25-26, 2012 Conference "Social Work and Modernity," 16 -17 May 2012 Conference autobazar eu "Kosmolohyya and Astronautics" 18 May 2012 III Conference of Marxism and Present, 15 December 2011 VI Conference on Management, December 1-2, 2011 Conference on Creativity XI, 12 May 2011 SCIENCE Days of FAK, 20-21 April 2011 Conference on Gagarin, 07 April 2011 edition of the Olympic Games International Office Library Contacts
Dear Colleagues, We invite you to "Glushkovsky reading" dedicated to the 90th birthday autobazar eu of chyu Academician VM Glushkov Dates 10-11 September 2013 Date of arrival September 9, 2013
Mathematical Foundations of cybernetics, informatics, computer science OHAS": history and prospects Information Security Secure Environment E-government" - "e-society" - "Electronic University Social and communication technology management Technology formation of information culture management activities Problems technologizing management activities Science as a science of

As organizers emphasize, among the major challenges that they pose to themselves - to promote profe

International students programming contest "KPI-OPEN" is open! : Department of educational work "KPI"
Home Structure Department of Educational Work Department of organizational-educational work of military mobilization department department department say academic mobility modern educational technologies and social media department of Useful Information say Photo Mugs scholarship athlete Section Recovery Globe Lighthouse Polytechnic Documents
The second summer say month for students who are addicted to programming, say traditionally begins with the International Collegiate Programming Contest named after Sergei Lebedev and VM Glushkov KPI-OPEN . No exception and 2013: July 2, it was solemnly opened say in the hall of the Academic Council of the National Technical University say of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". say
During the eight years of the competition KPI-OPEN became the largest in Ukraine and one of the world's biggest eye programming competitions among students. This year it is taking part in more than 90 teams from 64 universities in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Turkey, Hungary, Moldova, Estonia and Poland - almost 400 participants.
Contest is held by the original rules, harmonized with international ones. This feature, coupled with the lack of competition conference fee converts KPI-OPEN the ideal platform for meeting young programmers.
As organizers emphasize, among the major challenges that they pose to themselves - to promote professional development of future professionals in the field of IT development, the establishment of inter-university relations and personal contacts between students from different cities and countries, and provide them the opportunity to try out teamwork. And, of course, to raise awareness of intellectual interests and achievements of today's students and to promote the profession related to the latest technology.
"I am confident that students programmers who participate in this competition not only get to showcase their creative quality, but also acquire useful new skills, new contacts and tie friendships with peers from different universities and countries. This creates a large, positive net very talented people, "- said at the opening ceremony Rector of NTU" KPI "Michael Zgurovsky.
As for the IT-companies that have joined say the organization Olympics, here they get a great opportunity to look at the participants as potential future colleagues. As was the practice of the traditional with the Olympics presentations, seminars and lectures, during which specialists IT-companies say share their expertise and knowledge and acquaint young programmers with the challenges facing the industry at this stage of its development. Therefore, the program Olympiad - a variety of partners competitions, the winners of which will be useful prizes. Of course, waiting for them also interesting cultural program, which took care of the organizers.
Information also sponsors were,,, Computer Review ,,,,, CHIP Ukraine, Kompyuternaya newspaper , IT -news, Networks and telecommunications , Hardwareluxx, Hi-Tech Expert, Hi-Tech Pro, Spire!,,,,, Tom's Hardware Guide,, and Information Portal
So Eighth open international say students programming contest named after SA Lebedev and VM Glushkov say KPI-OPEN say 2013" started. During her two tour participants will be required to settle say the fourteen non-trivial task to determine which one is better versed in programming. However it is safe to say that today all those who came to these events, there are winners, because they - the best in their universities, and participate in one of the most prestigious in Eastern Europe tournaments. Of course, anyone of them will be on it first, but for others it will be a stimulus for improvement. And for all - a wonderful experience teamwork to win. And that one of them, nevertheless, you get on the podium this year, they will learn 5 July - during the debriefing and award winners.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

However, knowledge-based organization ICAR technology-based solutions to these challenges through i

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National Agricultural Research System is one of the world's largest systems technologies that increase agricultural productivity and production through the creation of the catalyst plays a role in the overall development of agriculture. India relies on imports for food one time but now she has started idoc exporting foodgrains.
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in its 98 research institutes and 578 agricultural centers spread across the country through our wide network of agricultural research, education and continues to expand its lead. In addition to his distinguished research and academic efforts have been supported under the 45 State Agricultural Universities. In the wake of globalization and liberalization, the Council of Agriculture to make your research more Labprk changed the format of education and academic programs. This production - consumption idoc system idoc is a significant change in the wake of the agricultural system
In India, nearly 12 per cent in terms of global production of wheat, rice 21 percent, 25 percent, pulses, fruits 10 percent, 22 percent and 16 percent of sugar cane production is milk. This land just 2.3 percent, slightly more than 4.2 percent water and 11 percent of agricultural land is being acquired. Only 50 per cent of the agricultural land has irrigation. These resources, 18 percent of the world population maintenance is. R & D investment in agriculture to 48 percent idoc returns and the strength of the area revealed during the recent global economic crisis, India in a comfortable position remained the same.
However, knowledge-based organization ICAR technology-based solutions to these challenges through innovative initiatives muster. Biotic and abiotic pressures, declining biodiversity, cell #

Monday, November 18, 2013

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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Udaipur. Gwardi small village of Rajsamand district Relmgra block Barulal Bhil farmer who never wen

Hindustan Zinc farmer made me stop: Barulal Vedanta HZL CSR Udaipur
Udaipur. Gwardi small village of Rajsamand district Relmgra block Barulal Bhil farmer who never went to school but his strength of will and collaboration of Hindustan Zinc ideal 'farmer' has become. Zinc Stabn today do not appreciate the Hindu tire.
Barulal said previously he had spent 14 to 16 hours a day working at home. Then Hindustan Zinc and Bayf (Ridma) lifo operated in association with advanced lifo agriculture - gardens and rainwater conservation program not only her but also significant changes in Rajsamand district, farmers were Jivikaparjn. Under this project, farmers Hindustan Zinc Agriculture - garden crops modern technological development program in the villages by farmers, seed, fertilizer, Pesticide, Isektsaids, marketing of cash crops and fruit plantation detailed information is given about. This ambitious project stems from cash crop farmers are receiving benefits. Bheroolaal the project in collaboration with technical information about modern farming and crop production has started. Bheroolaal adopting modern methods of farming and true passion had worked so hard to increase crop production. This led to his income from crop production over the economic situation of the family is strengthened. Hindustan Zinc Barulal that made him a successful farmer, the date of his annual income is Rs 80 thousand more than a quarter million. Barulal operated in collaboration with Hindustan Zinc today with the help of the project is economically and socially self-sufficient. Earlier work Barulal crop production was the old way was complicated and expensive and did not get a complete hard work but now, in collaboration with the zinc HIndustan adoption of modern methods was the production of crops and be benefited the. Bheroolaal like even farmers KVK Chittorgarh, Mount Abu and was sent for training related Krirshi Agricultural University in Bikaner. Other farmers grow off-season crops such as bheroolaal Bhil today. Barulal crop production and for his contribution to the quality of the district during the Agricultural Fair of Road Transport and Highways lifo Minister Dr CP Joshi honored and made them work in the agricultural sector would be appreciated. Hindustan Zinc - Head of Corporate Kmunikeshn Mr. Pawan Kaushik told Hindustan Zinc and Bayf (Ridma) operated in collaboration with the Advanced Agriculture - Horticulture and rain water conservation program in Rajsamand district Jivikaparjn farmers are changing. Through this ambitious project Vedanta - Hindustan Zinc farmers in rural areas of Rajasthan towards social and economic development lifo is admirable. Barulal the village "model farmers" lifo are known. Barulal execute tasks in the agricultural sector in Rajsamand District Collector, Banking Investment Committee, journalists, lifo civil Vibhinnr Gnmanyr have to see to appreciate.
Recent Posts rural youth will spend 80 million Vedanta Hind Zinc Hind Zinc to spend 80 Lakhs to train 500 rural youth Divesting 51% in PSUs can change the face of modern India "My Safety lifo My Responsibility": Safety Mascot Launched 600 kids' happiness 'Hind Zinc shapes created lifo for the second quarter increased lifo production of silver SAARC conference of VCs Hindustan Zinc Udaipur, made me stop farmers from 16: Barulal RYAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL JOINS VEDANTA KHUSHI disadvantaged children bring awareness to children: Kaushik
Recent Posts rural youth will spend 80 million Vedanta Hind Zinc Hind Zinc to spend 80 Lakhs to train 500 rural youth Divesting lifo 51% in PSUs can change the face of modern India "My Safety My Responsibility": Safety Mascot Launched 600 kids' happiness 'shapes created
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Farmers health insurance, with the season - with the marketing of agricultural products in one plac

Stock Market | Market | Budget trs 2008-09 | Budget 2011-12 | Budget 2010-11 | Budget 2009-10 trs | Budget 2008-09 | Budget 2007-08 | Budget 2006-07 | Tax | Financial Planning | News | Agriculture | Budget 2005-06 | Budget 2004-05 | Budget trs - 2009 | Budget 2003-04 | Budget trs 2002-03 | 2010-11 budget
Farmers health insurance, with the season - with the marketing of agricultural products in one place to provide information trs regarding private sector 'Handigo Technologies' will open its call center. The company intends to work in the public sector oil companies operated by Kisan Vikas Kendra (KVK) is to combine. trs "Fire Power" initiative, SHGs in Tamil Nadu, the company is already providing services. The company's chief executive officer (CEO) Praveen Rajpal said to offer better service to our customers we already own are planning to open a call center. Initially the call center will be set up in Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra, which will be posted to the rural youth. The call center will be opened in other states in the future. Handigo 'good life' service to our clients through knowledge of various fields Care India, Aviva Life Insurance, Indian Meteorological Department, greenery Farmers Market, Sonalika etc. provided through institutions. SMS in 19 Indian languages including Hindi and English company and negotiated directly from the experts trs is providing all kind of services. Praveen Rajpal said that 15 million people are connected to our service and our plan by the end of this financial year is to reach the number one crore. Currently most of our customers are in Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. The company's services can be ensured by dialing trs from a mobile phone on 522 770. (Language)

Friday, November 15, 2013

You might also like: Pepsi and will push inflation witch red splashes of colors, Holi Holi low fly

Bhagalpur: Guava farmers of the district's intensive gardening can lead to economic prosperity. Guava production per hectare than the usual 10 to 12 mt. In addition, once a year is common where the function, the function of Guava rain three times a year, Jada and the Spring season. Today, farmers in traditional agriculture to economic growth needs to rise above. With the integrated farming system - Guava with intensive gardening is the best way. Bsntkalin market value of Guava get even better. Guava aware of the intensive horticulture farmers to plant Agricultural Science Center 1.5 hectares to plant two meters and 12 meters from the line-to-line three hundred guava advanced discernment is going to be installed. Chancellor Dr. ML Chaudhry, Dr Abhay as a program coordinator at the center of Guava intensive horticulture farmers and integrated farming system is geared towards given the responsibility. Crystallized guava orchard garden center scientist, Dr. Mamta Kumari are engaged in preparation. Chancellor Dr. ML Choudhary directed towards the economic prosperity of farmers that all necessary steps should be taken. The University and KVK farmers through scientific techniques being attempted. Research are the latest developments.
You might also like: Pepsi and will push inflation witch red splashes of colors, Holi Holi low fly - Holika was burnt in Bihar! Criminal matriculation examination will be two pilot Pete - Pete truck overturned murder, hair - hair intact survivors altercation, will close four hour cable broadcasting socialist leader Dr. Lohia Holly Tribute - The ward councilor will run special train massacre of six pairs The market closed stolen cm from jewelery shops, street jam General coach will climb from just 200 Passenger beating cm against death, fire, lightning killed three special trains that run across cm the sky!
In a research conducted on school children showed cm that heavy bags ....

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Prince: Hot Avmn handicapped to make it short ... shivdutt yadav: wah rao sahib kamal kar diya ...

Information to farmers | Bundelkhand Live
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All of Bundelkhand cima Bundelkhand districts and tehsils need a correspondent for the news contact 9415060119 Email.editor @ Nature's fury is the only water Judgment to come knocking. This will be worse than the situation in 2012 is the result of Kilbadh of nature ........ "Plant Trees to Save Environment", * khaki uniforms in public exploits - Juwani * kurta with public exploits of leaders - people Juwani "", you can pass any information you have become City Reporter please call 09415060119 or mail to us at, SPC mobile sms <UPNEWS> News Media Group's offer to alert you on your mobile also reports of yourself and state your <name - Address - your job - city - type on 09415060119 sms, the state's first Hindi news portal which reports to the State Government's plans, progress, minister of the progress of work on
Acronym advantage of new technologies to farmers for the purpose of peasant agriculture conference and exhibition was organized by the Science Centre. CDO charge Pramod Kumar Srivastava said while inaugurating the farmers a good harvest in agriculture continue to take advice from the KVK scientists. The farmers under MGNREGA were informed of the ongoing programs. On this occasion KVK principal scientist Dr. Singh and other small present.
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Manish Agarwal, Hazaribagh, simple hzz living, high values Bunny 70-year-old sister Joslin distric

The Angels are unemployed sister Joslin | Madhubaganiar's Blog
Manish Agarwal, Hazaribagh, simple hzz living, high values Bunny 70-year-old sister Joslin district for the unemployed are less than an angel. Self taught thousands of women and making them self-sufficient society became the precedent. Even in old age are bolstered. Former Provincial Superior of the Sisters of Holy Cross from 1985-1996 Hazaribagh Joslin from the last ten Warshaen ICAR (Indian Council hzz of Agricultural Research) are operated by the Directory of Agricultural Sciences hzz Center. Sister said that we made the first plantations in Hazaribagh hock. Our move towards cultivation of medicinal plants are growing too. Only last month we have a program under NHM Elobera (Dritkumari) distributed among farmers in the 1.35 lakh saplings free. That is why today in Hazaribagh Elobera of 120 acres of land is being cultivated. Elobera medicinal plant, whose leaves are sold quite expensive. So that leaves cancer, diabetes etc. are used to make medicine. Sister claimed that the farmer harvest in two to three years will touch the heights of sky. Sister says that the people free training is not only, but also to join the self-employed are also given support them financially. Today hundreds hzz of examples, which proves that people receive training at Holy Cross KVK got new life. Tunba Jagannath Oraon, a resident of local village is one such person. A few years ago it used to be alcoholics count. Sister had the eye of a program. They go to his family situation and his hog call the following free training. After completion of training he gave her some hog. Today, it holds a unique place in the business district hog and earns Rs three to four per year. Krishi Vigyan Kendra date every year from 5 to 6 thousand female - male, young men - women get a six-month training in various trades come out and our society, hzz the village and become a precedent for the region. Joslin said Sister KVK four departments are trained to a high level. It includes all kinds of crops training, pet care, maintenance and training to take advantage of them, sewing, embroidery, knitting etc. Training and vegetables, horticulture hzz and floriculture training.
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mushroom cultivation in low cost

Banka Banka will now button mushrooms, our representative: Beau has become a new hub for the cultivation of mushrooms. After sweep simple adp mushroom button mushroom production will be here next season. The market price and demand is quite high. Coordinator of the Center for Agricultural Sciences in Dr. Vinod Kumar Jirwa mushrooms care training program on Sunday informed of this. The Dandy's climate adp is proving to be quite suitable for mushroom production. Button mushroom production will begin on the large number of farmers' income. Kamlesh reader KVK including the training of mushrooms scientific adviser, was also present. Perceptions of the scientists also took note of mushrooms in the village. Vinita Vinita Kumari, the village formed mushroom group had produced two bags of mushrooms. adp 150 bags of mushrooms whose motivation is going to produce in the village. Euro 20-25 per bag mushroom production costs facing women. Half to three kilos per bag production according to the income of women is three hundred rupee. Dr. Vinod Kumar button mushroom cultivation Interested farmers can apply for it at KVK. Will be imparted to them.
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At the present time due to the increasing population is steadily declining due to agricultural holdings Dysfunctional Uttpadn of nutritious foods equi ...
Mushroom cultivation in low cost

Kashipur. Purchase price set by the state government for sugarcane pricing stormy meeting of the Co

Great place for mushroom production Pithoragarh |
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Muzaffarnagar: UP despite molasses from sugar cane expensive to 7 kg is being sold cheap. The sugarcane at Rs 190 per quintal against last year's 280 expressions. 100 More
Pithoragarh. Environment for mushroom veritas cultivation of mushrooms in the Pithoragarh can become the main means of livelihood. People veritas in many villages button mushrooms, Dingri veritas mushrooms, mushrooms are Dudctta. Atganvshiling, Bungacina, Brabe, Dungri, Kiriganv, Vishad, Gaina, Jamirket, Fgali, Jakni, Bgdoli Agriculture Science Centre (KVK) in collaboration with button Pithoragarh, Dingri mushroom production units have been installed with the unit. The display unit is engaged in KVK mushrooms. Technical information given to farmers in these units. KVK mushroom farmers veritas seeds and medicines are free, ie farmers seeds and medicine is getting closer to home. Mushroom production is above villages. Some tenants are so much better. KVK to promote mushroom cultivation is constantly pushing farmers. Despite all this government help people move toward the habit of staring mushrooms have been able to be a source of employment. Mushroom veritas production after technical knowledge of the business as people are unable to give. To promote the cultivation of mushrooms sold quite expensive so marginal farmers in the district are on the road to prosperity.
Kashipur. Purchase price set by the state government for sugarcane pricing stormy meeting of the Consultative Committee sugarcane farmers Price 350 Euro per Read More categories Archives Search veritas
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir k) KVK Leh subject mat

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir k) KVK Leh subject matter experts on a temporary basis to fill 6 positions, kickstarter are invited to apply in the prescribed format | Last Date - candidate kickstarter applications submitted by October 22, 2013 | post Name - Subject Matter Expert | Number of positions - total 06 posts | salary - P. band. 15600-39100 / - Grade Pay. 6000 / - with | Age limit - Minimum 20 years on 1 January 2013 Maximum: 55 | more info - website - are on |

Monday, November 11, 2013

ਫ ਜ ਲਕ - 152123 (Punjab) This blog belongs to online community of Fazilka town. A small Indian tow

ਫ ਜ ਲਕ - 152123 (Punjab) This blog belongs to online community of Fazilka town. A small Indian township near India - Pakistan border. People of Fazilka dgii are very lively, adorable, cohesive by nature and lovable "a city of our dreams, a city of our own people"
Fazilka dgii - Fazilka areas such as agriculture are lagging behind in terms of persistent problems in agriculture to overcome the well-being of Agricultural Science Centre (KVK) is like the body to be here. The exclamation Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) Vice-Chancellor dgii Dr Manjit Singh Kang Nke Fazilka arrival during the 'Daily News', expressed in conversation with. Dr. Kung Farmers Organization of Fazilka Agriculture Development organized by the peasant farmer service centers established by the organization prior to the fair after inaugurating the Punjab Agricultural University, said the particular crop in every field from time to time keeps running research program the. Try the University of farmers in the area is that there is no problem. Dr. Kang said he came the third time and know that Fazilka Fazilka especially Basmati rice crop Nrma quality is quite good. Suredra Ahuja is chairman of the organization dgii revealed dgii that the poor ground water, inadequate irrigation water, are deteriorating day by day due to the environment is considerable damage to both traditional crops. He therefore suggested that the Organization Department of Agriculture in Sub Mujm village 22 acres of vacant land on which to build institutions like KVK can be. Dr. Kang said Mujm Research Center at the University of the Government shall make a recommendation. Agricultural diversity, despite all the efforts of the State Government did not succeed to ask why the VC Dr Kang said the state government's efforts alone until there is no traditional crops, wheat and rice its policy towards the government does not change. Asked regarding the attitude of the Punjab Agricultural University regarding organic farming, Dr. Kang said PAU VC Organic B