Monday, April 20, 2015

Top it seems that 2006 has been a year of Justin Vernon. He resigned from his girlfriend, broke up

Bon Iver - when creativity woke up at the cottage
Top it seems that 2006 has been a year of Justin Vernon. He resigned from his girlfriend, broke up his band DeYarmond Edison and fled to the forests 15 min of Wisconsin heartache father's hunting lodge. Mental burden in addition to the physics of Vernon tempted into bloom outbreak of mononucleosis.
Tree felling and peuranmetsätyksen began to emerge alongside new songs, which were the core of a six-year accumulated over personal problems, and of love, loss and guilt blanks.
Vernon recorded the songs during the winter and return to the city he had an album with a vengeance beautiful material, which he published a self-publishing 15 min melancholy title 'For 15 min Emma, Forever Ago' below. Performer of songs entered in the Bon Iver ('bon hiver "is French and means" good winter ").
Levy is unlikely to sound as personal and intimate, if the pieces required sensitivity would have been recorded in a studio. Can almost hear Vernon clean falsetin and scrap luis level playing acoustic guitar in the background Crackling fire fireplace firewood trees.
The album exudes unhurried, that modern 15 min urban man almost a foreign concept. Luovuusmetodina hustle isolation of the forest have practiced the art of writers factors filmmakers. Surrounded by nature can sink into the internal space of silence, mental tabula rasaan. Vernon has called the recording process 15 min of purifying experience of his life.
Madmix 2015

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