Thursday, November 28, 2013

IEEE - the world

Report: A student cr branch of IEEE (IEEE KPI Student Branch) | IEEE KPI Student Branch
The Faculty of Electronics October 8, at an extraordinary event - held the first organizational meeting of the newly established at NTU "KPI" student branch cr of the world famous Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IEEE, Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineering) - IEEE KPI Student Branch.
IEEE - the world's largest professional organization of engineers and scientists working in the fields of electronics, electrical, telecommunications, robotics, and computer technology. The organization unites cr almost 400,000 members (of whom more than 90 thousand - students) in over 160 countries. The focus of IEEE giving education and research, conducted jointly universities and high-tech companies, and attract students to use the latest technology and advances in science through grants and other forms of support.
IEEE publishes 148 international scientific journals and books, provides access to the full texts of more than 2.5 million items through its website. cr The funds of the organization conducted more than 1,100 conferences in 73 countries of the year. Organizational IEEE consists of 38 societies and we have a 7-technical councils and geographically divided into 10 regions cr and 331 local section. cr Today, the IEEE has worldwide 1855 student branches. And finally, the first in our University Student Branch IEEE - IEEE KPI Student Branch. Interestingly, it was the day of the 125th anniversary of the founding of the IEEE, where worldwide celebrations are held. Organizer and chairman of the IEEE student branch KPI is a graduate student of the Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics FEL Boris Pratsyuk who is a member of IEEE for over two years and has experience in international cooperation and close contacts with members of the IEEE from different cr countries. October 8 was convened general meeting of the Student Branch IEEE KPI, in which all students wishing to participate in this organization, signed official documents of the organization department of our university. The first member of the IEEE KPI Student Branch became a student of 4th year gr. DM-72 Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics Oleg Panichev. Members cr of the IEEE KPI Student cr Branch were 12 people with FEL, FEA and ITS. Today, the student cr branch consists of students and young teachers NTU "KPI", who are members of different associations depending on the research interests: Society of microwave engineering and technology (IEEE Microwave Theory cr and Techniques Society); Society of Biomedical Electronics Engineers (IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society); Society of Signal Processing (IEEE Signal Processing Society); Society of instrumentation and measurements (IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society); Computer Society (IEEE Computer Society); Telecommunications Society (IEEE Communications Society). Greeted the students with the event and signed the necessary documents Dean of the Faculty of Electronics, Head of Industrial Electronics prof. V.Ya.Zhuykov and Deputy Vice Rector, Head of Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics prof. V.I.Tymofyeyev. My greetings and good wishes to members of the IEEE KPI handed Ukrainian head section IEEE FEA Dean prof. O.S.Yandulskyy, head of the Ukrainian branch of the Society of the IEEE Microwave Components and Technology Dr. prof. Yu.M.Poplavko and representatives of SSA NTU "KPI". IEEE members can become all interested students and young teachers NTU "KPI". IEEE primarily provides access to the latest publications in the chosen field of science and technology, offers reduced fees for institutional participation cr in conferences, travel grants, scholarships, training and science and technology competitions. For more information, visit or contact Boris Pratsyukom email b.pratsiuk @ And plans IEEE student branch KPI - expanding and deepening cr cooperation with the promising young people, cr providing advice on access to professional and educational resources IEEE, seminars and conferences, invitation of internationally renowned scholars to give lectures. I would like the great opportunities offered to members of IEEE and assistance provided by the IEEE for professional and academic growth, were used for your benefit and the benefit of the home university.
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