Monday, August 11, 2014

width: 200px; gsis

At the request of Brother Ahmed Hariri Image Viewer, which included blog template modern ModernBlog, gsis through the comments and found that some people think that Ars Photos Mobile (Slade Shaw) and the fact that he just add official famous is (Posts FAQ) without any Javascript or programming just coordinate CSS special then modify the official added, I will add this after those adjustments and then you can use and modify them according gsis to what you're seeing. example of a pilot installation added this addendum suitable to be in the upper prominent place higher upper part of the code in the header of any page, below the title, while the installation:
width: 200px; gsis
background: white;
opacity: 0.9;
<Div class = 'item-title'> <a expr:href='data:post.href'> <data: post.title /> </a> </ div>
<Div style = 'clear: both;' gsis />
<Div class = 'folderboxtitle'> <div class = 'folderboxbackground'> <div id = 'tm-folderboxbackground-720'> <data: post.title /> </ div> </ div> </ div> gsis
Thumbnails Photos blogger always have a size 72 pixels and when enlarged to 200 pixels, for example, as in the Adavcna this will be the image quality is low and if were prominent in the interface code, this flaw, in my opinion - a great - and to solve this problem and avoid them read this thread and copy add it simple to mold Blog : Add: Blogger enlarge thumbnails of images while maintaining the quality!
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Ways to repair the device when he fell in the water mold mastering version Altanih multicolored template for news and magazines professionally how to replace the navigation links (Newer and Older) addresses gsis Entries template blogger Feature distinctive template Landis special codes under construction or maintenance penetrate the network and Wireless (customized for Android )
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