International students programming contest "KPI-OPEN" is open! : Department of educational work "KPI"
Home Structure Department of Educational Work Department of organizational-educational work of military mobilization department department department say academic mobility modern educational technologies and social media department of Useful Information say Photo Mugs scholarship athlete Section Recovery Globe Lighthouse Polytechnic Documents
The second summer say month for students who are addicted to programming, say traditionally begins with the International Collegiate Programming Contest named after Sergei Lebedev and VM Glushkov KPI-OPEN . No exception and 2013: July 2, it was solemnly opened say in the hall of the Academic Council of the National Technical University say of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". say
During the eight years of the competition KPI-OPEN became the largest in Ukraine and one of the world's biggest eye programming competitions among students. This year it is taking part in more than 90 teams from 64 universities in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Turkey, Hungary, Moldova, Estonia and Poland - almost 400 participants.
Contest is held by the original rules, harmonized with international ones. This feature, coupled with the lack of competition conference fee converts KPI-OPEN the ideal platform for meeting young programmers.
As organizers emphasize, among the major challenges that they pose to themselves - to promote professional development of future professionals in the field of IT development, the establishment of inter-university relations and personal contacts between students from different cities and countries, and provide them the opportunity to try out teamwork. And, of course, to raise awareness of intellectual interests and achievements of today's students and to promote the profession related to the latest technology.
"I am confident that students programmers who participate in this competition not only get to showcase their creative quality, but also acquire useful new skills, new contacts and tie friendships with peers from different universities and countries. This creates a large, positive net very talented people, "- said at the opening ceremony Rector of NTU" KPI "Michael Zgurovsky.
As for the IT-companies that have joined say the organization Olympics, here they get a great opportunity to look at the participants as potential future colleagues. As was the practice of the traditional with the Olympics presentations, seminars and lectures, during which specialists IT-companies say share their expertise and knowledge and acquaint young programmers with the challenges facing the industry at this stage of its development. Therefore, the program Olympiad - a variety of partners competitions, the winners of which will be useful prizes. Of course, waiting for them also interesting cultural program, which took care of the organizers.
Information also sponsors were,,, Computer Review ,,,,, CHIP Ukraine, Kompyuternaya newspaper , IT -news, Networks and telecommunications , Hardwareluxx, Hi-Tech Expert, Hi-Tech Pro, Spire!,,,,, Tom's Hardware Guide,, and Information Portal
So Eighth open international say students programming contest named after SA Lebedev and VM Glushkov say KPI-OPEN say 2013" started. During her two tour participants will be required to settle say the fourteen non-trivial task to determine which one is better versed in programming. However it is safe to say that today all those who came to these events, there are winners, because they - the best in their universities, and participate in one of the most prestigious in Eastern Europe tournaments. Of course, anyone of them will be on it first, but for others it will be a stimulus for improvement. And for all - a wonderful experience teamwork to win. And that one of them, nevertheless, you get on the podium this year, they will learn 5 July - during the debriefing and award winners.
Home Structure Department of Educational Work Department of organizational-educational work of military mobilization department department department say academic mobility modern educational technologies and social media department of Useful Information say Photo Mugs scholarship athlete Section Recovery Globe Lighthouse Polytechnic Documents
The second summer say month for students who are addicted to programming, say traditionally begins with the International Collegiate Programming Contest named after Sergei Lebedev and VM Glushkov KPI-OPEN . No exception and 2013: July 2, it was solemnly opened say in the hall of the Academic Council of the National Technical University say of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". say
During the eight years of the competition KPI-OPEN became the largest in Ukraine and one of the world's biggest eye programming competitions among students. This year it is taking part in more than 90 teams from 64 universities in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Turkey, Hungary, Moldova, Estonia and Poland - almost 400 participants.
Contest is held by the original rules, harmonized with international ones. This feature, coupled with the lack of competition conference fee converts KPI-OPEN the ideal platform for meeting young programmers.
As organizers emphasize, among the major challenges that they pose to themselves - to promote professional development of future professionals in the field of IT development, the establishment of inter-university relations and personal contacts between students from different cities and countries, and provide them the opportunity to try out teamwork. And, of course, to raise awareness of intellectual interests and achievements of today's students and to promote the profession related to the latest technology.
"I am confident that students programmers who participate in this competition not only get to showcase their creative quality, but also acquire useful new skills, new contacts and tie friendships with peers from different universities and countries. This creates a large, positive net very talented people, "- said at the opening ceremony Rector of NTU" KPI "Michael Zgurovsky.
As for the IT-companies that have joined say the organization Olympics, here they get a great opportunity to look at the participants as potential future colleagues. As was the practice of the traditional with the Olympics presentations, seminars and lectures, during which specialists IT-companies say share their expertise and knowledge and acquaint young programmers with the challenges facing the industry at this stage of its development. Therefore, the program Olympiad - a variety of partners competitions, the winners of which will be useful prizes. Of course, waiting for them also interesting cultural program, which took care of the organizers.
Information also sponsors were,,, Computer Review ,,,,, CHIP Ukraine, Kompyuternaya newspaper , IT -news, Networks and telecommunications , Hardwareluxx, Hi-Tech Expert, Hi-Tech Pro, Spire!,,,,, Tom's Hardware Guide,, and Information Portal
So Eighth open international say students programming contest named after SA Lebedev and VM Glushkov say KPI-OPEN say 2013" started. During her two tour participants will be required to settle say the fourteen non-trivial task to determine which one is better versed in programming. However it is safe to say that today all those who came to these events, there are winners, because they - the best in their universities, and participate in one of the most prestigious in Eastern Europe tournaments. Of course, anyone of them will be on it first, but for others it will be a stimulus for improvement. And for all - a wonderful experience teamwork to win. And that one of them, nevertheless, you get on the podium this year, they will learn 5 July - during the debriefing and award winners.
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