Monday, November 25, 2013

By the way, the second part of the festival will be held May 25-26. And here are the students not o

Tired of boring cm to inches couples, daily routine and daily life? It has long been know that lack the vivid impressions and feelings? Already Glade not warm, and "Bionics" is not a joy? All pall? It's time to try something new - KPI X-Games - festival cm to inches of extreme sports in the CPI.
For some it may no longer new, and the daily and habitual. That is why the fest will take part as those who are familiar with certain cm to inches sports, and those who are simply interested in and look closely. "We give extreme KPI!" Said the chief organizer and owner of Ideas KPI X-Games Nick Mykhalchuk. And it is true, as before the KPI was only Relay Health, where extreme as such did not exist. Therefore, creating a show and simultaneously promoting the sport, KPI X-Games twice already attracted the attention of both students and the media.
The first KPI X-Games were held this fall and have proven to be the first festival of extreme sports KPI. The organizers were students Kohl Mykhalchuk (FBT) and Jaroslav Matviichuk (FEL). Holding the festival was actually at a decent level. In each sport was appropriate independent location for which corresponded to a particular person that organized, controlled and watched the whole process took place. cm to inches For example, Vice-President of the Federation of parkour Alexander Tkachenko cm to inches fully organized location for parkurschykiv etc. The judges were professionals of Ukrainian Federation of the respective sport. Anyone could try their hand at all locations that are offered, and get a professional workshop on good coaches and true experts of their craft. Overall organized 10 locations. There were competitions on climbing speed friranu, football freestyle, fencing and Graffiti Battle. Also organized workshops on Krav magicians and all listed above. The most popular benefited dvanadtsyatymetrovyy Trolleys, which prokatalos more than a hundred cm to inches people. All participants were satisfied with the organization of the festival. A lot of guests willing to make such festivals happening more in our country. So the organizers decided cm to inches not to stop.
That is why the organizers again launch KPI X-Games, but a wider, more interesting and more steep. Fest takes place in 2 stages. The first phase has been carried out within the health KPI relay, consisting of KPI Crash Egg TEST and "Race to drandulyetah." KPI Crash Egg TEST was to verify the capacity of brains of participants and to maintain the integrity of eggs (which were issued together with all materials). "Engineer" had to construct a protective cm to inches cushion that would set off in flight with egg at 7 meters. "Pillows" were fairly diverse and interesting as the structure and in appearance. None of the 10 teams in the egg broke. And the most creative design won awards cm to inches and mementos. As for the "Race to drandulyetah", there was no less participants, but the audience was enough to fill all the "Polytechnique." Media representatives cm to inches were too many, so the winners and organizers also on the "telly" lit. All teams had four. But because one of them before the start of the brakes failed, their number reduced to three. Won the IT mobility of FIVT, which then rode back to the CPI everyone. Therefore, the first phase of KPI X-Games are not only interested in students KPI, but zahituvav them to participate and the next.
By the way, the second part of the festival will be held May 25-26. And here are the students not only the KPI. Set of attraction will be much greater. Attraction - is a location where everyone can just try it for free and take part many times. cm to inches Geographically the entire festival cm to inches will be divided into 3 parts: pine park by the library, the area of knowledge and field at 18 Corps, which held dance Battle (something like Dance'S'kills). Will be held open championships Kyiv with bouldering, climbing on speed, sport tourism, and sleklaynu autoslalom (!). Even if none of the doubt, this is an excuse to go and see it with my own eyes, and to participate. Definitely will not be bored! As an entertainment wait on trolls cm to inches in the 150 meters (!) Photoset with models, cm to inches car show, drift and avtovystavku. If this is not enough, then add emotion jumping rope (15 meters) and Jolie jumping, and even airsoft and exhibitions. Incidentally, this was the only description of the first day of the festival. :) As for the second, it would also have dug Champion of Kyiv friranu / parkour, velotrialu, Street vorkautu and fencing. If you want to learn something extreme, you have a choice cm to inches of workshops: Krav Maga, bouldering, freestyle trampoline, parkour. Still be able to ride again and jump: Trolleys, Jolie and jumping rope. And at the end - to have it all hang down on both full body and soul - rock concert with the participation of Kyiv groups (and, according to organizers, will be really cool

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