Wednesday, August 20, 2014

7 Days Bojan Pajtic elected president of the Serbian Democratic allshare Party Kosta Petrov: Do we

A week before Forgiveness allshare - The Sunday marks the komatite |
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One week before the start of the great Lent, marks Sirnata week or more in Bituse known as Week komatite. On Sunday komatite to bake on a hunch for each male head of the family. Meat fare first day of the week (Monday) is known as vetornica. In each Bitushka House prepares pitulica, which invited him to lunch the wind. Pitulica is Bitushka particular specialty which is prepared with pchnichno, rye or corn flour. The flour is placed in a copper cauldron or pot and pours it on the water, until the flour is turned into slurry. While preparing flour kashestoto fire heat skull or tepsijata and after heat that is covered with cow fat, then pours a layer prepared from wheat, rye or corn porridge. Skull covered with sachot if casserole with tarun, and left to potpeche. After that he established the first layer is coated with cow fat on her tour again a layer of flour with kashestoto according to desire, and the number of family members BA form seven or nine layers. Pitulicata bake until light red, and then removed from the fire or tepsijata skull, leaving little to cool and then be cra filo pastry in small pieces and sprinkled with boiled cow fat. By pitulicata is ready to eat.
Before you sit down to family lunch, a family member, usually a boy, takes one or tiganche pan fills with pitulica and out in the yard, to invite the wind to have lunch together. Takes pieces of pitulicata, Bessie them on the branches of native trees and loudly calling wind:
Starting from the second day of Sirnata week, Tuesday and next five days until Saturday komatite days. I knead the hunch as there are male heads in the house, with a hunch last Saturday to bake the house "to be strong and cheerful, happy and prosperous." If the family has more male heads of the available days - daily press and knead and two hunch.
The first hunch to bake the head of the family. Usually it is the oldest member of the family. V'ochi the day, when the Sunday komatite in the gloom, before the roosters singing girl or a young bride wearing a bridal dress or go to devojchinska Bigrishkja or any of the other fountains: Gjureveche, Trajkovec, Trimoska tap or Mlakiche, full two water jugs, snap three branches drains put in fill jugs and returns home.
The same ritual is repeated in the coming days in the baking and mesenjeto komatite fortunately blessed with health and joy. The last hunch to bake, bake and eat and bless the house:
The last day of the week sirnata Proshteni Shrovetide - Forgiveness. Solemn but busy day before Lent. In each house present festive atmosphere. Prepares rich and lunch. Drinks and cakes for mezalaci Proshkjalenite allshare expected allshare to come in the afternoon to ask proshkjavanje if something is wrong or breaking during the year.
The ceremony set garnished rich drinks allshare and appetizers dishes, chair of the frontal host or hostess. It blesses sofrata and all members of the family allshare are wishes easily spend seven weeks of the upcoming Easter fasting.
Once darkness falls is closed outer doors of the houses and all members of the family stayed home. Not only because (according to belief) Proshkjeni Shrovetide night between Monday and clean razdvizhuvale unclean and evil forces but also because he believed that witchcraft, which easily could have ispoganat house or family members to inflict harm .
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7 Days Bojan Pajtic elected president of the Serbian Democratic allshare Party Kosta Petrov: Do we live in a time of many dreamers, and few workers? Macedonian Dihovo- the 50 best locations in Europe concealed Unpublished footage of Elvis Presley - you lingered chills / Video Cheap flights from Macedonia to 14 European allshare destinations
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