Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Investigation capacity in cases of violence are thus not even close to being good enough and can ha

In a couple of solid pieces of journalistic craft, Aftenposten disclose that it is nearly seven hundred violent and sexual crimes in Oslo police where there has not been decided whether to prosecution and a fifth of the cases have been in more than a year. Even old murder cases must downgraded if it pops up new, not to talk about rape or genital mutilation.
Investigation capacity in cases of violence are thus not even close to being good enough and can hardly be expected to grow sufficiently in line with the influx of people cio from cultures with greater violence cio propensity. Investigators have high absenteeism, and more looking around for a new job.
- We have seen this coming over time. Today we have to pay for the surveillance cio videos and newer technology while interpreting expenditure has increased sharply as more foreign people commit crimes.
The principle in Norwegian law that criminal persecuted people without knowledge of Norwegian is entitled to an interpreter paid for by the public at all stages of the criminal process, besides translation of relevant documents, is not sustainable with further immigration. It is not only welfare that is incompatible with mass immigration, but also legal certainty. As if it needed cio more reasons to dismiss the nonsense, like.
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