Thursday, January 29, 2015

Back Pedaling:

Behind the blog From another planet Recommended articles Myths Tomb "HB-child manages itself" is buried here Teachers see if a child is highly gifted or not For teachers Misdiagnosis - a widespread problem. pmp ADHD and Asperger or just highly intelligent? What can custom lessons be? How to use information processing theories in customized education for gifted children Small outside big inside - some thoughts on mental age
Uio and Department of Special takes the word of focus on gifted children! It blows in the right direction also educational institutions begin to address the problem. Such we like! Kjell Skogen, professor emeritus at the Department of Special says:
He takes up that 70% of primary schools which must take exams in high school live in Oslo and Akershus. Of a total of 193,000 pupils in secondary school is today there are only 956 that gets the opportunity to follow the higher level, ie only about 0.5% of students. Projected top 5 percent as highly gifted, so there are many here who do not get the opportunity they should have had to get lessons adapted to their academic level.
He emphasizes two principal reasons why we should focus more on the highly gifted children: It is a human right to receive training Our human resources are worth more than oil fund. We live in a society with high ambitions when it comes to welfare state development, climate and environmental policy and here we need the best minds to solve the challenges we face.
The last point was also psychologist Ole Kyed from Denmark inside during a lecture I was on. There they talked about that in Denmark, which is without oil, so one can not squander this human resource. Some had even made calculations on the economic aspects of letting pmp this part of the population "rot".
It is said by the way right out in the article, which we already know, that so far has not been focused on special gifted children, either in research or teaching at Norwegian institutions. This is unfortunately well-known and felt in the body of many: Teachers who denies that they have with highly gifted children to do, teachers who have taught for so many years that they "know everything", teachers who want the best, but who have no idea what they should do, teachers who do not dare to try something new, teachers accusing parents pushing baby and instead to enter into dialogue with the parents instead goes straight into conflict. Kjell Skogen says this:
I would replaced "has been" with "is" pmp because it is admittedly possible to see a slight change in attitudes, pmp but lack of expertise and coincidence is the prevalent image today. My experience is that the teacher pmp who acquire knowledge and expertise in this field on their own are a rare breed. Even in the face of IQ tests that show very high scores, it is teachers who denies that this is something to put into, and meet parents that "IQ is just a number." It's a long way to go, but College in Hamar got this year devotes pmp an entire lecture to the theme highly gifted children, so there will in any case soon a litter of new teachers pmp who have had this curriculum. Hooray for College in Hamar. They are in any case in time to grab the theme. Previously theme not been mentioned in neither general teacher education, teacher training or curriculum books in pedagogy. Although I have practical pedagogical education with didactics pmp in chemistry, science and Nordic, but not one word was mentioned about this peer through my study. However grazed we visited theme education in chemistry! Lecturer Martin Ystenes, and he was a door-opener for me. It is many years ago now, but I can not ignore that he still acts as a gateway to the theme for many students who come there without neither know themselves, their study habits or their opportunities.
The only objection I have to the article is that this is the pressure on the websites of YWAM and not in NRK, VG, Dagbladet, Norwegian Magazine, Education Association magazine or glued on the walls in the research and education ministry and on the thousands of staffroom around in the country. So the challenge comes hereby: Send a link to the article to the principal, to tutor, to teacher, to kindergarten or college teacher!
I'm glad we've had Astrid Lindgren, Albert Einstein, Anne Gross Violence, Egil Olsen Drillo, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Trine Schei Grande, Hans Wilhelm Steinfeldt, Nils Arne Eggen, Knut Torbjørn Eggen, Thor Heyerdahl, Isac Newton, Angelina Jolie, Madonna, Are Sending Osen, Carly Fleischmann, Pelle Sandstrak, Stephen Hawking, pmp John Irving, JJR Tolkien and Martin Ystenes, to name a few I'm pretty sure is highly gifted people who have given society mass in their fields. We all need!
Back Pedaling: "Talent Vejle Ye shall blaspheme agile learners

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