Monday, January 27, 2014

Miracle, which we expect so much, occurred. Tumor of 8 cm dwindled so much that there remained only

Simonka crystal reed the coveted child. Pregnancy and birth were uneventful. Every day we enjoyed crystal reed her progress. The turning point came when she was six months. After compulsory vaccination in the leg (Infanrix Hexa against diphtheria, tetanus, crystal reed pertussis, polio, hepatitis B and Haemophilus b - Ed. Eds.) Received backlash, sleep at night, moaning, gasping breath and had a fever. A few days later her sharply zahnisalo arm from which the pulmonary nurse pushed a lot of pus (as a result of the first tuberculosis vaccine, inoculated into the arms aged 4 days to 6 weeks - Ed. Eds.).
Two days later, we noticed a large lump on the left neck. We ran to the hospital. After the first donations, it found immunological deficiency and report it immunoglobulins. She attended lot of investigations donations ... all to no avail. Tuberculosis treated her almost three weeks. Of the drugs she was sick and vomited.
We have been examined by various experts and everyone closed as atypical reaction to any vaccine against tuberculosis. Simonkinu weakened immunity, however, has recruited the development of antibodies against the disease from the vaccine so that it did not manage to degrade tumor cells.
For three weeks but "object in the neck" rose. Threatened suffocation. After removal of the sample came verdict - cancer, specifically neuroblastoma. Given the size of the tumor (4 x 8 x 6 cm) doctors did not wait for further results and deployed the most aggressive chemotherapy. The tumor was already in the final, IV. stage, with metastases in the bone marrow and bone ...
I will never forget the feeling when entering the Pediatric Oncology. Bare heads, doctors, nurses ... It was so strange that Simonka will undergo chemotherapy ... First underwent surgery implanted "chamber" on the right side of the chest. Was connected directly into an artery and were thus making donations and administer medications and chemotherapy. Each 7 Day had "pierced" new sterile needle. Daughter I could not bathe to get wet sterile dressings, only from the waist down. It was June, it was beautiful outside and we were closed for weeks because it was necessary after each cycle of chemotherapy crystal reed into the veins of liquid supplement, vitamins, minerals. Every 10 days had one or two, according to the protocol.
Refused food tasted her breast milk only. I nursed her almost 12 months. Pogrckávala, it was hard. Slept a lot, but often it woke tourism. Received a transfusion hemoglobin and platelets. When it flowed hemoglobin ohrýzala tubing ...
After a few weeks, the chamber was infected and had to retrieve it. After surgery simonka brought to the room. After a while I noticed a patch, the whole chest was drenched with blood and still bleeding! I ran for physicians. With tears I was looking how to stop bleeding and exchanged bandages. crystal reed I was very afraid implant was previously introduced into the artery, lost a lot of blood. crystal reed I thought that nothing worse was about to experience not ... Three days a sutured central venous catheter (kaval). Lasted a year, until it nevyoperovali.
To everything there is to simonka happening, it bore very bravely. For the four months that we were there, we went home for the weekend about three times. The room we changed roommates, we were the longest Karolinki (who is no longer among us), had six years and there was no mom. Was tightened, it was felt that alone. I was very sorry for her ...
The department also celebrated its 10th Simonka calendula. Other children have slowly learning to walk, but she nepriberala was slabunká and feet are nevládala build. Was undergoing intensive investigation which also had anesthesia twice a day, so the day was without crystal reed food.
Miracle, which we expect so much, occurred. Tumor of 8 cm dwindled so much that there remained only a small part calcifications. Imaging studies showed that the metastasis of the bone marrow are gone. Simonka miraculously healed despite the fact that doctors gave her little chance.
After chemotherapies sent us home with the fact that we will call when released crystal reed room on the transplant ward. Simonka was still kaval, I was at home he shall take care. Everything had to be sterile, could still swim. Little is harvested, recruited nearly pounds, started dating in walker.
Experiences in hospital steeled me, but not enough crystal reed that I was able to hide his grief over a child suffering from thirst and hunger, and ever decreasing weight. Most plagued me that I was her example. after irradiated could not help but anesthetized wait until it can finally give drink. Often also drank three bottles full of water, such was dehydrated .. Blood collection, we walked with us in Martin each week, because they had blood counts. I got a list of things that needed crystal reed to be in hospit

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