Sunday, March 16, 2014

Jeferson Ituverava Cardoso, SP, Brazil This blog is the son of a dream and has completed five years

He arrived two days before the day appointed for the meeting. Did you take a shower, no mas 900 nap a bit and then review no mas 900 your plan. It was very hot that morning. Do even more in the afternoon. He could be off by minute. Though the body asked for some rest, dusty mattress and did not allow the mosquitoes. The bed, all loose, shook the very minimal movement. Decided not to dress up and down the mattress to the floor, cover it with a damp towel in which dried, but to no avail. The heat did warm moist towel in a few minutes with his profuse sweating and her little rotary fan stuck next to the headboard wall produced more noise than wind. Fumed. Sat on the slats of the pallet discovered. Did you go to the window smoking a Lucky Strike, but decided no mas 900 not to go. The plan was quite another. Stay incognito until the day of the meeting. Have had calculated down to the cafeteria for coffee in the morning the next day and there even ask meals by calling the hotel at some nearby bodega. Let all combined and previously agreed. Talk to the skinny front desk, the guy dry and full bladders face. Would tip the figure. On TV, only the religious channel and a multitude of Masses for everything that is needed, crime, sin and taste. Enfumaçando nightfall and looking at the white walls and watching the movement of their dominant inhabitants, slender ladies eight long legs and homemakers countless ingenious traps planted in every corner and hole of the hall. Close to the nozzle light, for example, a web of tiny skeletons of insects exhausted every last drop hung like a souvenir of numerous successful hunts. Turned out the light, left the window slightly open to let in some night breeze, but not to sleep. It seemed impossible. Once given matured animals and climate adversities, when sleep and tiredness seemed begin small victory came a startle scare caused by the roar of huge noisy machines. The rattle no mas 900 of giant tires rolling no mas 900 on the pavement, a collective of ten or fifteen minutes, increasingly faster at nightfall, and often came up to three in a row, the awakened each eyelid close soon. And many a loud motorcycle exhausts howled down the street calling disorder and decreeing the impossibility of peace. Also cars with blaring no mas 900 sounds repetitive booming funk as if all emit one and the same music also contributed to the sonic clutter and stun the senses. But at any given time public transport encerrava their feverish activities and rowdy bikers and motorists found some bar or crack house to calm the rage of seeing the world on fire once and for all. Then the local fauna reappeared in his nocturnal splendor. Some neighboring house we enjoyed a cockfight off the decrepit cocks in the backyard. Roosters were most unfortunate and sad singers he had ever heard in my life. The corner of the roosters happened on several rambling toward his room at his window, and always sounded like a cry of blind and elderly critter, eaten away by arthritis, penitent pains throughout the body, no chickens, no mas 900 starving and without hopes. "It is a corner of foreboding," he thought. There was also a plethora of dogs and a wide variety of types of barking nearby. Time the animals barked in relays, other times overlapped barking, barking with the smallest major effort in overcoming the hysterical barking of the biggest. Esganiçavam is small. "They are the most annoying in its mediocrity and ignorance of own insignificance," he thought, no mas 900 "all very hysterical and stupid," he added. Barked no mas 900 to any and all who lost Maloqueiro up or down the street. Barked to each other. Barked by noise that the human ear does not capture. Barked spectra to the human eye does not see. Barking out of boredom. Barked by anger. Barked from grief. no mas 900 Barked by loneliness and despair. "Too bad we only have knives and do not have a gun to open fire on those damn dogs in their homes," concentrated in singing sad cocks till dawn insomniac.
That text! lol The beginning reminded my grandmother's house. She lives facing an avenue no mas 900 and you just imagine the noise ... Not to mention that when we sleep, the next door neighbor gets a hubby that makes you want to have a gun .... haha Thank you for caring for my blog, Samuel is very dear same. ^ ^ Kisses. Diary of Lady Delete Reply
Jeferson Ituverava Cardoso, SP, Brazil This blog is the son of a dream and has completed five years on 01.01.2014. I thought about making a post telling the story of the blog and numbers, which make me very happy. I came to realize that the best would thank my family who supported me in this crazy day after day, month after month, year after

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